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Rob Ford's Toronto

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I don't see what's so big deal about the HJ (relative to crack smoking and consorting with gangsters), except for the scenario where it is provided by a minor. A person of his postion err, exposing himself that way might be very bad optics, but at the end of the day, there is nothing inherently criminal about it.

However if Doug ever comment on nude people at Pride, this would be something to throw back at him - and made no mistake, the city paid 150K+ for it.


If the person was under 16 (or 18 if it was one of Ford's football kids), then yes it would be a criminal offense. Hence the under-aged speculation, because MM used the word 'heinous'.
What is Canada's age of consent?

The age of consent for sexual activity is 16 years. It was raised from 14 years on May 1, 2008 by the Tackling Violent Crime Act.

However, the age of consent is 18 years where the sexual activity "exploits" the young person -- when it involves prostitution, pornography or occurs in a relationship of authority, trust or dependency (e.g., with a teacher, coach or babysitter). Sexual activity can also be considered exploitative based on the nature and circumstances of the relationship, e.g., the young person's age, the age difference between the young person and their partner, how the relationship developed (quickly, secretly, or over the Internet) and how the partner may have controlled or influenced the young person.
Doesn't explain Doug's whereabouts on one of the most important council meeting days...

reporterdonpeat 10:36am via Twitter for iPhone
"He wasn't feeling well this morning but he is planning on coming in" Mayor Rob Ford's chief of staff on Rob Ford
Where were all our spies last night?! No one posted any incriminating photos of stained shirts, red faces and glassy eyes.
Maybe, for once, RF did have a couple of pops in his basement last night.

You just contradicted your own statement - you claim that TPA will undertake the improvement even without Porter, and now turned around and claimed that because Porter pays to use the airport, they have to right to make the proposals. Which is the right version of event, may I ask?

When improvements are made to the benefit of one party disproportionately, the end result is in effect a subsidy.


I didn't say TPA would do it anyway. What I did say before was that Transport Canada has new requirements for runoff areas, so either the runway needs to be expanded or they need to get an exemption.

I said that the improvement will benefit whoever can afford to use the airport, which at the moment happens to be Porter. It wasn't always.

OK, why do we spend so much money on Air Canada's hubs then? Other people can use them only because we built them big enough! It's not a subsidy. An airport is an asset that generates revenue (in Canada); the airlines are customers of the airport.

You completely failed to answer whether improving a road, which in turn drives increased local business, is also a "corporate subsidy".
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It's more like Walmart asking the city to spend tax payer money to raze an adjacent parkland so they can expand into it (and perhaps allow a few other stores to set up shop there too, maybe).

Sure, use parkland as an example if you want to support your Ford-like argument. You already know "Porter = evil, Jets = evil, Corporations = evil" so you'll twist anything. How about Walmart asking the city to rezone an adjacent lot so they could buy it and expand into it? That happens *EVERY DAY*. As a result their expansion, now traffic to the area has increased and maybe the city needs to redesign some roads or intersections. This happens all the damn time and we don't call it a subsidy. Developers usually pay for some of this work when they ask for exceptions to zoning laws and such. Airlines pay too - massive airport fees.
Some great, insightful articles being written lately.
This one basically says society is doomed. :)
Rob Ford, Lindsay Lohan and the disappearance of truth
John Doyle
The Globe and Mail
Ford knows he can make outlandish claims about his achievements and avoid acknowledging his behaviour because the idea of accuracy in his story is redundant. Accuracy in general is fading.

People used to blame television for the dumbing down of news coverage. That was overstated. It’s the digital age that’s undermined everything. We are like medieval peasants in our personal newsgathering. And Lindsay Lohan and Rob Ford are part of the proof.
Isn't all this debate about the airport a little off topic?

Rob Ford isn't at work yet so no news, also airport expansion is apparently something Rob Ford supports (but not for any real reasons), so it's somewhat relevant. As I said, a broken clock is right twice a day, so don't put me in his camp...
This comment does not make sense. No one here has avoided the topic of domestic violence at the Ford's home. No one, until now, has mocked a small woman and 2 little kids being beaten by a huge 300+ man, either.
Saying that Ford has 'enough to beat at home' is quite out of line; worse than speculating about his demise. At least, Ford is contributing to his ill health. Those kids have no power in that situation. Making fun of them is ... off.

Again, you are putting words in my mouth. Whatever, have a nice day.

Isn't all this debate about the airport a little off topic?

Not really, it's on the council agenda today, and Robbie is still over an hour late, and according to his chief of staff, "He wasn't feeling well this morning but he is planning on coming in".
BlogTO has a pretty cruel joke on their front page today that, I have to admit, I fell for initially before remembering this is the day the Internet gets weird.
So, Mrs. RRR was at a party on the weekend with a high level city official. Apparently, the Rob Ford video is of a hand job. Now, I'm assuming that's the rumour around city hall rather than definitive, but it got me thinking.

While that would be shocking to his loyal followers, anyone with knowledge of his partying with escorts would not be shocked. Yet, MetroMan and others have used the term 'heinous'. What makes this beyond the pale?

To some a 'circle jerk', or Rob giving a hand job might be much worse, given his overt homophobia, but to me it sounds more like something forced. Either the person giving the handjob is way, way underage, or there is some forcible coercion, or both. Gah.

I'm now kind of sorry for sharing, but if this is even remotely true, I want to see him locked up for a very long time, and all of his enablers shamed.

If they had a video like this, I don't think they would have waited to arrest him.
So, I'm just going to put this out there.

a) Doug Ford was late to council chambers this morning.
b) We have not yet seen any of the typical Ford night out instagram photos that tend to precede no-shows.
c) Ford is rarely late for council vote days, even when obviously hungover/still drunk.
d) Ford's car is still in his driveway.

So maybe he's actually not feeling well? That's got to be some illness though.
Natalie Johnson ‏@NatalieCTV
Rob Ford's Escalade is still at his home. His driver is at city hall. Porter jets debate has begun.

Daniel Dale ‏@ddale8 3m
Ford chief of staff: Mayor "isn't feeling well," is "hoping he will be in for the afternoon session."

and from earlier:

Daniel Dale ‏@ddale8
Mayor Rob Ford still isn't here, an hour into the meeting. He's usually on time, or close, on council days.

What gives? This is supposed to be a pet issue for him, it's odd that he'd not show up.

Edit: G&M clearly thinks his not being there is newsworthy:
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