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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Looks like the crowdfunding is still going strong-ish.

$2,053 at the moment.

Clearly this crowdfunder is essentially a vote in favour of clear libelous allegations, so I hope Indiegogo takes it down.

LOL, I love the names of some of the "folks" who have made contributions to the Help Poor Rob Ford fund.

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Here is Indiegogo's Summary of the Terms of Use:

Indiegogo said:
What violates our terms?

  • Raffles, lotteries and other games of chance, in exchange for a contribution
  • Anything that violates someone else's copyright, trademark or intellectual property
  • Offering any monetary return on investment or real property, including: real estate, annuities, lottery contracts, profit-sharing, cash, securities, equity or debt-repayment
  • Pornography
  • Harassment or public humiliation
  • Posting a project that breaks the law
  • Selling illegal or prescription drugs
  • Excessive violence or graphic content
  • Anything promoting hate, violence, or racial intolerance
  • Falsely impersonating someone, misrepresenting your affiliation with a person or entity, or hiding your identity
  • Pyramid or Ponzi schemes
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I have bolded anything that is pertinent. It is clearly condoning the harassment of a journalist, and condones defamation towards a journalist, which can harm his reputation and his career without any substantial proof.
I have bolded anything that is pertinent. It is clearly condoning the harassment of a journalist, and condones defamation towards a journalist, which can harm his reputation and his career without any substantial proof.

In fairness to the campaign - you and I both know that Rob's statements were filthy lies (and the facts support that) but he hasn't legally been found guilty of that. The money is for his legal defense which seems fair enough.

As stupid as I think it is I can't really say it's any "shadier" then the $200,000 raised (intended for) for crack dealers (which I contributed to).
If any of these people are contributing to the Indiegogo crowdfunding as a joke - as the crummy $1 donations and names listed above would seem to imply - then they should cut it the fuck out. Granted, 2 grand isn't all that much in the larger scheme of things, but it all adds up, and it's still something Rofo can point to for propaganda purposes: "See how the little people love me!" I'm mildly appalled that the stupid fund has managed to raise even this much. If it were closer to the $100.00 range, I'd be much more amused by the whole shoddy spectacle.

Why would he apologize? He's got nothing to gain.

He lives for court battles to be a perpetual victim of the star and left wing commies

He's also never suffered a single consequence for any of the rotten shit he's pulled, including his previous court cases. I'm not surprised Mayor Cartman is going for his usual strategy here, i.e. brazening the whole thing out. I have every confidence he thinks he's going to skate on this, and why not? He has every other time.

But this has a different feel to it. I can't see how any reasonably impartial judge and/or jury is going to take Ford's side here, and I can't wait to see the look on his repulsive fat face when the court rules against him. The ensuing temper tantrum should be one for the ages.
In fairness to the campaign - you and I both know that Rob's statements were filthy lies (and the facts support that) but he hasn't legally been found guilty of that. The money is for his legal defense which seems fair enough.

As stupid as I think it is I can't really say it's any "shadier" then the $200,000 raised (intended for) for crack dealers (which I contributed to).
I always wonder about Indiegogo's terms of service and if they need any revision.
Not happening. Dale should just go ahead and call the toronto star funded lawyers.

What exactly is being suggested here? That it's less legitimate because the Star is footing the bill? As his employer do they not have an obligation to support him in cases that relate to his job? Or do you believe the lawsuit frivolous? Ford has threatened to take legal action against Mark Towhey (for speaking to the police), as well as George Christopolous, former deputy press secretary Issac Ransom and a waiter at Toronto's Bier Markt. He didn't follow though, of course, but not because he had a change of heart - because he knew he'd lose.
He's also never suffered a single consequence for any of the rotten shit he's pulled, including his previous court cases. I'm not surprised Mayor Cartman is going for his usual strategy here, i.e. brazening the whole thing out. I have every confidence he thinks he's going to skate on this, and why not? He has every other time.

Funny, seeing that word made me wonder if Project Brazen 2 was named in honour of "his honour".

brazen |ˈbrāzən|
1. bold and without shame: he went about his illegal business with a brazen assurance
Hi everyone

I've spent a bit of time reading here and decided to register and join in the fun. I even brought a housewarming present, the Rob Ford magic 8 ball:

Regarding Conrad Black, do you think for a minute that he didn't go online after the interview - assuming he didn't know about Dale's incident behind Ford's house - after it aired and check it out? Give me a break, the guy isn't stupid and there is no way he wasn't curious enough to dig around after the fact. He's also sued enough people to know when someone has a solid case to sue.

I also wonder if Ford knew the questions ahead of time. The comments about Dale were not off the cuff, just like the comments about having enough to eat at home weren't.

It will be interesting to hear the Washington radio station this week. I only heard the show the first time Ford was on and it seemed they were trolling him big time. I figure they will either stop the show because they fear a lawsuit or will continue to egg him on.

I feel sorry for Dale. He is going to have to deal with this long, drawn out court case for a long time, if it does happen, and it's through no fault of his own. I am glad he decided to sue after he initially said he wouldn't. There is no way Ford would have stopped repeating his comments if he hadn't have been served. We'll see what tomorrow brings.

I have to say, I think those reporters at City Hall do a great job. They seem to work really long, crazy hours with huge stretches of boredom. I'd never paid attention to much political stuff in the past but if one positive has come of it, I'm paying more attention now!
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