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Rob Ford's Toronto

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From the article (dated October 2010):

View attachment 27236

Ugh - poor housekeeping. Not good for any industrial firm, especially if you're a printing company. Not traditionally one of the more environmentally-friendly businesses.

FoFam and the environment, eh? RoFo comes by his low score honestly.
(RoFo and honestly in the same sentence? That's NQR... :confused:)
According to Jackie Crandles, Dan Jacobs sent an email to every councillor today from Rob Ford inviting them to an "informal" meeting in his office on Monday afternoon, because he feels an "important part of resuming his duties" is "hearing directly from them". The email blathered on about Ford wanting to work collaboratively and constructively with them upon his return...


Nobody is going to accept this. Also, who is working Monday? Everyone I know is off for 4 days and he bloody well knows this. It's just another chance to show what a victim he is, he will turn it around and say nobody accepted his invitation even though he reached out. Everything he does is so calculated yet transparent for people who have functioning brains.

Edit: Oh yeah, it's from 4:30 to 6:00. For realz.
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The Rob Ford of Burnaby

Wrong answer, Mr. Mayor

Dear Editor:

Re: Mayor disputes driving ticket, Burnaby NOW, June 25.

I think it is pathetic that Mayor Derek Corrigan is taking the blustery, attack mode in his response to the ticket he received for distracted driving. Has he learned nothing from the Rob Ford fiasco?

The correct response would have been to admit it, apologize and make a statement about how destructive the practice can be. Instead, he gives the impression that he believes that he is above the law, that the law doesn't apply to him. The Rob Ford of Burnaby.

What kind of impression does this leave with the people who will be voting for mayor in the next municipal election?

Gordon Foy, Burnaby
OMG save your job by sleeping with patrons. I mean come on guys. It's easy just start having sex at work. Derp...

Did anyone see "We're the Millers"?

Todd - Strip Club Owner: I want you to start having sex with the customers for money.

Rose O'Reilly: What? That's totally illegal, Todd!

Todd - Strip Club Owner: Come on, what are you gonna do? Besides, I gotta stay competitive with those fuckers who just opened up across the street.

Rose O'Reilly: You mean the Apple Store?

Todd - Strip Club Owner: Yeah, and they're killing us.

In the case of populist Louisiana governor Huey Long, get shot and killed. Keep the legend alive, and all that.

"Thank God and Huey Long."

Speaking of political assassination, I believe the Mayor may get a TPS security detail. Whether he likes it or not. At least for the next four months while emotions in "Crazy Town" are running high.
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Yikes, casita! First Lisi, then Jerry, now the TPS. Scream if you wanna go faster.
Well, they'll make first-rate sobriety coaches. One hit and you're busted.
Alternately, if Giroux's ready for the king hit, TPS won't have far to travel.
Gotta wonder how Mammo/Lambrinos/AEAC. et/al would react if, say, Remington's were the first to say, "Good Idea. let's do this.", making the first of these proposed 'brothels' out of the gate homocentric.

And what's with Mammo's fixation on prostitution (other than being a political practitioner, of course.)?
Well, ya see, it's like this...*clears throat*...Bob Deluce, inspired by muzik's example of appropriating Toronto's public resources, has conceived an evil scheme to locate a brothel/strip joint with convenient access by private jet on Hanlan's Point, which will necessitate Mamms motioning to prohibit nudity on the beach, to protect the kids.

Agreement Reached with Private Sector to Restore Historic Terminal A Building at Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport

The TPA is shocked to discover this is a business model it has already committed to, while committed to redacting from FOIA requests information that would impact the business interests of it's commercial suppliers.
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Well, ya see, it's like this...*clears throat*...Bob Deluce, inspired by muzik's example of appropriating Toronto's public resources, has conceived an evil scheme to locate a brothel/strip joint with convenient access by private jet on Hanlan's Point, which will necessitate Mamms motioning to prohibit nudity on the beach, to protect the kids.

Agreement Reached with Private Sector to Restore Historic Terminal A Building at Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport

Will it have floral prints everywhere? A tasteful rub 'n' tug, like?

ETA: Heck, if a Sarah Richardson interior works at Billy Bishop, why not take it to Remington's too? A fabulous equal opportunity! Brothels don't have to be sordid, like Mamms.
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Edit: Just saw this on the I hate the war on Rob Ford fb page:

Starting to hear rumours that the City Hall press gallery is conspiring to boycott Mayor Ford's return press conference Monday afternoon at 3pm.

I hope there is truth to this!

That would be just so great. I'm not on Twitter, however if I was, I would be spreading this idea around... unless someone is already doing it.
I know the formatting is going to be brutal but couldn't resist posting this from our friends on the I hate the war on Rob Ford page:

I Hate The War on Mayor Rob Ford
3 hours ago
Starting to hear rumours that the City Hall press gallery is conspiring to boycott Mayor Ford's return press conference Monday afternoon at 3pm.
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23 people like this.

Cos Licursi Rob Ford = ratings. Cp24 has realized without Rob they have no viewers. The last two months halve hurt their bottom line. You will see a shift in reporting from them. Rob also has to start using the human rights board to protect himself from being discriminated against due to his addiction problem. He can take city hall and any news reporters to the board if they jeopardize his job due to his illness.
Like · Reply · 7 · 2 hours ago
Gerry Dunn They are the ones looking like an asshole!! Where is big-mouthed prejudiced Blair these days?
Like · Reply · 5 · 2 hours ago · Edited
Daniela Acerra Screw them all seriously, they better hang on to their positions, they might all be out of job
Like · Reply · 9 · 2 hours ago
Rory McCallum Good let those pigs boycott all they want. Fascists are not the voice of the people nor do they speak for the people
Like · Reply · 6 · 2 hours ago · Edited
Arthur Weinreb I guess they think the press conference is less newsworthy that Ford's car sitting in an impound lot in Muskoka. Pathetic.
Like · Reply · 4 · 2 hours ago
Like · Reply · 4 · 2 hours ago · Edited
Akiyia Xiao Okay. Go smoke some crack, take a picture and bring it to your boss.

Let me know how that works out for you.
Like · 1 · 2 hours ago
Kandi Von Sachs This coming from someone from New York city.
Like · 2 hours ago
Mike Witmer
Mike Witmer's photo.
Like · 2 hours ago
Lee Ellis
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Jay Ko That's the press doing their job as unbiased reporters of the news instead of being news makers themselves. Yeah right. Pretty sad
Like · Reply · 5 · 2 hours ago
Little Bear What a bunch of yahoos, talk about not giving fair information. I'm still voting for Rob Ford!
Like · Reply · 2 · 2 hours ago
Nicole Condie ya like that is ever going to happen
Like · Reply · 2 · 3 hours ago
Robert Fair I think we should all show up in support of the Mayor!
Like · Reply · 1 · 2 hours ago
John Akritidis Even better! Now it will be quiet there!
Like · Reply · 1 · 2 hours ago
Pavol Smolinsky Ya, right, are they promising to stop following him 24/7 now?
Like · Reply · 2 · 2 hours ago
Laura Turner-Lawrynowicz The press acts like little babies. Everyone wants to hear from Rob Ford. If the press wants to play little high school games then someone else will get the story.
Like · Reply · about an hour ago
Camille Costo I agree he should start taking them to The Human Rights Board. Their decision couldn't have come at a better time.
Like · Reply · about an hour ago
Lynn Harrison "rolls eye" ....
Like · Reply · 2 hours ago
Tom McKeown LOL, Yeah and I'm sure we'll be invaded by aliens tomorrow hell bent on taking over our world...
Like · Reply · 2 hours ago
Bobby Robinson Let's hope they leave him alone to think!! It'll only be the same old, same old!!
Like · Reply · 2 hours ago
Brian Fox Must be chow setting it up
Like · Reply · 2 hours ago
Marjorie Francisco media reporting starting all over again, it will be an interesting campaign till Oct
Like · Reply · 2 hours ago
Michele Patey Good....
Like · Reply · 2 hours ago
Ron A Williams Punks all !
Like · Reply · 2 hours ago
Dave Greenlaw Just showing their true colours now.
Like · Reply · 2 hours ago · Edited
Todd Byers I have heard the same.
Like · Reply · 3 hours ago
Nicole Habus They drive him to drink lol
Like · Reply · 1 · 2 hours ago
DW Absolution The press is really immature.
Like · Reply · 1 · 2 hours ago
Tony Palumbo bruce just jizzed his pants over this news
Like · Reply · 2 hours ago
Darlene Richards They are all idiots! I Git in a bit of a Twitter war with that idiot Jackson Proscow! Claims he's just "doing his job!" Yeah right, whatever you say!
Like · Reply · 2 hours ago
Josie Erent Lets start boycotting the press gallery starting with the idiot Toronto star.
Like · Reply · 2 hours ago
Edit: Just saw this on the I hate the war on Rob Ford fb page:
Starting to hear rumours that the City Hall press gallery is conspiring to boycott Mayor Ford's return press conference Monday afternoon at 3pm.
I hope there is truth to this!

We can dream, but this will not happen. For one thing, that sad excuse for a "news" outlet, CP24, will be unable to stay away. Ford is ratings crack to them. And any news editor, even if they're smart enough to realize it's 100% certain that nothing substantive or newsworthy will come from this stunt, wouldn't want to miss out the slim possibility of some kind of policy announcement (hahaha), meltdown, Budd Dwyer incident, etc.

Also, the crap corporate media in this town is pretty cowed by the possible accusation that they're "bias" against FoFam, on a "witch hunt," etc.

No doubt that brainiac from the Ford-fan page saw the same tweet you quoted, and just ran with it.
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