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Rob Ford's Toronto

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derailments happen from time to time, besides, it isn't an either/or proposition. We can discuss abuse of office, drunk driving, illegal drug use and procurement AND whether the little mayor was gettin' busy in the office. Besides, though it might not be a biggie to you and me, it might be a chink in the Ford Nation armour. You know, those folks who don't think lying and incompetence are a biggie.

Anyway, you could probably place bets that the Alana thing would be grabbed and worried to death by a bunch of us armchair internet detectives, like a terrier going after a bone.

Finally, it can be hard to correctly perceive tonal bias in text, especially without letting your own biases get in the way. Considering that there are a hell of a lot of male sex workers (frankly, the types I know best) I'm not sure where misogyny crept in. Unless, perhaps, you're subconsciously judging female sex workers as immoral or something.

It's not the lack of focus I had the issue with.

Misogyny crept in, as I've mentioned, around the time that stag picture or whatever it was showed up and the discussion turned to whether that outfit meant she was a sex worker or simply a slut (or whether she was just wearing a slut's uniform).
Kelly was a history professor who taught at the elitist Upper Canada College (the socialite John Tory graduated from this elite institution) . Another thing you should know about Kelly is he is a longtime LIBERAL!

So what we got was a slimy smooth-talking LIBERAL elitist as our UN-ELECTED mayor!

I am probably alone on this forum by saying that it sickens me to see the shameless power grab that is taking place at city hall. I am sure that we don't have to worry about Norm Kelly (who looks like he was dug out of a fresh grave) smoking crack, getting shit-faced drunk or doing lines with attractive young ladies. What I DO worry about is Kelly bringing to city hall the culture of Liberal Party corruption that so prevalent at Queens Park which has resulted in $BILLIONS being STOLEN from the taxpayers of Ontario!

Well he voted to waste billions on suburban subways, including sheppard, finch, SRT, and underground eglinton lrt. Basically every piece of Ford lunacy that came out of his ass. How's that for waste?
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Ford Nation seems to still be alive. See
Rob Ford: Toronto Mayor finds support at York eatery
at this link.


Makes me wonder, what would this man be willing to overlook in his business if he's willing to overlook a crack smoking, lying, drunk driving, bullying, racist, homophobic, and sexist Mayor.
Right, once the furore dies down and life gets boring it's going to be primo meltdown time for Robbie, since no-one will actually give a shit if he's going to the gym or, in fact, anything.

Sad but true. I assume the cops are still watching. Hopefully they will catch him before anything really nasty happens. Most likely in a vehicle or in the domestic environment.

I remember in one of the interviews last night Rob said he was still being watched, let's hope he's right.
If it were just a smokescreen in the Toronto Star story that would be one thing. I don't think they could do that in an agreed-to statement of fact in a plea bargain, though.

Right, I wouldn't know that either. JimmiT makes an interesting point re private conversations yielding more info, though.
Well he voted to waste billions on suburban subways, including sheppard, finch, SRT, and underground eglinton lrt. Basically every piece of Ford lunacy that came out of his ass. How's that for waste?

You know, regardless of how you feel about Kelly (and I'll admit I don't have much of an opinion yet except that I'm not a huge fan of his voting record), it's amazing how little polling has been done regarding how well Kelly would do in the 2014 mayoral election. If he restores stability and inspires confidence, particularly in the right, and doesn't try to run roughshod over the left, he I would imagine by next year would outstrip Tory or Stintz as the centre-right candidate to watch...
Is the cost of producing the Ford Nation show really the reason it's been cancelled? I took a quick glance at some clips online and while the Fords aren't exactly camera-friendly, I don't think their viewing audience cares.

I honestly don't see how production costs could be the reason for cancellation unless Sun TV is hurting that bad. I imagine it was a three camera shoot on an already lit set. I can't see there being more than one producer on that show and maybe a couple production assistants. It took 5 hours to shoot but with set up and wrapping, that's 1 day of work for the crew. Considering the Fords do whatever they want, I don't envision more than a day of pre-production. I guess they had to pay someone for a day of work to make the graphics, though it doesn't appear any creativity went into the graphics. They probably had to pay the special guests like Ezra, but I don't see the Fords getting paid in this situation... were they? Then one day to edit it down to an hour is actually quite impressive. That's virtually nothing in the world of post-production.

These two quotes from Kory Teneycke just don't seem right...

“It’s by far the most successful thing, from an audience perspective, the network has ever done,”

“It wasn’t viable to put all those resources into it,”

If it was your most successful show, then why not dump all available resources into it? Doesn't any company, making or selling anything, put most of their resources into whatever is the best-selling product or service?

Either Sun TV is on the brink of collapse or there's another reason we're not hearing about why this whole TV show happened and then stopped.
Yeah, but he's a LIBERAL!1!!2

On a serious note: do you think he'd want the job? He seems almost saddled with the responsibility he now has.
Jeeeeezuz. What is this? Arkansas, c. 1962? The man allegedly drinks mickeys and drives a 3/4 tonne truck. Wanna talk about immorality? What's immoral? His utter lack of regard for other people's lives.

It's worse than that. It's off-topic, misogynistic, judgmental, ignorant, unkind. It was also typed mostly one-handed.

It was the creepy and pervy tone of the discussion that got me, not the fact that AK was being discussed.
Yeah, incongruous statements from Mr Teneycke.
I knew it had to be code for something. It wouldn't make sense to blame production cost in a format that is generally low-cost (vs say, drama serials) if it is the biggest attention-inducer your station has ever had. Especially when you're bitching about mandatory carriage.
Yeah, but he's a LIBERAL!1!!2

On a serious note: do you think he'd want the job? He seems almost saddled with the responsibility he now has.

I thought he already said he won't be running? He could change his mind though.

Yeah he may say that now, but the bar is so low for him to succeed based on his predecessor that the adulation he receives if he's even barely competent could push him to reconsider. Power can also be fun, which is a factor. And if he does a good enough job that people are asking him to run (and they will if he does). And lots of politicians say they won't run until they say they are.
I look forward to boring days in City Council -- but we know that won't happen. Ford will probably live in denial and attempt to chair committees and continue to lose his mind in council meetings. Still, it's a big relief to get out of the crazy haze. A mayor who answers questions! Wow...

I'm largely satisfied with this and feel that a huge splash of water was just thrown on this fire. With Ford so completely neutered, he's either going to blow the lid off completely or he's going to mope around defeated like after the reality hammer came down in his conflict of interest trial. Either way, I think the media circus is going to dissipate shortly.

I'm looking beyond this already and am working on a project to bring the city back together and heal the divisions that Ford fostered. Toronto will recover and we need to make the next year such a positive contrast that no way will people want to go back to the Ford circus.
Can you share any details on the project? I would love to be involved if I can lend support.
Sun TV could save time and money by hiring me to write the script..."actions speaks louder than the gym 2 hours a day...watching every dime...I'm not perfect, I'm only human, can't change the past, moving on...I'm not a rat but...subway subways's before the courts...high-pitched whine...curse word." AND SCENE.

Also I would pay for a "best of Ford Nation" blooper reel. Please let this mysteriously leak on Youtube.
I thought he already said he won't be running? He could change his mind though.

Yeah, that's why I asked.

He doesn't even seem to want to be interim mayor.

PS: yeah, that's right. I said interim mayor. Interim until next election because Fordiot has been castrised.
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