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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Oh man, I'm a California Sandwich addict! Discovered them in The Beaches when I lived in North York in the late 90's. That location closed, but I continued to get my fix at the Dufferin location, and then once I moved back to Hamilton I'd occasionally take a spin out to the Winston Churchill location. I recently discovered that they've opened a new one in Burlington; I try to limit myself to once a month.
Doug at city hall addressing the protest "ladies":

BenSpurr 11:26am via TweetDeck
Protester says mayor is a bad role model. "I know, I know," says Doug. "But there are thousands that love him."

And then this whopper:

KatieSimpson24 11:29am via Twitter for iPhone
Cllr Doug Ford says reporters don't have the moral authority to question the Mayor's whereabouts/schedule.

Hahahahaaaaaaaaaaa! Douglas! Shut your frikkin mouth already.

How does he not feel like an idiot when this sort of rubbish comes out of his mouth? No shame.
Weird pairing. John is so nice and mature and Kouvalis is a dirty trickster.

Yes, this does lower my opinion of Tory. Why would he lower himself to work with such an unscrupulous individual? I guess he wants to win at any cost but I wouldn't give someone like that my vote. I still want to see some integrity and humanity in my politicians.
The Junction is about the downtown elite-iest place he's turned up unannounced in since, I dunno, the Bier Markt? I keep hoping he'll set foot in a bar where he's really unwelcome. It'll be part of a soul-searching crosstown odyssey, looking to connect with the electorate - like that time he rode the subway after losing a vote, only this time he'll get lost. He'll show up alone, drunk and high, start running his mouth off à la ACC 2006 ... and someone from Downtown Latte Elite Pinko Nation will just deck him.

Actually that goes for Doug too.

Yes, please! Send them both to the Dog And Bear, Queen Street West or The Jersey Giant, Front Street East. Tell them a large group of supporters wants to buy them beers. :)
Weird pairing. John is so nice and mature and Kouvalis is a dirty trickster.

Well, someone has to filter Tory. He's already dug himself a hole with the whole women and golf thing. Come to think of it, JT should screen everything he wants to say by whispering to Kouvalis via Bluetooth mic before he says it out loud.
I think Tory would be a terrible mayor for Toronto. He is a follower, not a leader. Of course, he would be still better than Ford but that ain't saying much. A squirrel would make a better mayor than Ford!

Its going to be a very quick turn around unfortunately. They're looking to start shooting this year.
Sadly, this virtually guarantees that the script won't be all that great.

More interesting will be how they end up distributing it. I won't be surprised if it ends up being VOD in the US--Blue Ice did that down there with the Bang Bang Club (it played for a few weeks locally, which is likely what will happen with this). Or maybe it will surprise everyone and be the first genuine English-Canadian box-office hit. To be honest, its actually very hard to know whether people in Toronto will want to go out to the movies to see a film about Rob Ford in early 2015.

Internationally though, they'll make a killing with VOD. Especially if it's funny.

Anyway, we can be sure it won't be the only treatment of the story. Coen Brothers-PLEASE.
Re Crazy Town movie...I think they'd best wait for the final chapters to play out....could either be Ford enters rehab and emerges triumphant or Ford crashes and burns.

My hubby remembers watching the funeral of patriarch Dominic Racco from the windows of Oakwood highschool; the entire neighbourhood shut down.

California Sandwiches beats Commisso's hands down, but you have to go to the original location.
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Weird pairing. John is so nice and mature and Kouvalis is a dirty trickster.

IMO, Kouvalis caught a once-in-a-lifetime Bali wave in 2010. He's not that great. He's just sleazy. Nothing is beneath the guy (except Rob Ford, apparently). And Tory is such an upper-class twit and general rube that even Nick's 'magic touch' can't help His Haplessness. Tory's never accomplished much (remember when Rogers was at $4.50/s? Yeah, John Tory was in charge. All he created was a prophetic buying opportunity.TR was exasperated, but Phil Lind was livid.)

But do go and split the vote by all means, Nick (though when all is said and done, four years of that patrician bonehead would beat another unendurable repeat of the current ape-law regime).
IMO, Kouvalis caught a once-in-a-lifetime Bali wave in 2010. He's not that great. He's just sleazy. Nothing is beneath the guy (except Rob Ford, apparently).

Though Christy Clark benefited from his help (I guess)
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