DoFo's "progressive" because Kathleen Wynne can't dance and John Tory can't rock & roll.
DoFo's "progressive" because Kathleen Wynne can't dance and John Tory can't rock & roll.
I think the reason he lost 25 pounds (or whatever amount it really was) was because he is going to run. I bet KKKKK put him on a diet and got him exercising to lose that much so fast.
I'm voting for methamphetamines or amphetamines, they work well.
How was Gomeshi arrested so quickly and yet after years of investigating and air surveillance Ford is still a free man?
How was Gomeshi arrested so quickly and yet after years of investigating and air surveillance Ford is still a free man?
Because people gave statements to the police.
Long-time Ford ally Mammo finally set to face the music?
StrashinCBC 10:41am via Twitter for BlackBerry
Wonder how that Toronto police probe into Gouncillor Giorgio Mammoliti's illegal fundraiser is progressing.
This was quite a random tweet. Did he say anything more or was he just thinking out loud?