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Rob Ford's Toronto

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I read about last years event and there was a midway, halal meat lots of food etc.

It's probably just a case of the Fords cheaping out as usual but the halal meat thing is interesting. They may have wanted to appeal to the Muslim community, but then again a large proportion of Ford's base is anti-Muslim and/or anti-halal.
So urging people to throw food = charged; caught on camera laying hands on someone's neck = not charged. TPS got some explaining to do.


I keep saying it... The Brothers Ford were dealing drugs for years back in the 80's in an affluent neighbourhood. Their customers have all prospered just as they have. Where are they now? Lawyers, judges, police officers, city employees, etc, etc, etc.

Why do you think Doug keeps warning people about bringing up past sins. "I'm not perfect, Are you perfect?" How many times did Dad Ford talk go down and talk to his friends on the force about how "Boys will be boys"? Some of the cops that turned a blind eye to the Ford's dealings in the 80's should be pretty high up in the management now.

They are untouchable.
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>Originally Posted by expat --
>wow. i want to give the police the benefit of the doubt, generally, and i don't want to be too hysterical or paranoid. but this looks absolutely awful on TPS.

I cant see what you are referring to...whatsit?

I think expat is referring to the fact the TPS have charged a guy who offered a prize to anyone who threw food at RoFo (even though no-one did so), but they have yet to lay charges against a man photographed putting his hands on the neck of a protester.

"Dilaz Rajwani, 37, turned himself in to detectives at 43 Division. He was charged with counselling an indictable offence that was not committed." --

"Is That Ron Banerjee Choking The Gay Protester At Ford Fest?" --

Edited to add: Jennifer Pagliaro writes that no-one pressed charges in the hands-on-neck incident:

Jennifer Pagliaro @jpags - July 28, 2014
For those asking, Toronto Police say they investigated choking incident at Ford Fest. No one wanted charges laid. Matter considered closed.
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I said that Ford lied last time about his family paying for Ford Fest because he actually charged it as an election expense. The commonist response to that was yelling "lies, lies! Wrong wrong!" and walking away, often hurling an insult at me as they went.


One 70 - 80 year old woman ran after me to politely ask what my sign was about. She listened politely to 2 - 3 sentences until I talked about Rob Ford being on full salary while he campaigned. "You're a liar!", she screamed. "He's never taken a dime of public money!".

Sounds like a more extreme version of hands-over-ears 'Lalala, I can't hear you!'. They really can't bear to have to reconsider what they think they know.
It's probably just a case of the Fords cheaping out as usual but the halal meat thing is interesting. They may have wanted to appeal to the Muslim community, but then again a large proportion of Ford's base is anti-Muslim and/or anti-halal.

Remember his Fordship burnt the bridges partly with his brother's Jihad talk, during Ramadan no less.

Do you happen to have a spreadsheet covering that info for all Councillors? I've been doing it the old fashion way and not getting too far...It would be interesting to see say oldtimers Moeser vs Mammoliti (who has the worst attendance) or 1st termers Doucette vs Pasternak (conscientious vs appearences)

It looks like the website will only let you pull up one councillor at a time - would only take a few min to pull up the 43 records and cut&paste. Maybe you could submit a 311 request for all votes on all committees on a single spreadsheet?
Here's his record as mayor to end-May 2014:

There were 6,785 votes and Rob missed 1,378 (80% attendance). Of the 5,407 where he did vote, Ford agreed with council 78% of the time.

When a motion is carried and Rob is there to vote:
Rob votes Yes: 3,813 (79%)
Rob votes No: 1,025 (21%)

When a motion fails and Rob is there to vote:
Rob votes Yes: 176 (31%)
Rob votes No: 393 (69%)

In contrast, Mary Margaret McMahon has a 96% attendance rate and votes with the majority 92% of the time.

This is on all votes, though, not spending initiatives. So, a vote to change an intersection from 2-way stop to 4-way stop in someone else's ward Ford would vote with the majority so they'll vote with him next time. A vote for a grant or other spending is where I assume he'll always vote against.
Someday a picture of ejb herself will surface and we'll see just what a stunner she is and her fixation on appearances in politics will be validated *rolleyes*

I live near her (within walking distance of Yorkville) and there's a woman I regularly see in the area who I think might be her. But that's completely superficial and based entirely on the fact that this woman *looks* crazy.
Doug could be filling up on avocados and nuts, but I'm not feeling it.

Probably a ton of dairy, and if he's not eating red meat, then he's probably helping himself to a lot of white meat, mainly pork and chicken in fried form. Just a guess.

Oh, and lots of starches too.
at least she's not totally stuck in the past; got the entire bible loaded onto that smartphone, no doubt...

I really wish someone would ask her 'Does your husband know you're out?' or 'OMG where are your kids? Think of the children!'
Rob I'm sure picked European Meats for their standing in the community, but I don't think they are part of the cult, the Ford's would be ranting their name.

Although their name does sound kinda downtown pinko-ish.

Ford Fest. Where the elite meet to eat reheated meaty treats.
This is on all votes, though, not spending initiatives. So, a vote to change an intersection from 2-way stop to 4-way stop in someone else's ward Ford would vote with the majority so they'll vote with him next time. A vote for a grant or other spending is where I assume he'll always vote against.
That is not necessarily the have heard R Ford drone on and on about "not meeting warrrants and trusting City staff" then voting no.... re traffic control...
"The entire scene took an ugly turn, however, around the time a woman named Lola arrived guns blazing. Angry at the protestors’ presence, Lola had a mouth that could not be stopped, and pretty soon, all attention from the news cameras and her fellow Ford-supporters turned to her and her alone."

"He’s not only good with our money… he’s got morals! That’s the biggest thing.†"
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Morals? REALLY?

You mean aside from the constant dishonesty and dissembling, the drunkenness, the criminal associations, the drug use, the violent threats?

Those kinds of morals?
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