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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Did you *folks see this one yesterday?

Don Peat ‏@reporterdonpeat 13h
Mayor Rob Ford - who signed a gas tax agreement last week - now lamenting the gas tax #TOpoli
yeah, I assumed it was Bell's Palsy. Could be viral, or it could be autoimmune. It's permanent in ~20% of cases, so it may never 'diminish' in her case.

I thought she revealed at the time that it was in fact Bell's palsy (not that that prevents Ford Nation from claiming it was a stroke or even Botox).
There are only three people in this race, Ford, Chow, Tory. Everyone else is a no-hoper, and a vote for them is one less vote against Ford.

Sadly, that's probably what's going to end up as near the end.

I like Socknaki, but his numbers and him not realizing this is closer to a hockey fight vs a chess match...
I don't like Chow's feel good but do nothing proposals. I don't like Tory brand waffle and jelly spine.
Stintz...yowza. Is she selling a decongestant syrup?

I'm willing to bet there are competent non mainstream candidates out there.
Why they're not covered more might be another topic altogether.
But hell, IMO Ford was barely above a fringe candidate when he started the merryl run in 2010.
And look where we are now.

But, if it does come down to it, I probably will vote strategically to ensure the sinking of the SS MINO.
Y'know...I think someone ought to do some research into this "Bill Parkiin" fellow, i.e. the bald bearded guy arguing with John Furr--wouldn't be surprised if he has some Iola-esque skeletons in his closet. (And he *does* make an effective Shirtless Guy-esque icon for Ford Nationals at last nite's debate.)

It's guys like him that fuel my "Altamont-in-the-making" fears.

He was at CH on the day of the rehab/camping speech, wearing a "straight pride" shirt.
I couldn't bring myself to watch the whole thing and I bailed. It wasn't Ford that sent me packing, though. It was Stintz. Cringing … I left cringing. But I hope that the dear girl stays in the race, if only to absorb some of the RF votes. That's Stintz' only use, sad that is.

Stintz is running as Ford without the crack. "John Tory has no experience in city hall. Vote for me because I've been here for 11 years and accomplished a lot, by opposing Miller, opposing unions, opposing taxes, opposing bike lanes, and supporting Rob for two years." I hope she stays in the race just so she doesn't run for council again.
Sadly, that's probably what's going to end up as near the end.

I like Socknaki, but his numbers and him not realizing this is closer to a hockey fight vs a chess match...
I don't like Chow's feel good but do nothing proposals. I don't like Tory brand waffle and jelly spine.
Stintz...yowza. Is she selling a decongestant syrup?

I'm willing to bet there are competent non mainstream candidates out there.
Why they're not covered more might be another topic altogether.
But hell, IMO Ford was barely above a fringe candidate when he started the merryl run in 2010.
And look where we are now.

But, if it does come down to it, I probably will vote strategically to ensure the sinking of the SS MINO.

Ari Goldkind said he was having a 'meet and greet' next Tuesday, somewhere near Roncesvalles. He has been very plain spoken to date. I agree with whoever said that they would like to see him and Ford in a debate. AG is used to cross examining people. :)
Pretty much just reiterating what everyone has already said. I tried to watch the debate and had to keep muting it until I finally just shut it down. BRUTAL.

All the people cheering every time Ford told a lie or repeated a stupid talking point made my blood boil.

The way Karen Stintz speaks and the expression on her face was like nails on a chalkboard. That wasn't a future leader, that was a teenage girl who is trying to sound smart but really just trying to get out an "oh snap" to her opponent, but failing even at that. She might as well have just answered, "WHATEVER!" in her valley girl speak.

Olivia Chow (who I probably should vote for being "left" myself) just seems...weak or something. Like she's trying to speak over the grownups.

John Tory was definitely the best speaker of the night. I think he gives off the most mayoral aura, but he seems to waffle and change his mind, and I don't agree with some of his policies.

Socknacki probably has the best policies and money sense, but he's a bore and no one will vote for him so I feel my vote would be wasted.

So, like many of you, it will come down to voting day and whoever is polling higher between Tory and Chow will get my vote. Just like the Ontario election, it will be a strategic vote to keep out the crazy, and not because I actually like the option I'm voting for. *sigh*
When Ford brought up office expenses I wish someone would have asked him how he can keep his at 0. Who pays for it? How do we know who pays for it when there's no paper trail? Hammer home the point that there is no transparency in his office. Bring up his "whatever happens in my office is nobody's business" quote. You can be tough on Ford without discussing drugs and alcohol.
When Ford brought up office expenses I wish someone would have asked him how he can keep his at 0. Who pays for it? How do we know who pays for it when there's no paper trail? Hammer home the point that there is no transparency in his office. Bring up his "whatever happens in my office is nobody's business" quote. You can be tough on Ford without discussing drugs and alcohol.

Socknacki actually beat around the bush on the issue, but never brought up Ford's name. He basically implied that "someone who isn't me" somehow had an office budget of zero, suggesting a lack of transparency. I was yelling at the TV at that point. I felt so frustrated at the milquetoast approach being taken.

Luckily at the end of the day, Ford is his own worst enemy and doesn't stand a chance. If we had to rely on the other candidates to take him down, it would easily be Ford More Years. Thank God for Crack Cocaine.
So on Twitter, and here, and in the G&M comments on last night's debate, there is a common thread of "I really like Socknacki/he's the only one with real policies/he's the only one with real numbers/but he won't win/voting for him would be the waste of a vote".

Are we in collective fallacy land, are we just being way too timid, or are we still not completely able to count out the King of TCHC?

A quick look back at Calgary situation: three months before the 2010 meryl election, Nenshi was polling at 1%. That increased to 12% and 8% at subsequent polls. He won with 40% of the vote.

Perhaps Socknacki is no Nenshi, I can hear you saying. But Socknacki could do the things that worked for Nenshi - engaging young people (Socknacki already talks about innovation efforts to get young people from college to meaningful work and was the only one in last night's debate to discuss something other than magic wands), winning social media (i.e., anything but the sniping going on between Kinsella and Kouvlakis, the two men I'd least want to spend eternity with), and focussing on starting conversations everywhere.
Socknacki actually beat around the bush on the issue, but never brought up Ford's name. He basically implied that "someone who isn't me" somehow had an office budget of zero, suggesting a lack of transparency. I was yelling at the TV at that point. I felt so frustrated at the milquetoast approach being taken.

Luckily at the end of the day, Ford is his own worst enemy and doesn't stand a chance. If we had to rely on the other candidates to take him down, it would easily be Ford More Years. Thank God for Crack Cocaine.

The office budget thing was one of Rob's most egregious lies. Trumpeting how he had reduced his office expenses by $700,000 ... after City Council stripped him of his powers and cut his budget for him! Rob's lies are getting craftier. Is this the gentle hand of Silverstein?
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