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Rob Ford's Toronto

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this is a no-win trap, don't get caught in it. People start looking for reason and reasons for these illnesses. If only I'd done this... if only I hadn't done that. Why does an innocent child get cancer while a mobster with blood on his hands lives into his 90s (while chain-smoking, no less...). Where is Dick Cheney's cancer? Where is Rumsfeld's cancer? Fucking Kissinger is 91. And how is Keith Richards still alive?

There's no rhyme or reason, no justice, no karma... and even healthy living is no guarantee. Some people simply get cancer. That's it.


You have been great on this thread in recent days. (And throughout the RoFo marathon, as far as my middle-age-impaired memory can recall.)

A good, innocent kid I know got diagnosed with leukemia a few years ago, at the age of about 5. After a couple of years of treatment, very rough on him and his family, everything looked good, and he could finally get on with just being a kid. Then, whoa, a blood test said, hey maybe there's a recurrence. Kid said, essentially, I don't think I can go through this again. (Imagine how hard this would be for all involved.) But more tests said, sorry, false positive, just get on with the being-a-kid thing!

That's only one of the cancer-happening-to-family-or-friends stories I know.

I have no patience at all for the cancer-is-karma notion. Current understanding of human biology is a miracle (that kid would have have had a near-zero chance if he had been born a few decades earlier) but at the same time current lack of understanding is a nightmare. The hard, hard stories posted by others here just confirm that to me.

ETA: Kissinger, WTF. Hope he experiences at least some modicum of discomfort, here or in some sort of afterlife.
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Ditto. Thank you. I haven't appreciated being played by him the last 4 yrs. I don't appreciate Toronto being played by him. I have more sympathy for our city than him.

I felt my sympathy rising at the news, as he has kids etc. But balanced against his victims ( or as we say in recovery- hostages) no contest.rofo must go. The more I hear about the severity of the illness the more craven the political machinations appear.
Leukaemia is very different then colon cancer for one. For two, there are steps people can take to reduce their risks, like not smoking for example. Sometimes cancer happens randomly, sometimes it's at least partly due to things a person has done, ate, where they worked, etc. Being a bad person isn't going to dictate whether or not someone gets cancer, but being an escalade driving, fast food eating, drug smoking, alcohol drinking bad person who ignores health problems even when there's a family and personal history of cancer or tumours increases the odds.
Leukaemia is very different then colon cancer for one. For two, there are steps people can take to reduce their risks, like not smoking for example. Sometimes cancer happens randomly, sometimes it's at least partly due to things a person has done, ate, where they worked, etc. Being a bad person isn't going to dictate whether or not someone gets cancer, but being an escalade driving, fast food eating, drug smoking, alcohol drinking bad person who ignores health problems even when there's a family and personal history of cancer or tumours increases the odds.

I helped scatter the ashes of somebody who died from colon cancer, and who had zero of RoFo's vices and risks. Kat is right. Lots of people who live like Rob will make it to 80 and beyond, and others who are models of healthy living will be stopped horribly short.

ETA: Obviously it's wise for all of us to try to reduce known risks for ourselves, family and friends. But I'm repelled by any kind of that's-what-you-get response to a cancer diagnosis, or any other kind of diagnosis that is statistically linked to human fallibility. OTOH, I would have rejoiced if a healthier-than-ever RoFo had his ass handed to him as a mayoral candidate in the 2014 election; too bad that can't happen now.
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Paging Dr. JGHali, paging Dr. JGHali.

Does it make sense that radiation would be the first line of treatment? (e.g., before the results of an alleged lung biopsy or before surgery?

Hah. Maybe. As ever, it depends on the type of tumour. "Neoadjuvant" radiotherapy is used prior to surgical resection of larger rectal tumours in order to shrink them and allow for a less aggressive approach (eg "sphincter-sparing" which is exactly what it sounds like). The only other proven benefit is a lower rate of local recurrence. In general rectal cancer is a lot more challenging to manage and "worse" than "regular" colon tumours.

Otherwise, I don't really have any "sympathy" for Rob Ford. Better people have received worse diagnoses. Thousands of other people have faced new cancer diagnoses in the last week and had much the same experience. Some will do fine. Others won't. He doesn't deserve public sympathy by virtue of being a public figure, and if I do not especially have any ill will toward him health-wise, he's given ample reason over the years to justify the indifference many of us seem to be feeling.

And the fact that he still plans to run for council ought to reinforce that. Cynical to the last.
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Can we start calling this whole ridiculous narrative, "Wag the Rob"?

I think Slob is the Woody Harrelson character, Warmington would be the sleazy producer and I guess that leaves Thug as the DeNiro cleaner, thought he's not nearly as bright or smooth as the latter. In terms of where we are in respect to the movie's arc, I think the plane has just crashed and the main survivors are trying to get re-oriented and figure out what happened to Woody.

Of course it doesn't all match with the film, and really we've had about 5 Wag the Dogs already in this never-ending charade.
Hah. Maybe. As ever, it depends on the type of tumour. "Neoadjuvant" radiotherapy is used prior to surgical resection of larger rectal tumours in order to shrink them and allow for a less aggressive approach (eg "sphincter-sparing" which is exactly what it sounds like). The only other proven benefit is a lower rate of local recurrence. In general rectal cancer is a lot more challenging to manage and "worse" than "regular" colon tumours.

It's getting closer to the moment when the public is to be given additional information, at which time many of our far-reaching speculations will be either proved out or debunked. Prior to this auspicious event I would like to take one final kick at the cat (and henceforth govern myself accordingly). In my musings, a thought occurred to me that the loss of thumbs (as per an upthread discussion) could very well be linked to the foreign masses. Robbie seems to have been sitting on them for some time now (14 years) and this could have had a deleterious effect. Treatment could entail merely shutting his mouth, plugging his ears and giving his nose a good blow.

*as you were*

ETA: the nose/good blow combo could, of course, be part of the problem, in which case the thumbs could resume their prior position.
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Karma and the Big "C"


I have no patience at all for the cancer-is-karma notion. Current understanding of human biology is a miracle (that kid would have have had a near-zero chance if he had been born a few decades earlier) but at the same time current lack of understanding is a nightmare. The hard, hard stories posted by others here just confirm that to me.

ETA: Kissinger, WTF. Hope he experiences at least some modicum of discomfort, here or in some sort of afterlife.

As an ex-Calgarian (born there) I have to say B R A V O ! on all counts. And my heart goes out to all of you with your brushes with the Big "C" that is NOT Calgary. (Calgary, a city we all wish we could mimic in terms of mayoral talent.)
My vote is still with that OTHER Big "C" .... Chow.

Never mind the drugs. The level of over consumption of many substances are well reported here, this certainly ups the chances of cancer for someone with a family history. Worst cancer causing substance: Right here from your friendly Perkins Restaurant:



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