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Rob Ford's Toronto

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I'm not convinced that if the mafia ........... or attempted to obtain it in order to blackmail the Mayor, that this would slow an 'imminent' arrest, particularly if the scenario was the latter one.

If this is the case, then the mafia forgot we have a 'weak major' system. Robbie is just one vote out of, what, 42? And his record of pushing his agenda after the euphoric first few months has been........well, let's say rather dismal!
I wonder if he had a mini heart attack yesterday? Is it possible to have one, without knowing about it? Everyone said he looked really pale, which is not necessarily connected to a sore back.
You can have a silent heart attack (although I think it's more common for women), but I just can't imagine Rob having a silent anything.
Rob Ford Must Go posted the following questions to the mayor on Twitter. Wouldn't these be effective if put on placards, individually, and paraded in front of news cameras daily, each time RoFo is present? Just putting it out there:

Anyway, Chris Caple suggested I create a thread here to collect the questions I've been asking, so I'm doing that. I usually think the questions up on the fly whenever I see that @TOMayorFord has tweeted again, so some of them are higher quality/more important than others, and I've asked some of them multiple times.

this list is excellent, and yes, people should be asking these questions of Rob/Doug EVERYWHERE and all the time
We could run away with speculation regarding this topic!

Here's one theory: Deco is shipping drugs/porn produced by the mafia here in TO.

I know this is further down the rabbit hole then some might go and I was joking that Randy speaks russian. It's pure speculation but what if? Rob's big brothers (esp Randy) take a street level drug career and turn it into something substantially bigger? Why do they all act untouchable? Who do they have in their back pocket? I'm sure in the past they have sold/did drugs with high level operators. There's power in keeping secrets that could take down someones career. I read here discussion of search warrants at Deco and Rob's house. Is this true?
While those questions Rob Ford Must Go posted are important, there's no way in hell Rob Ford is going to answer them. What if he does get charged? His public answers to those questions could be used against him. While we're all very annoyed by his refusal to answer, he is doing the correct legal thing by remaining silent. Do you really think he's going to potentially incriminate himself by telling everyone what was in the envelope? No.
In another comment he refers to Toronto police as TPD (emphasis mine). Who says TPD instead of TPS? Someone who's making things up and not even doing that great a job of it, that's who.

Or it could just be an honest mistake considering how commonly used "PD" is?
Addressing the Renate drunkeness, she was "incoherent" according to police on one occasion they were called to the family home and left in a cab to her parents. That in itself would be pretty bad to have aired in a family court custody battle, what other damning info Rub has also looms. Has anyone considered she might have signed a Pre-Nup?

That's possible. If she contracted out of spousal support, her financial situation would look pretty awful, unless she got primary care of the kids...and even then it wouldn't be good.

A lot (a LOT) of marriage contracts are overturned, but it takes legal fees and time to get that done.
I'm not vouching for the accuracy of the video rumours but nobody is claiming that thestar or Gawker have seen them. Separate from the crack video.

Also, one of the recent ITO's clearly references a "missing" video.

It's clear from the video sequence numbers that the missing video referenced was filmed in-between videos already in the possession of the police/Crown, all on "crack video day", i.e. Feb 17 in the Basso's basement. Therefore I'm not reading much into the so-called "missing video". How does an underage prostitute fit into that scene? It doesn't make any sense (even in the admittedly-fairly-insane context of the mayor getting blitzed on crack in a basement with the Dixon Goonies).

As much as I want to see Ford get his comeuppance for all the awful ways in which he has abused his position as Mayor of Toronto, the "underage video" is one thing I very sincerely hope is just an echo-chamber rumour... and I see no compelling reason to suspect anything like that ever happened.

To me the "Ford underage handjob/whatever" rumours are scarcely more credible than the bizarre "Ford is secretly gay" speculation which pops up here from time to time, i.e. it's not. I'm not saying he's not capable of doing something so heinous as abusing a minor; I'm just saying that as far as I know there's no evidence of anything of the sort; also, as others have pointed out, TPS surely wouldn't be able to sit on something like that. If they were able to arrest/charge in a case of minor abuse, even the most carefully-constructed political corruption must surely take a back seat. Drug charges? Extortion? Abuse of office? Sure, they can wait to build a complete picture for those things.
While those questions Rob Ford Must Go posted are important, there's no way in hell Rob Ford is going to answer them. What if he does get charged? His public answers to those questions could be used against him. While we're all very annoyed by his refusal to answer, he is doing the correct legal thing by remaining silent. Do you really think he's going to potentially incriminate himself by telling everyone what was in the envelope? No.

The point is not to get him to answer the questions, just to put them out there for all voters to see. There are probably quite a few pro Ford people not hooked into social media who are not aware of the mountain of non-responses from their mayor/hero. This would force them to at least think.
The point is not to get him to answer the questions, just to put them out there for all voters to see. There are probably quite a few pro Ford people not hooked into social media who are not aware of the mountain of non-responses from their mayor/hero. This would force them to at least think.
Good point.
While those questions Rob Ford Must Go posted are important, there's no way in hell Rob Ford is going to answer them. What if he does get charged? His public answers to those questions could be used against him. While we're all very annoyed by his refusal to answer, he is doing the correct legal thing by remaining silent. Do you really think he's going to potentially incriminate himself by telling everyone what was in the envelope? No.

I'm the question-asker/Twitter troll who compiled the list, and I agree he will never voluntarily answer the questions. The purpose of asking isn't to get answers so much as to state, publicly, that answers are needed, and to poke at the "I'm a normal mayor/business as usual" image being promoted by whoever runs Ford's Twitter account.

If we ever find out the answers to those questions it'll be because of journalists and/or police, not some random jerk on Twitter. But I'm not a journalist or a police investigator, and being a random jerk on Twitter is one thing I can do.
Or it could just be an honest mistake considering how commonly used "PD" is?

I'm all about giving the benefit of the doubt, but if this guy has Smoking-Man-From-X-Files-style knowledge of a conspiracy so deep it would blow our tiny little minds and destroy the planet if it were ever exposed, then 1) he would get that sort of detail right 2) he wouldn't be blowing smoke on Warren Kinsella's blog comments section.

So no: I don't give 'marc rosen' the benefit of the doubt here. After all: as jml rightly points out: what is 'marc rosen' actually saying? Absolutely nothing, that's what. It's conspiracy troll bait, I tells ya. Do with it what you will, but I'm not giving it any credence what-so-ever.

Ford in a secret cabal with the Crown attorneys? Sure - he got to know them when he was a member of Skull & Bones at Yale. Sometimes, when Ford disappears, he is meeting Hitler at the South Pole in a Nazi submarine. The ice storm? Rob & Adolf put that together with a Mayan weather machine buried deep under the ice of New Swabia so that the ailing Ford administration could get some good publicity. "Let sleeping dogs lie" from the 'marc rosen' comment doesn't refer to a literal dog, but the Doges of Venice, who have been awakened from their unholy sleep and are secretly still alive and controlling us via the UN with their Bohemian Grove meetings.

So yeah, no benefit of the doubt should be given here.

Or just a "fat finger" error typing. Right next to each other on the keyboard.

Yep. As a lifelong geek I considered this. Could be the case, but doesn't matter: 'marc rosen' says nothing, so the comment means nothing.
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