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Rob Ford's Toronto

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With limited resources I wonder if Ford will focus more on his 3-1-1 work or his remaining mayoral duties... Actually we probably can guess, he doesn't seem to take their political/strategic advice anyways. The big question is if Price will stay on the payroll, I doubt the deputy Mayor would want him.
Very true. It's also possible that Rob Ford will drop out of public life altogether in order to pursue a Doctorate in Analytic Geometry and Calculus at Princeton.

But i wouldn't bet on it.

Great example of the type of cherry-picking Ford Nation does to allow itself to believe in him.
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Yeah.. But he's gotta stop embarrassing himself sometime........ On another note, I enjoyed him in the speaker's chair... He actually did good! Good Boy Rob!!

IMHO, that was a set up by Nunziata and Parker to make him look a little better on TV while being stripped of his powers. Unfortunately, he completely bollocked that up by comparing himself to Kuwait...
Not to sound like an old killjoy - but is there really any need to be posting large pictures of half naked women in the thread??

Some of us peruse the forum at work and I'd like to be able to keep doing that without having to worry about what my boss might see.
Not the best strategy then. Do you really want the Crown to jump in and prosecute before they feel there's enough evidence for a conviction (Blair may think so, but obviously the Crown doesn't). Last thing we need is the Ford(s) getting off. Plays right into their victim meme - and everybody's out to get them etc.

True. If this speculation reflects reality the Crown likely has an extraordinarily high standard for grounds to charge in this case, for obvious reasons.

And if plea deals are a part of if and involve who we think they involve, there's also the risk of "How are we supposed to trust criminals and gang members etc?"

I think we also need to open up ourselves to the possibility that Ford will never be charged with anything.
At least they're only "half naked". And really no worse than Pussycat Dolls-ian commonplace, all things considered.

SSFW (semi-safe for work)
Well - at least post a link to the picture and label it as so.

Just a polite request, that's all
Frankly, his entire office staff should be let go.

I wonder if those who leave might be further sources of inside info -- I would think any staffer that leaves wouldn't be too terribly loyal, and no longer being beholden to Ford financially might loosen some tongues.
IMHO, that was a set up by Nunziata and Parker to make him look a little better on TV while being stripped of his powers
Parker (and Stintz) were at a TTC meeting. I doubt that Parker has much good will left for Ford, or that anyone would believe putting someone who has been acting out in the way Ford has would be benefited by being placed in the Speaker's chair.
Seems all the Ford Nation members who were on UT have dissapeared, you don't hear them commenting any more.
I wonder if those who leave might be further sources of inside info -- I would think any staffer that leaves wouldn't be too terribly loyal, and no longer being beholden to Ford financially might loosen some tongues.

I fear they signed confidentiality agreements. However, Towhey's been talking...but he was fired. I really think he knows a hell of a lot and it's frustrating.
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