This is just about the hundredth time you've posted your bizarre death wish suicide fantasy theory here. I'd say the Mayor's alleged behaviour isn't what's chillingly ominous in this room. Besides, it's pretty disingenuous and hypocrisy for you to be commenting on the Mayor's alleged explosive behaviour considering what happened to you in the main sub-forum a few weeks back. Projecting much?
Well, conversely, one might say that one can gain insight by what one witnesses in oneself and in others; so, just call that my folding the "projecting much" against itself and lobbing it back into your court, thank you.
Look, I've been "extra-ominous" about Ford and Ford Nation from day one--maybe hyperbolically so at times; but given the *whole* context of what's transpired Ford-wise over the past five years, I probably had more of a intuitive handle on what was brewing than those who exercised more "ah, this couldn't happen" restraint (or defaulting into "yeah, those Conservatives/outer-416ers/Etobians are all alike" platitudes). Let's say: by overshooting, I witnessed the foundations for the various truths we've been, and are still being, exposed to. By undershooting, a lot of you didn't even get that far.
But at this point, any such potential literal "explosions" for RoFo are all in the past--he's basically coasting. And at most, if there's still any such death wish (and, hey--if it's existed in the past with these types, it's never *completely* out of the system, especially when they're cornered) he probably sees this dreaded Cancer as nothing more than Mother Nature doing an organic R. Budd Dwyer number on him. So, the nicest, most serene way to say Goodbye Cruel World, and nobody'll notice...