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Rob Ford's Toronto

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No shortage of tinfoil out here on Saturday night, I see!

First, it is not plausible that the staff of MSH are wittingly conspiring with the Fords to perpetuate some sort of lie as to whether or not there is anything wrong with Rob. Beyond their original communication that there is a mass in the lower left quadrant of his abdomen, they have made exactly zero other claims. I have no doubt there is a mass in that area. What exactly it is, no one has said. So I think the notion that two separate hospitals are in on some grand scheme is super duper unlikely.

I personally think it's kind of unlikely a Rob would just leave a tumor inside him to grow just to try to pull ... whatever that was that we all witnessed on Friday. It's not like that switcheroo was some super-smooth move that left anyone in awe of their political savvy. I think it's plausible that Rob was sick and knew it, but might not have known it would knock him out like this. I could totally be wrong, of course.

Either way, I think talk that the hospitals/doctors are in on a fake tumor is quite ... Ludacris!

Tinfoil? (Yeah, well, maybe! But what the heck..)

Randy kidnapped a guy, beat him up and tried to extort money from his parents.
The police turned a blind eye and the charges disappeared in the system.

Cops show up at Basso's house in the middle of the night with ski mask's and batons looking for the crack video.

Stintz exits Robs office almost in tears and the next day they are climbing jungle gyms together?

You think they don't know how to apply a little pressure?
The reply I quoted seemed to suggest others were deceiving as well.

I see you are correct. Some have floated the idea that the Doctors lied or otherwise conspired with the Fords. But such an outrageous speculation is not a necessary part if the idea that Ford knew of his health issue, perhaps as early as Greenestone admittance, and used it later to pull the switcheroo when the polls made it clear he would not win the election.
Cops show up at Basso's house in the middle of the night with ski mask's and batons looking for the crack video.

Hey, whoa. Who other than you has alleged that the perps for this incident were actually police?

(On the other hand, it's striking that nobody's ever been charged over that.)
Ah, thank you brother animatronic, may the blessings of the Rob, The Thug, and the Holy Father be unto you. Amin.

I bow to you sir. Should I ever find myself in lowly spirit I have but to read your wise missives to lift up my sorrowful thoughts.
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The reply I quoted seemed to suggest others were deceiving as well.

Personally I doubt the hospitals and doctors are in on it either, and I can believe Rob does have a mass\tumor. My skepticism comes from Fofam having a history of using otherwise respectable people and institutions for their own purposes. My suspicion is not cast necessarily on the doc or hospitals, but on Fofam's motives. "I have a TUMOR! My brother has a TUMOR! He has a TUMOR! This doctor can confirm it see!" Then a mad scramble to do the seat switch.

This is how nuts things are in this town. So excuse my crass cynicism if I can imagine one of the Ford ghouls saying Rob's tumor is bad for Rob, but might be an opportunity for a major camping move. Horrid for me to say that yes? So why the hell is Rob running in Ward 2? A consolation prize? A gift from the Make A Wish Foundation for the Mayor? A mercy move for a man in a serious medical condition? Are wards now fiefdoms to be given as an elysian field rewards for the ruling nobles?
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This seems appropriate. I am skeptical too, but some of the ideas being presented sound like they are coming from Alex Jones.
So why the hell is Rob running in Ward 2? A consolation prize?

"Fords' message to Toronto Ward 2: our family regards you as one big booby prize."

Are wards now fiefdoms to be given as an elysian field rewards for the ruling nobles?

"In a game of municipal musical chairs, multiple Fords are now running for office on the grounds that they are entitled to do so, because they are Fords."

( My apologies if that has already been posted. )

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My suspicion is not cast necessarily on the doc or hospitals, but on Fofam's motives. "I have a TUMOR! My brother has a TUMOR! He has a TUMOR! This doctor can confirm it see!" Then a mad scramble to do the seat switch.

This is how nuts things are in this town. So excuse my crass cynicism if I can imagine one of the Ford ghouls saying Rob's tumor is bad for Rob, but might be an opportunity for a major camping move. Horrid for me to say that yes? So why the hell is Rob running in Ward 2? A consolation prize? A gift from the Make A Wish Foundation for the Mayor? A mercy move for a man in a serious medical condition? Are wards now fiefdoms to be given as an elysian field rewards for the ruling nobles?

I think all of that skepticism and bitterness is totally warranted. What I don't get is the insistence as part of various peoples' stories (not yours) that there was discovery of The Mass back around the time Rob went to rehab, protection of that secret for months, and deployment of The Mass for optimal political advantage Sept 10-12 and beyond.

"Examination and investigation has resulted in a working diagnosis of a tumor."

That was the day earlier. And that "doctor" was a long time Ford associate, former head of the Ontario Conservatives, and has a grudge with John Tory (having published more than one anti-John Tory editorial).

The next day, a much more qualified expert in the field, wouldn't use the word tumour. So why use it here?
Hey, whoa. Who other than you has alleged that the perps for this incident were actually police?

(On the other hand, it's striking that nobody's ever been charged over that.)
I think the theory is it might have been a dirty cop, or someone with cop connections, because an expandable baton was used, a weapon that is only available to police. From what I've heard...
No, it doesn't, actually. "CP24 reported" rather clearly communicates that I am passing along something that was reported, rather than an opinion. You really need an attitude adjustment.

Thank you for agreeing with me, see that wasn't hard. And should I shiver with fear or quiver with anticipation?
I think that like others have said, Mount Sinai is more concerned with being a world renowned hospital than pandering to the Ford family. They will release whatever the diagnosis is and tell the full truth.

Can they release information that the family wants them to keep quiet? I Think that's all confidential unless they're given the go-ahead.
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