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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Recall that Blair seemed to have parsed his words very carefully when he defended Ford.

It's certainly not definitive, but to my mind ^that's a non-denial denial. I would wager that, if the recording were released, Blair's account would be factually true but misleading. Still, I don't see accurate-but-misleading as sufficient ammunition to play chicken with Blair over serious criminal charges. But, then again, I'm not a sociopathic loser who needs to play chicken with the police chief, so what do I know?

Thanks; I'd forgotten how precise Blair's wording was. We can be certain that Ford didn't say "bitches", and we can safely assume that he didn't say "I'm Rob f*ckin' Ford, the mayor of this City". Of course, if you want to split hairs really fine (and I do!) you could argue that the "mayor of this city" bit was missing or misreported. Ford himself admitted to using the F-word, after all.

As far as I can see, however, none of this really matters much in big picture terms. That is, unless the matter of the precise wording somehow ends up before the courts somehow. The fact that Ford made a profanity-laden 911 call to report a wild Marg Delahunty roaming free near his home is enough.
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I just feel like being a tattler, trivial though this is. Doug Ford was on the same plane as me on Sunday, Feb 23rd, on way back from Ft. Lauderdale. As I went toward my seat a few behind Ford, I heard an encounter between him and a woman who was informing him that he was sitting in her assigned seat. He checked his ticket and moved accordingly.

Now, I had casually watched DoFo in the airport before boarding and also during the boarding -- in my estimation he was almost universally left out in the cold. He can't be feeling any love. I think only two men spoke with him, politely and distantly, in the airport pre-boarding. Most felt visibly uncomfortable around him in the plane (as myself) and on the way out I heard young people referring to him, behind his back, as a "jackass" a "dufus" and a "goof".

It was unpleasant to be near this thug, even though he was two or three persons removed from me at all times. I hope he somehow gets silenced in a humiliating sort of way, soon. These Ford brothers waste so much of our time. What a useless administration this has been.
Rofo's personality once again nailed perfectly...

MÃ¥yor Röb Frød ‏@TOMayorFrod 10m
My spokesman said I'm supposed to show up at city hall this afternoon, but he's not the boss of me. I'll be there if I feel like it. #TOpoli
It's starting to get in to Libel territory, but the chief of police has little to gain from filing suit against a sitting city councillor.

Also, Blair might know what's coming and in that case (as Rob Ford is fond of saying) the proof will be in the pudding.

You can tell that Ford is a man who's worked his way to the bottom of many a pudding looking for that proof. Or maybe just enjoying the pudding.
Next up on The Frank D'Angelo Show.

Those guys probably have friends in common.

At least one. Lisi's lawyer Dominic Basile was the prosecutor in D'Angelo's sexual assault trial, and an "un-indicted co-conspirator" involved in attempting to sway the trial in D'Angelo's favor.
I'm not a huge Bill Blair fan, but I am sure his communications team is about 10 steps above whatever "team" the Fords are fielding right now. Blair's team has their skills sharpened throughout and after the G20, and I bet every single word we hear or do not hear from Blair on this issue is carefully calculated.

Blair needs to be the calm and classy one who takes the high road. Less informed people are going to look and listen to Doug Ford and Bill Blair, and make an emotional decision on who's telling the "truth".
I just feel like being a tattler, trivial though this is. Doug Ford was on the same plane as me on Sunday, Feb 23rd, on way back from Ft. Lauderdale. As I went toward my seat a few behind Ford, I heard an encounter between him and a woman who was informing him that he was sitting in her assigned seat. He checked his ticket and moved accordingly.

Now, I had casually watched DoFo in the airport before boarding and also during the boarding -- in my estimation he was almost universally left out in the cold. He can't be feeling any love. I think only two men spoke with him, politely and distantly, in the airport pre-boarding. Most felt visibly uncomfortable around him in the plane (as myself) and on the way out I heard young people referring to him, behind his back, as a "jackass" a "dufus" and a "goof".

It was unpleasant to be near this thug, even though he was two or three persons removed from me at all times. I hope he somehow gets silenced in a humiliating sort of way, soon. These Ford brothers waste so much of our time. What a useless administration this has been.

Back in October I decided to go down to council chambers for the day and take in the gong-show, and had a similar feeling when I walked out the elevator door only to be standing 6 feet away from him and some reporter arguing about his voting record. The only words I can think of to describe the feeling of being in his close proximity, regardless of whether his mouth was open or not, was somewhere between 'uneasy' and 'sleazy'.
I'm not a huge Bill Blair fan, but I am sure his communications team is about 10 steps above whatever "team" the Fords are fielding right now. Blair's team has their skills sharpened throughout and after the G20, and I bet every single word we hear or do not hear from Blair on this issue is carefully calculated.

Blair needs to be the calm and classy one who takes the high road. Less informed people are going to look and listen to Doug Ford and Bill Blair, and make an emotional decision on who's telling the "truth".

The quality of advice and counsel the Ford's are receiving is immaterial. The only voices they listen to are the insane ones in their own heads. They are pathological.
Good to see some progress on this issue. Next up: toughening up the laws/codes regulating electioneering and campaigning, which have been abused by the Fords, and which right now have no teeth. Likewise conflict of interest rules.

The fact that these bills would only apply to Toronto will no doubt give rise to nonsensical whining from the Nayshun about poor Robbie being singled out by the unelected blabbedy-blah-blah...

Private members’ bills would open door to major electoral reform in Toronto

The Globe and Mail
Published Wednesday, Feb. 26 2014, 8:28 PM EST
Last updated Wednesday, Feb. 26 2014, 9:08 PM EST

Two different private members’ bills before the Ontario legislature would give Toronto the right to switch to ranked ballot voting, bringing a major electoral reform a step closer to reality.

New Democrat MPP Jonah Schein, who represents inner-city Davenport in Toronto’s west end, was first out of the gate on Tuesday. On Wednesday, Scarborough-Guildwood Liberal Mitzie Hunter tabled her bill.

Both bills would grant only Toronto the power to ditch the current first-past-the-post system. No other municipality in Ontario would be allowed this choice. The Liberals had been mulling giving all Ontario municipalities the right to use ranked ballots, sources with knowledge of the talks have told the Globe. But Ms. Hunter’s final bill focuses only on Toronto.

The two bills differ on some details. Mr. Schein’s gives Toronto far more latitude, allowing council to adopt any voting system it wishes. Ms. Hunter’s proposal, however, only allows the city to change to a ranked ballot. Her bill also requires that any ranked ballot laws passed by the city go back to the province for approval, and that council hold public consultations on the matter.

How quickly either bill will move forward is an open question, and it is possible neither will come to a final vote before the end of the session. If the opposition parties vote down the upcoming budget, the province will be plunged into a spring election.

Ms. Hunter’s bill will be debated next week.

Toronto council voted last year to ask the province for the power to adopt a ranked ballot.

It is not clear how the two MPPs will work together to see the matter moved forward, but both sounded open to it.

“I think it’s very positive that we have two parties responding to this issue. It’s fantastic,” Mr. Schein said in an interview. “I think there’s a very important opportunity to meet the request of Toronto city council.”

At a press conference unveiling her bill, Ms. Hunter said: “I certainly welcome Jonah [Schein] in his bill that he tabled.”
Back in October I decided to go down to council chambers for the day and take in the gong-show, and had a similar feeling when I walked out the elevator door only to be standing 6 feet away from him and some reporter arguing about his voting record. The only words I can think of to describe the feeling of being in his close proximity, regardless of whether his mouth was open or not, was somewhere between 'uneasy' and 'sleazy'.

I think Doug in particular is someone who stimulates a lot of peoples' fight or flight response. It's his aggressive, intimidating manner, and creepy non-happy smile. The closer you get to him, the more the urge kicks in to either punch him or run away.
I would love to see Rob try to go on an American talk show...and get stopped at the border because he admitted to smoking crack.
Thanks; I'd forgotten how precise Blair's wording was. We can be certain that Ford didn't say "bitches", and we can safely assume that he didn't say "I'm Rob f*ckin' Ford, the mayor of this City". Of course, if you want to split hairs really fine (and I do!) you could argue that the "mayor of this city" bit was missing or misreported. Ford himself admitted to using the F-word, after all.

As far as I can see, however, none of this really matters much in big picture terms. That is, unless the matter of the precise wording somehow ends up before the courts somehow. The fact that Ford made a profanity-laden 911 call to report a wild Marg Delahunty roaming free near his home is enough.

My recollection is that the CBC stood by this story even after Blair's statements, but I can't find anything now that says it directly. This article is the closest thing I could find, and it challenges at least one part of the statement:
The police chief also said there have been no complaints by any members of the police service over the 911 conversations. However, sources have told CBC News that the head of the police union has met with dispatchers in the police 911 radio room who were upset over the Ford calls.

Only Ford can allow the release of the 911 recordings, and there have been repeated calls for him to do so.
Plus it is always nice to read Shakespeare- you should try it.
Seriously, if that's what's running through your mind to exclusion of all else, please, please call somebody you know who can help you out.

More likely, if that's some kind of commentary on Rob Ford, just imagine the sheer impossibility of explaining to the o-so-large-but-o-so-small mayor what Shakespeare was all about. I think that kind of stuff gets under Doug's skin, but not in a way he would ever articulate.

Edit: I thought some more, realized most likely you were commenting on newearthling's uncomfortable dream.
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