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Rob Ford's Toronto

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I'm interested to hear others' perceived motivations for DoFo and RoFo's burnng desire to be in politics.

The only thing I can come up with is "the sense of power it brings", and the visibility. I guess Rob lives on whatever affirmation he can get from campaigning.

It's not for the consituents because the real, material one-on-one interaction is non-existent.

The idea of following in Dad's legacy is kind of hollow since he was only a four-year (one term?) backbencher.

If one argues it's for the kickbacks, well - given how they emphasize their hatred of that kind of thing - wouldn't it be just too easy to catch them in their own hypocrisy?

And their hatred of taxes, spending and politicians makes them virtual anarchists anyway. Why be in government if you hate the system? All they want to do is take city-funded services and infrastructure away - they have no proposed alternatives or ideas, because with their level of affluence, they don't rely on it and thus would never be hurt. Also, their minds don't work as visionaries, only as critics.

And they have Deco. So why politics? Why bother with all the hassle? Maybe it's the hassle that they like. The "street fighting".

I just don't get it.

Because they're incompetent assholes, and politics is one of the only professions in which you can succeed while being both.
And then there is this.....just when things couldn't get more misogynistic in Ford Nation comes a new compadre. Enter James Sears aka Dimitri the lover to fluff the Fords. He's running against Mary Margaret McMahon in Ward 32.

Councillor Ward 32 Nomination Date Email Campaign Office Phone Website
McMahon, Mary-Margaret 02 Jan 2014
Sears, James 02 Jan 2014

Here is the clip of her going up to DoFo and telling him to shut his fucking mouth! I still don't know exactly what triggered it and his ridiculous behaviour after was annoying, as usual. I had to laugh when he said "you call yourself a lady"! Well I'm a woman and I have no problem swearing when it's appropriate.

Dimitri the lover would call Janet Davis a Feminazi. Mammolitti is unhinged, but Sears is psychotic.

Here is the clip of her going up to DoFo and telling him to shut his fucking mouth! I still don't know exactly what triggered it and his ridiculous behaviour after was annoying, as usual. I had to laugh when he said "you call yourself a lady"! Well I'm a woman and I have no problem swearing when it's appropriate.

Doug had shouted at Pam McConnell "You just want to waste Taxpayers' money" just before
My new hero! And poor Dougie is so offended.

These two idiot brothers need to be called out on their ridiculous behavior -- so well done Councillor!
I wonder if Doug had a supply of onions available or could he produce the crocodile tears on demand.
One comment on the Dougie Vs Streetcar TO Star story was so perfect. It summed up RoDoFo so succinctly.
3 Hours Ago
I drove in Toronto for 10 years and I've been taking transit now for 10 years. For convenience, efficiency, price and speed of delivery (of me) there is no comparison. Transit wins hands down.
And in terms of reliability of transit (amount of time spent waiting for breakdowns, signal failures, rush hour etc.) last is buses, second is subways and first, unquestionably, is the streetcar.
The best bargains in Toronto are:
1. Library
2. Transit
3. Daily newspaper.
The Fords think books are for 'elites', hate newspapers more than any other media and would fly to the moon on gossamer wings before considering walking 2 blocks or taking transit downtown if they had the option to drive.
Everything they stand for is the worst version of ourselves... both Doug and Rob Ford remind me of nothing so much as the humans in WALL-E. Mindless, glutinous, sub-humans isolated in their feeding pods.
If mayors can "easily" win elections with 30-35% of the vote, then you should be able to produce several examples of such a thing actually happening in real life.

Though it's skewed by being a "party-based" system, Montreal just elected Denis Coderre w/32.15% of the vote.
The Fords are toxic, especially in Toronto. Ship them to the United States. Americans love the Fords.

It actually scares me how many in and near Toronto claim to as well...
That Contractor Mag guy (link a few pages ago) or this guy... gathering support on facebook and 'defending the cause' on twitter as Hate The War On Ford @LetFordBe
There are others that want to duplicate all the shit disturbing destructive divisive Fordist (I've got a hotmail lawyer working on the copyright of that, BTW. No not that one ;^) ) empty, cut everything, tax bad period, services why policies, not too far away, and they have followers too...
NYC's Bill de Blasio and Boston's Martin Walsh were both sworn in as mayors during the first week of the new year. Though inauguration speeches are more often lofty rhetoric than anything, I can't help but be struck by the contrast of de Blasio and Walsh's speeches, on one hand, and the "speech" that Don Cherry gave at/for RoFo's.

De Blasio:
"So let me be clear. When I said we would take dead aim at the Tale of Two Cities, I meant it. And we will do it. [...] We will succeed as One City. [...] It will be accomplished by all of us — those of us here today, and millions of everyday New Yorkers in every corner of our city. [...] A city that fights injustice and inequality — not just because it honors our values, but because it strengthens our people. A city of five boroughs — all created equal. Black, white, Latino, Asian, gay, straight, old, young, rich, middle class, and poor. A city that remembers our responsibility to each other — our common cause — is to leave no New Yorker behind."

"So when I say we are sworn in together, it means we're in this together. We are in this together – every neighborhood [...] every race and religion [...] every man, woman and child. For our seniors and our students, for rich and poor, and everyone in between. [...] We will protect and grow our sense of community. For it is Boston's greatest source of strength. And we will ensure equality for all: No matter your age, race, religion, sexual orientation. No matter what. Together, we can create ONE Boston."

"Actually I'm wearing pink for all the pinkos out there that ride bicycles and everything. [...] [T]hese left-wing pinkos. They scrape the bottom of the barrel. [...] Rob's honest. He's truthful. [...] What you see is what you get. He's no phony. And I could go on right now, all the millions and millions and thousands of dollars he's gonna save and everything [...] I say he's gonna be the greatest mayor this city has ever, ever seen, as far as I'm concerned! And put that in your pipe, you left-wing kooks."
I would not be surprised if Don Cherry says that Muslims are not true Canadians, just because Muslims are generally not European and because they are not supposed to consume alcohol.

The United States has many outspoken Islamophobes who do not shy from controversy. I wonder if Canada have such.
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Hearing Ford debate tax increases as though he has a clue brings to mind this old video clip where his lack of even the most basic comprehension of city spending is on full display. Ford has the 'fiscal intelligence' of a 4 year old. This is video alone should be enough to convince anyone that Ford is unfit to tie his shoelaces let alone hold public office.
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