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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Some people here took umbrage at that suggestion a few days ago. Sometimes you never know which way the wind is going to blow around here, depending on who's posting at any given time.

True. Could have been just a lark to ride on a free tab or solely for the laughs or whatever. And I didn't mean it as put-down of her no matter, really, what their connection - however tenuous or intertwined it might turn out to be. I guess I was just saying attractive women don't usually hang out with gross older fat guys for their unceasing charm - unfortunately for gross older fat guys such as myself. :)
True. Could have been just a lark to ride on a free tab or solely for the laughs or whatever. And I didn't mean it as put-down of her no matter, really, what their connection - however tenuous or intertwined it might turn out to be. I guess I was just saying attractive women don't usually hang out with gross older fat guys for their unceasing charm - unfortunately for gross older fat guys such as myself. :)

I think what I said at the time was I could respect someone getting paid to hang out with Ford more than I could respect someone doing it because they wanted to. I've got absolutely nothing against someone trying to make a living.
I was reading the Calgary Sun this morning and I think there were 2 or 3 pages devoted to the crap Ford is doing. What a train wreck. Hopefully both Chow and Tory run and Ford becomes just a bad memory.

Do not ever underestimate the desperation, power, celebrity, determination, and financial means of the Fords to get that man re-elected. Are there 300,00-400,000 voting fools to walk him back into office next October? Who knows. What we need to seal the deal are tough charges, bail and house arrest to keep him out of Council and get rid of him, then gather around and watch him go down during the trial. Also, it's probably safe to assume that after last week's & today's antics that the doors to Doug's aspirations at the Provincial level are now officially closed.

I heard it mentioned during today's session that the union members in the gallery were being filmed here on a work day to capture their faces, requested by either Rob or Doug (probably Doug), hence this video -

I just caught up on 50 or 60 pages since last night. Something else I didn't see noted, that just about made me fall out of my chair, was a comment by Doug (CNN). "...everyone keeps saying Robs a Conservative, he's a huge, massive social Liberal... he loves Obama" (newsflash!).
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Theory: Ford is trying to piss people off in order to get them to run in the next election, thereby splitting the votes against him. This jives with his earlier comments that people should stay in the race to the end, and not drop out in the run up to election day (e.g. Rocco Rossi).

Vaughan seems to imply as much here, after Ford egged him on at yesterday's meeting.
Finally, this: I realized what Doug reminds me of. If there were ever a Muppet character that was supposed to be a mobster/con man, it would look and sound like Doug.

i'm trying my damnedest to catch up, but i seem to always be 50 pages behind! and i just can't wait to share this one...

doug actually looks more like the mobster muppet's monkey, which is fitting.
Well, that's good news for breakfast. The noose is tightening around the scoundrel's fat lack of neck.

I'm off to work know, cause my grants ran out or wtf ever. Hahaaa....mmmm, that's some good tea. (What? Did ya think I was sipping a latte?)
If you guys talk to Fordiot today, tell him to stop dissing us taxpayers.
If it happened when I was behaving in a violent, reckless or unstable manner, then yes, I probably would suffer certain legal consequences, actually. "Mistake" or not. If - just as an example - it happened when I was physically barrelling towards another target that I intended to confront then an "apology" likely wouldn't suffice, even if it was sincere. And if it happened while I was drunk* or high, then I almost certainly would be spending a little time in the local cooler.

*And wasn't Fatso chug-a-lugging something from a Tim Horotn's cup earlier?

(this is another one i can't wait to respond to...)

it seems to have worked for hashimi...

Hashimi admits to pulling out a handgun and firing multiple shots in short succession, and then fleeing by car. The prosecutor said the Crown accepts that Hashimi did not intend to kill Smith or injure one of his associates (Khattak), but that the killing happened in the heat of a fight with Hashimi’s "capacity" diminished by drugs and alcohol mixed with cough syrup.

The prosecutor told the court that Toronto police completed a competent investigation and that based on a review of the evidence, a manslaughter conviction "properly" addressed Hashimi's legal culpability.
MetroMan started this thread, and is well connected. He's been purposefully obtuse as to who he is, but he's the most reliable contributor to this discission.

Don't be shy, Dilla. You have brought some reliable info.
The thing I don't get about the Smith murder is that apparently the fight was initiated by Smith after receiving text messages from some of his fellow gang members. Why would he start the fight? It doesn't fit in with the whole they murdered him to get the video... I also can't find any reports of his cellphone actually being stolen.

(i can't wait to catch up so i can stop apologizing.) sorry if this is already posted...

Anthony Smith was photographed with Ford and two alleged gang members outside a home police allege is a “crack house.â€

He was killed outside a club in late March and the police allegations reveal his cellphone “was stolen at the time of his murder.â€
You must not forget that the 2010 election had only 50% participation of eligible voters and it is suggested that large swaths of voters aren't even registered. I live in an area with huge development meaning people moving in from other areas or even other towns. This proves once and for all that municipal elections do count and that we should be paying attention. I contacted ElectionsToronto after the last election and suggested a "none of the above" box on the ballot, people don't want to vote for anyone on the ballot so they don't vote if they had the "none of the above" they could vote for no one. An extension of the policy would be that if "none of the above" got the most votes no one on the ballot could run in the repeat election. I didn't vote FOR anyone in the last election, I simply voted. Look at the result.
Do you really think Smith was killed because of an ongoing dispute? I don't. He was killed because he either made or owned the video of Ford.

have we learned who took (as in, who was the person behind the camera) the infamous photo outside of 15 windsor?
(i can't wait to catch up so i can stop apologizing.) sorry if this is already posted...

Ah. Thanks for finding that. Can anyone speculate on who they might have had wiretaps on? I'm guessing they didn't get Lisi and the mayor speaking on the night of Smith's murder and the night of the Gawker story release..
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(i can't wait to catch up so i can stop apologizing.) sorry if this is already posted...

Ah. Thanks for finding that. Can anyone speculate on who they might have had wiretaps on? I'm guessing they didn't get Lisi and the mayor speaking on the night of Smith's murder and the night of the Gawker story release..

My best guess and it's only that is that someone from the Traveler investigation got a call from Lisi in regards to the video. That would be the only way to make a connection between one investigation and the other for me unless someone rolled when they were charged. They did not pick Lisi out of thin air to be followed.
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