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Rob Ford's Toronto

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No doubt, Rob must be feeling above the law at this point. He's so slippery!

I think he just doesn't want to face the embarrassment he subjected himself to in his last court appearance. And I don't doubt for a minute that he isn't hearing about what's going on in the courtroom. Is Hotmail monitoring the proceedings? Can he? not that it matters. And Robbie can get on the stand and say whatever suits his purposes, After all, he's not charged with anything. He's just keeping the RoFo legend alive, and setting another fine example for his kids. Maybe you can't teach loyalty, but larceny...

Cancer, cancer, lyposarcoma. Blah, blah, blah. And Subways. He's just a regular guy folks.
I wasn't able to drop by Courtroom 125 today. Can anyone tell me if Lisi's prelim hearing continues tomorrow?
I would imagine Goldsbie would tweet something like "that's a wrap, folks" if it weren't continuing tomorrow and Friday. So, that's a yes :)

Speaking of Goldsbie, these two tweets from him are interesting:
"I believe that was the longest I went without checking Twitter during this whole hearing. About an hour, based on the recent tweets loaded."
"Court adjourns following an afternoon of furious note-taking, just as I get to the last page of my notebook."
No doubt, Rob must be feeling above the law at this point. He's so slippery!

so, seriously: what does rob have that makes him untouchable? TPS and OPP won't lift a finger against him, city council obviously let him do whatever he wants, and now the judge is letting him skate, too. has rob got videos of himself smoking up with steven harper? a hotline to CSIS? a map of where all the bodies are buried?

honestly, at this point i can't imagine there being any other compelling reason why the man should have escaped justice so many times. what's he got on these people?
And I don't doubt for a minute that he isn't hearing about what's going on in the courtroom. Is Hotmail monitoring the proceedings?

The crowd so far this week has been primarily press people, who I recognize. And what I presume are UTers, who I do not.

Hotmail was around for a few minutes this morning, but that's all I've seen of him.

The hearing continues tomorrow. There's a bit more evidence to present, then the lawyers get to throw legal incantations at each other, and the judge has to make a big decision.
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So who exactly wants Robbie to testify? Seems the cops have given him a pass on a slew of drunk driving charges, where a search of his car would probably have turned up other incriminating evidence, all well documented in the Brazen 2 ITOs. Then the OPP was put in charge of the case only to shut it down. And the Crown basically decided "there's nothing here folks". And TPS maintained that the investigation as still "on-going".

So who wants to call Robbie in to give him a chance to perjure himself? The Fords are bullet-proof.

My money's on Jude. Maybe the best we can hope for is that the Bozo Brothers have a time out from political life for, well, corruption. That would be justice.

The Crown wants him to testify. Because they believe (duh) that he has valuable evidence, and since he won't cooperate with the police, this is the way to get it.
IIRC upthread one of our street legals posted that any evidence Rob gives at the prelim cannot be used to prosecute him for his own case(s), yes?

If so, what happens if he decides he's been asked the right question and tells all? Could enough of the right self-incriminating evidence effectively block the police's case, whatever it is?
IIRC upthread one of our street legals posted that any evidence Rob gives at the prelim cannot be used to prosecute him for his own case(s), yes?

If so, what happens if he decides he's been asked the right question and tells all? Could enough of the right self-incriminating evidence effectively block the police's case, whatever it is?

True that whatever he says can't be used against him. But whatever he says can lead to further investigation - for example, if he says I used to by crack from X, there's nothing stopping the police from going to speak to X as a result. It can be a good avenue for opening up new leads.
so, seriously: what does rob have that makes him untouchable? TPS and OPP won't lift a finger against him, city council obviously let him do whatever he wants, and now the judge is letting him skate, too. has rob got videos of himself smoking up with steven harper? a hotline to CSIS? a map of where all the bodies are buried?

honestly, at this point i can't imagine there being any other compelling reason why the man should have escaped justice so many times. what's he got on these people?

Rob has the law on his side, (which isn't the same as justice). Anything wicked he may have done requires someone to give evidence to prove it in court. But Rob has a right not to incriminate himself. The people he runs with on the druggy side of his life don't have to give statements to the police, either. Without those statements, you don't have enough to spin a winnable case. The disagreement between the TPS and the OPP on the Brazen II evidence is proof of that.

Council? Well, it did attack Kuwait — eventually. As for Rob's other stunts, there's not much council can do within its purview.

Lastly, I'll give the judge a pass for delaying Rob's testimony. It's infuriating that he's using the cancer card to duck out of something he doesn't want to do, but what choice does the judge have? She's got medical experts saying this should wait for the sake of his health. Rob may ignore that advice in other areas of his life, but those aren't before the court (at least as far as we know) as reason to compel testimony at this time.

All that being said, I share your frustration. I hope he's called to account one of these days. Here's hoping Jude has better luck with COI complaint.
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