Kelly Girl
Active Member
With all apologies to Cheech & Chong, this is the first thing I thought of when I heard RoFo comparing his sobriety to that of a judge.
**Clip IS Cheech & Chong, so likely NSFW...
With all apologies to Cheech & Chong, this is the first thing I thought of when I heard RoFo comparing his sobriety to that of a judge.
**Clip IS Cheech & Chong, so likely NSFW...
Is that an aerial shot from the police cessna? Jeezus, why is Toronto being treated as a life size stage for the Ford's to try to re-enact their version of this scene from 'Casino'?
'He's hide here...I'ma hide here, cha!'
Not sure about the Sun. I'm guessing the Globe is weeks away from publishing anything new as Doolittle is in Iceland. Since the Star recently published their rehab story I think they're a couple of weeks away from anything new too. CBC I heard had their own Ford gone wild in rehab story but when the Star beat them to it they just ran that umbrellas story so they're likely a ways away from anything new as well.
Life for Rob Ford is a Steven Seagal movie, and the only thing you're missing---the most important thing---is the Big Boss role he envisions for himself within it. In other words, Rob Ford is a deeply stupid and self-deluded figure whose worldview resonates with people who'd prefer if life were as simplistic and dramatic as a Steven Seagal movie. "100%," starring Rob Ford as himself.
I've learned A LOT of interesting stuff lately. But it's too early to share stuff. How long will he last? I don't think he ever stopped using!
Boss Hogg comes to mind.
Did I just age myself?
I have never gone to the sports field at Cherry Beach, so I can't say anything about the $600,000 washroom there. But in my MANY excursions to Sugar Beach, I have often wished there WAS a public washroom there. With all the children and older folk with weak bladders who go there daily it would be money well spent for the city. Maybe we should take up a petition to have a public washroom ADDED to Sugar Beach.
Washroom possibilities, public and quasi-public near Sugar: Against the Grain, and if it's open, the hallway near the coffee shop at the main entrance to Corus. Loblaws, up above the deli/café area. George Brown College's building just to the east of Corus. And, if it's unlocked, Shebourne Common's facility beside the splash pad/ice rink. Lots of choice!
When he first left for resorthab, I assumed (like most did) it was just for show. Though I did think there was a small chance that once a counselor got their hands on him, there might be some growth. However, once the Star published the account of what was clearly a drug deal in the parking lot of the Marriott, I knew that Ford never stopped using and that he wasn't going to stop anytime soon.
I do think he used less when he was up there (maybe harder to find crack? weekly drug tests to try and fool?) and that after two months of some restraint, he's now letting loose with a vengeance. It was pretty careless to show up wasted to Danzig while wearing the same clothes as the day before. He's been spotted late at night heading to 15 Windsor and then also at a Dixon apt. He's not even trying to hide it.
Jesus, RRR, you should start a George Costanza-style Toronto toilet locator app.
Jesus, RRR, you should start a George Costanza-style Toronto toilet locator app.
I would buy that! Especially if you rate the places based on condition of the bathroom and whether they give you a hard time if you're not a customer.
My favourite "public" washroom was the old Four Seasons Hotel on Avenue between Cumberland and Yorkville. (It's now being converted to condos while a new Four Seasons sprung up on Bay & Yorkville.) There was a side entrance on Avenue Road that was mostly always unlocked. No doorman or concierge desk there, you could continue into the main lobby or take the escalator to the second level where there was a restaurant (visited by many people who weren't necessarily hotel guests).
I would walk in and immediately go up the escalator, then go towards the restaurant -- the bathrooms were right before its entrance. And they were awesome! Clean, well appointed, with classical music softly piped in through speakers! I often wasn't dressed well enough to pass for a restaurant guest, but I could be a tourist. I saw many average looking American tourists in sneakers and cheesy t-shirts -- but they were well off enough to stay there! The key was to move quickly and purposefully, like you belonged in the hotel. Don't look around to see if anyone noticed you coming in or hesitate.