Senior Member
Ya I spoke with Del Grande once about what it was like working with Rob. He says he contributed very little. He just lets others run things for him while he's off doing who knows what but then takes credit for other people's achievements.
So true. I wish the media would stop saying "Rob did this" or "Rob did that." The fact is, he did little, if anything at all. Stuff just happened when he was around. The ideas may have been roughly in line with his own desires, but that's only because of appointments he made. He did little in terms of shaping the outcomes or leading policy. Can you imagine what mess there would have been if he actually did the work? The plastic bag fee is a perfect example. He went in to council looking to drop the fee and came out with a total on the bags themselves! Not a bad decision, IMO, but it sure created a lot of work for the people who had to back pedal.