Senior Member
Just surmising here but I doubt Duggie gets starches and/or anything unhealthy to eat at home. His wife and daughter are "clean Eaters" that is to say they eat very low carb diets. His daughter -the lean queen on twitter and instagram is a competitive body builder (and, perhaps, his wife too). A very good friend of mine just had her first bikini competition and Doug the slug was backstage. She said he was "creepy". He tried to strike up a convo with her while she was waiting to be called on stage. Don't know why Duggie needed to be back stage with very scantily clad women of all ages (my friend turned 50 this year).
My guess is the extra LBs come from eating out. I'll leave the jokes about having enough to eat at home to the rest of you.
My wife's aunt is, well, let's just say borderline anorexic. She seems to follow just about every pseudoscientific diet fad, and I'd be surprised if she eats more than 800 calories a day; none of it from fats, refined sugars or any starches beyond potatoes and other root veggies. Her husband is overweight by quite a bit. At home, he only ever eats what she does (she's quite militant about there only being "healthy" food in the house). I'm certain he eats quite heartily and unhealthily when he's out of the house; probably half as much for enjoyment (unseasoned quinoa and steamed carrots be damned) as passive aggressive spite. That said, he's a great guy with a very controlling wife.