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Rob Ford's Toronto

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So, it was mentioned earlier, but I noticed it immediately as well,

Doug Ford is on the dive bar recordings.

Unless Randy sounds the EXACT same as him? Quite possible seeing as Kathy LOOKS the exact same as Rob ( I know that is offensive, but it is true and very unfortunate)

If it IS Doug...

He has some 'splaining to do.

It 100% proves he is an enabler and more so, an extreme liar.

How does For Nation not connect the dots and see that a liar lies. Frequent liars frequently lie. Why do they trust them to take care of the city and their tax dollars?

It is a funny world we live in. Ford Nation is on par with Creationism. You can't reason with them and trying to just validates them and makes them seem worth talking to.
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The thing about the new crack video is that there is no audio. We will never hear Ford say this stuff - it's all just an account of the evening according to the dealer. And that sucks.

(shout-out to Jimmi T for calling this article)!

Edit - whoops - Dubster beat me to it!

most people carry smartphones that have working mics. audio-less video? put the dots together people!
Two excerpts from Ivor Tossell's fine article in the G & M:

"So we’re still lost in Mr. Ford’s hall of mirrors, in which the mayor cannot be held accountable for his actions because the mayor does not remember his actions, due to a substance abuse problem that the mayor doesn’t believe exists in the first place. As a way of dodging responsibility, it’s an ingenious failsafe. Even now, Mr. Ford hasn’t admitted a drug problem. His written statement specifically owns up to “a problem with alcohol†– and nothing else. This is not promising."

"The mayor of Toronto smokes crack, especially when he says he’s not smoking crack. The mayor of Toronto pals around with criminals, which is none of your business after work hours. The mayor of Toronto is fighting with Justin Bieber and vomiting in a club's washrooms.

The mayor of Toronto is openly at war with the people who run the city, those who have not yet quit or been fired: His council, his police chief, his transit commission, his housing board, his city manager, who just this week Ford challenged to run in the election if he wouldn’t support the mayor’s bogus budget figures. The mayor of Toronto is sometimes followed around by a bunch of cops in a Cessna. The mayor of Toronto’s friends sometimes get beaten with lead pipes when videos go missing. One person he was pictured hanging around with was shot dead, but we don’t really talk about that anymore. The mayor of Toronto, on this point and all others, is past the point of apologies."

so he assaulted sandro, allegedly :)

what does that mean to the popo? is assault a criminal charge....hmmmm! then going on the run due to dependency issues, after assaulting someone!

oh this is good.....can the world stop turning for a few minutes while I reload my popcorn :)
Hmm. Possible alternate explanation: R. Ford, S. Lisi, and K. Ford are the stupidest trio ever to be at the centre of a major news story. If there are 8 minutes of video, just by sheer luck a few frames will be well-lit with RoFo staring straight at the camera-dude's strangely chunky eyeglass frames. (That theory is shot if it's known that the vid was made with a smartphone, not a tiny, hard-to-see camera.)

Counter to that, tinfoil, level 1: Doug has had enough, sends some minion to get the pipe shot. Or Rob has had enough, sends some minion to get the pipe shot.

Tinfoil, level 2: S. Harper wants to get something truly awful done, needs a major distraction, so makes a few calls to put Operation Buttonville in motion.

Occam's Razor says: Stupidest Trio Ever.

Robyn Doolittle said in an interview on CBC that the phone it was shot on was an iphone / smartphone that was pretty banged up, so the mic wasn't working.
most people carry smartphones that have working mics. audio-less video? put the dots together people!

yeah I thought that "broken speaker" excuse was pretty weak, too. But if the phone was concealed -- like in a pocket or hat or something -- the sound might be very, very muffled.

There was one screencapture photo where Ford seemed to be about to say the f-word (he was forming an "f" with his mouth -- maybe he was going to say "fuddle duddle" ;) ). That reminded me that a competent lip-reader might be able to make out at least some of what he was saying -- at least while the camera had a clear shot of his face when he spoke.
Robyn Doolittle said in an interview on CBC that the phone it was shot on was an iphone / smartphone that was pretty banged up, so the mic wasn't working.

Huh. It's hard to imagine that after all that has transpired, RoFo wouldn't recognize a medium-sized black rectangle aimed at his head. Doolittle lends credence to the theory that Rob was in on some kind of plot.

I don't own a pair of spy eyeglass frames or any other thing that conceals a tiny camera with a possibly temperamental or non-existent mic, so I have no idea whether one could shoot video from such a thing, then lie credibly about how video was shot from a battered smartphone with broken mic wiring.

I hope the whole truth comes out at some point in the near future. Too many people are spending too much time ruminating over this.
A shit-heel dealer dirtbag with a crappy phone filmed it with his crappy phone.

Easiest answer.

No need to create conspiracy theories.

Agree that that's the easiest answer. Most likely, said shit-heel got lucky with the lighting and also the utter obliviousness of the other people in the room.

Second-most likely, shit-heel had a camera that was a little harder to identify as a camera.
Agree that that's the easiest answer. Most likely, said shit-heel got lucky with the lighting and also the utter obliviousness of the other people in the room.
He set it up on the table to bluetooth a tune. Simple subterfuge for simpletons. Maybe "Fuck da police." Kathy couldn't wait for it to finish.
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