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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Just woke up from a nap. Was dreaming about a big huge circus bear, pink and Fordian, with a chain around its neck. Mayoral, perhaps.

Holding the chain and a long horse whip was a portly Snidely Whiplash. Somehow also Fordian.

Now you got me wondering what *their* mother would say....

What have you been eating?

I'm sure there a Frodian explanation, anyone?
What have you been eating?

I'm sure there a Frodian explanation, anyone?

One of my anonymous neighbours left me a gift of some brownies. ;) And some kool-aid. I'm saving that for tomorrow!

ETA update: Just had another brownie, and washed it down with a big glass of Red Tory. Now I can't get off the couch!
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I was one of the people who opposed Ford's presence at the East York Canada Day parade. My opposition was covered by 4 tv stations -- broadcast across Canada -- Cbc radio and major newspapers.

While I am delighted that "shirtless Joe" showed up, about 5 minutes after the parade had passed by, to engage Ford, I am NOT happy with the cult-like response, including a group of people showing up topless to protest Ford's appearance at a radio station.

Folks (and yes I used this term long before Dofo), you are missing the point Joe Killoran made: we are supposed - each one of us -- to actively protest, seriously, not to pretend to be him or to make him a hero. I walked up to Ford and told him to "go back to Bracebridge, you're not wanted here." At that point the media came by and interviewed me. That influenced a couple of other people standing near me to heckle Ford and force him to move on. That's when I left. The parade was long gone. Ford was just trying to catch the stragglers with his campaigning. After I left, Joe showed up and, more forcefully, made the same points. Tellingly, he made them directly to Ford when the cameras were on.

That's what has to happen again and again. Forget the shirtless stuff.Forget the fun and games and cheap stunts. People have to confront Ford with one or two specific questions and hammer them home. While I appreciate the folks who have maintained the vigil at City Hall, it is almost totally ineffective. No one outside of UT knows it exists because it is hidden inside City Hall. If these dedicated folks spent 1 - 2 hours in this good weather carrying signs in Nathan Philips Square with questions and facts about Ford's horrible behaviour as mayor, they would have a chance to talk to others and educate/lobby them. And this small group needs more people to support them! Sitting at home on a Sunday night, typing a UT post doesn't cut it.

We East Yorkers have taken the first step. We forcefully, without profanity or abuse, let Ford and this city know we've had enough and it's time for him to go. What are the rest of you waiting for?
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I hear what you are saying Pickles about each person taking responsibility, and I agree.
But I completely disagree that RFMG has been ineffective. There are hundreds of people who come through city hall every week. RFMG has been able to talk to quite a lot of people, and engage some who might not otherwise have thought about municipal politics.
RFMG has also been a thorn in RoDoFo's side, which is always a benefit. They didn't think it would last, and it has. 145 days!
The number of people who are engaged in RFMG has grown and grown. Perhaps now it is at the numbers needed to go outside and talk to people outside. But it takes time to build a movement.
A few people in East York made Toronto proud last week. But it would take a lot of effort to corral those folks and harness their energy on a daily basis (which is what RFMG has been doing.)
We all need to be doing outreach to people individually. Educating in a polite way. But we also need to work with others in community to spread the message.
Rob Ford has had 4 years to tear down and try to destroy our community. We are slowly rebuilding it. All efforts are valid. All attempts to "speak truth to power" are a triumph.
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One thing I agree with Pickles about: having everyday citizens hammering Rob Ford with questions would be a very effective tactic.

I pick "What did you tell Lisi to do about the crack video?"
I agree with newearthling: RFMG has probably encountered dozens if not hundreds of people and spent time talking to them. And it's admirable to do something day after day... to show that kind of resolve.

And yes, Joe K has become a minor celebrity, but it's more the IDEA of him than him specifically. He is the inspiration for others. The 'shirtless horde' that confronted Ford last Friday didn't include Joe K, but got media attention anyways. And I get that you don't like gimmicks but most people do. Advertising/marketing experts have milked billions off of people's attraction to these things. People want something that grabs their attention and partially entertains them. Boring arguments aren't going to do that and a guy walking around NPS all day carrying a placard and trying to preach to people is generally thought of by 97% of the population as "some nutjob".

It's only the beginning; I think that scene from East York (an ordinary person shouting questions at Ford) will play out more often as they make campaigning appearances.
I'm not sure Renata is standing by Rob. He mentioned in his Sully Gorman stupor that he was getting divorced and living in a hotel. She was absent from his I have a disease campaign speech, which for someone who likes to trot out his family as a shield was telling.

Kat, have you driven by Edenbridge lately? Any sign of the Escalade? Late night missions?

Last time I drove by was before his return from Muskoka. I remember reporting here that Renata's car was in the driveway along with that Honda CRV. I was thinking of going the other night but I was too tired.

To those who posted that they passed by recently: have they finished repaving the road? A block or two west of Ford's house, the road had been completely ripped out, right before a big downhill. It was just dirt. They hadn't closed it though you could drive through, but I didn't want to so I did a 3-point turn and went back to Scarlett.
One page out from any actual pic, the 'gallery' or whatever they call it, when you 'mouse-over the pic it shows the date:
View attachment 29109

Oh man! My pop-up blocker has been blocking that! :mad:

It wasn't letting me open the pics in their own windows just by clicking them... I had to right-click and open in a new tab. But I didn't even realize that it was also completely blocking that "mouse-over" feature! Well, I just set it to not block so it should be okay now. Thanks for your help! :)
I was one of the people who opposed Ford's presence at the East York Canada Day parade. My opposition was covered by 4 tv stations -- broadcast across Canada -- Cbc radio and major newspapers.

While I am delighted that "shirtless Joe" showed up, about 5 minutes after the parade had passed by, to engage Ford, I am NOT happy with the cult-like response, including a group of people showing up topless to protest Ford's appearance at a radio station.

Folks (and yes I used this term long before Dofo), you are missing the point Joe Killoran made: we are supposed - each one of us -- to actively protest, seriously, not to pretend to be him or to make him a hero. I walked up to Ford and told him to "go back to Bracebridge, you're not wanted here." At that point the media came by and interviewed me. That influenced a couple of other people standing near me to heckle Ford and for
ce him to move on. That's when I left. The parade was long gone. Ford was just trying to catch the stragglers with his campaigning. After I left, Joe showed up and, more forcefully, made the same points. Tellingly, he made them directly to Ford when the cameras were on.

That's what has to happen again and again. Forget the shirtless stuff.Forget the fun and games and cheap stunts. People have to confront Ford with one or two specific questions and hammer them home. While I appreciate the folks who have maintained the vigil at City Hall, it is almost totally ineffective. No one outside of UT knows it exists because it is hidden inside City Hall. If these dedicated folks spent 1 - 2 hours in this good weather carrying signs in Nathan Philips Square with questions and facts about Ford's horrible behaviour as mayor, they would have a chance to talk to others and educate/lobby them. And this small group needs more people to support them! Sitting at home on a Sunday night, typing a UT post doesn't cut it.

We East Yorkers have taken the first step. We forcefully, without profanity or abuse, let Ford and this city know we've had enough and it's time for him to go. What are the rest of you waiting for?

Nice self ingratiating. Most of what I was going to post has been said be jml and Kat_YYZ... and they did it well... going further you don't seem to understand the sit-in. The primary reason, at least in my opinion, is to be a constant reminder to the staff, and Fordites that the people of Toronto are watching, and are not going anywhere. Haven't you noticed that the Fords are trying to avoid pressers and such around the sit-in for one, along with playing games with the media, which is old, but a game the Fords like to play to feel superior, and in control.

Protesting in NPS would make them vulnerable to violence from staff and other Fordites, remember the food truck situation?

Another bad strategy is to use the same tactics as your opponent all the time. Ford's jack boots are one trick ponies, they want a frontal attack, using guerrilla style attacks would be more effective. Hitting him at his own office, and at public venues like parades like due more damage to Ford and his campaign.
Even Stephen / July 6, 2014 at 11:24 pm

July 29th theres free beer for anyone who throws eggs or tomatos at rob ford in thompson park. Thats right, Citizens For Fairness is a Toronto group promoting ethical and non-violent means of getting corrupt politicians to step-down. On July 29th you will have a choice of Stella, Steam Whistle or Keiths for throwing eggs or tomatoes at rob ford. We ask people not to boil the eggs and also fresh tomatoes, not frozen or unripe. If anyone hits rob ford and his gang of idiots, you will get a 6-pack and a tshirt saying "I Jammed rob ford". Join us on July 29th and God bless toronto rob ford dies or runs away soon. Amen.
Chief Bill Blair doesn't want apology from Rob Ford

But Blair said an apology from Ford — upset by what police spent to tail him and who publicly challenged him to lay a charge if investigators had evidence — is not something he wants.

“He doesn’t need to,†the chief said Saturday, shrugging his shoulders. “I am not looking for one. It is not necessary.†Blair would not comment on the ongoing Project Brazen 2 investigation but did say the Ford situation is “more of a political story now†and that’s “what it should be.â€

The chief was also gracious about Ford as a human being, saying all politics aside, he hopes the best for him in his addictions recovery.

“I don’t know the man very well,†he said.

Human compassion, however, doesn’t mean Blair won’t do his job. Even if it means investigating the mayor.
I hear what you are saying Pickles about each person taking responsibility, and I agree.
But I completely disagree that RFMG has been ineffective. There are hundreds of people who come through city hall every week. RFMG has been able to talk to quite a lot of people, and engage some who might not otherwise have thought about municipal politics.
RFMG has also been a thorn in RoDoFo's side, which is always a benefit. They didn't think it would last, and it has. 145 days!
The number of people who are engaged in RFMG has grown and grown. Perhaps now it is at the numbers needed to go outside and talk to people outside. But it takes time to build a movement.

part of what i like about the sit-it, is the fact that it means there are extra eyes on / at city hall that report back.
New city councillors to be appointed at special meeting Monday

“I can’t wait for council and to bring attention to the waste on the waterfront. We are spending a million dollars on rocks and umbrellas. And then the BMX track over at Centennial, we’re spending $4.5 million dollars on that,†Ford said.

“This is a complete waste of taxpayers money so I can’t wait for the council meeting to come up and stop the gravy train because unfortunately, when I went away for two months, they got back on that gravy train pretty fast. So I’ve got to put an end to it.â€

Ford evaded questions, however, about a motion being tabled at Monday’s meeting by Coun. Paula Fletcher.
Rob Ford is not an Addict; Rob Ford is a Monster

Long story short, Rob Ford’s recovering addict performance was unconvincing. Coyle seems to think that Ford is addicted, but not recovered. I suspect, however, that it goes deeper than that: Rob Ford, though a problem drinker, was never truly addicted in the first place. The defining feature of addiction is akrasia: using against one’s better judgement. Wanting to stop, but being unable to stop. It is not the same as merely having a drug/alcohol problem, as drugs and alcohol can cause serious problems even in the absence of an addiction, and, indeed, one can be addicted without having suffered any dramatic harm (and most users of every popular drug are not addicted and will never be seriously harmed by their use). Rob Ford was not constantly drunk, but was prone to binges, and in his excess frequently got himself into trouble. The claim that he has an addiction, as far as I can tell, was never substantiated, but was taken for granted since the news first came out about the crack video. There was, at that time, some debate about whether the allegations about using crack were correct. There was, however, no debate about what crack use signifies.


Rob Ford’s behaviour has been problematic, to say the least. His comments and actions have been homophobic, racist, abusive and reckless, and his drinking has surely played a central role in that. There is much about him many of us we would like very much to sweep under the rug, and the narrative of addiction provides a convenient way of doing exactly that. By calling him an “addict,†we strip his actions of authenticity. If he was addicted, that means he was going against his own will, and so the struggling human can be separated from its body’s actions. This also functions collectively: by marking certain behaviours as “those of an addict,†we can place them outside of our collective self-concept (we’re not like that; he’s just sick). The realities that a great many people actually want to have an ignorant bigot for mayor, and that someone with power might actually like to get high (and not be conflicted and contrite about it), are harder to swallow than the old story that sometimes people go down bad paths in their lives and do awful things in spite of themselves. “Addiction†is, among other things, a script we can assume he’s following if we want to ignore what he actually is. And what is he?

A monster is a creature which exists across categories, which cannot be accounted for under the dominant system of thought, and which therefore threatens destabilisation, provoking a reaction of fear and hatred. It comes from the Latin verb for “to remindâ€: monsters demonstrate. In colloquial English, it also means an unredeemable villain, one guilty of cruelty and identified with the grotesque. A monster is the unthinkable and inescapable. For an addict to have made errors only to find a path to recovery and redemption would put everything in its proper place and reaffirm the social order — the gentrification of Rob Ford, defusing his potency. The definitional requirement of addiction, however, is simply absent: political manoeuvring aside, there was never any indication that Rob Ford actually wanted to stop but found himself unable to; I posit that he never wanted to stop at all: he simply likes getting drunk and high. Thus, he is a monster, haphazardly crossing the lines of race and class, revelling unreflexively in the violation of every Torontonian taboo.

Playing ball in #Saskatchewan #onterrible #ontario #baseball my bros jersey. #robford


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