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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Can someone remind me why Ford brothers are talking to American media, considering America has nothing to do with Toronto politics? I hope he knows American's cant vote for him :p Creating an even worse reputation for our city. It's like they really do love the attention.

“In media strategy terms, it’s a bit of a Hail Mary pass,†said Daniel Tisch, president of public relations firm Argyle Communications.
“He can’t get his core messages across to his constituents in Toronto through the local media, and so this gives him an end-run around them,†said Andrew Laing, president of media analysis firm Cormex Research, in an email.
Ford appeared on Fox News Sunday afternoon, where he said he was getting professional help and wanted to run for prime minister one day.
“I suspect that the mayor believes Fox News would be sympathetic,†said Alex Sévigny, director of professional communication programs at McMaster University.

“The problem is, in the United States he’s nothing but a sideshow,†Sévigny said. “I don’t think it’s of any value locally.â€
“Won’t help with Ford Nation, they don’t watch Fox or CNN. It’s his desperation about losing his TO media access,†said Robin Sears of Earnscliffe Strategy Group in an email.
I just had a weird thought: When the next election is finally here, the coverage from the international press is going to be on the level of a Royal wedding. How bizarre that an unqualified and dim-witted bumpkin somehow stumbling into the Mayor's office would generate this kind of attention from the entire world. It really is like a previously undiscovered Chris Farley movie.

It was good to see Doug the coward. A right reprieve from the swaggering thug who barks and bullies his way around City Hall thinking he owns Toronto and has got revenge in his pocket. Doug - afraid at last. Doug - stupid and caught, like a third-grader who'd been called to the principal's office. Dumb, trapped and a nervous wreck. It's a good start.

Well, most bullies are cowards at heart. And as many people have pointed out here, neither Slob nor Thug appear to have suffered any real consequences for much of anything during the course of their entire lives. All this scrutiny must be a tad eye-opening to say the least.

You can also look at it this way: Businesses will always need labels. If Deco were to go out of business tomorrow, another label company would take up the slack, probably hiring the same number of employees as lost jobs when Deco went under. In terms of lost jobs and gained jobs, it would be a wash. With the upside of an insane family having less mad money to ruin cities with.

This. This exactly. Not to sound hard-hearted, but things are tough all over these days, as it is. Is there any reason DECO's employees should be exempt from the same economic uncertainty faced by the rest of us? Of course they don't "deserve" to lose their jobs, but does anybody? Would the Fords hesitate for a singe, solitary second to harm a policial enemy in this manner if they could? And, yes, any lost jobs due to DECO going out of business would materialize elsewhere if the market still existed for them. Granted, that's hardly a cure-all for what essentially amounts to innocent bystanders getting caught in a cross fire, but that doesn't make it any less true.

It's ok to have a conscience, and yeah, it's obviously perferable that people on "our side" operate with honest-to-goodness ethics and morals, and that we don't automatically sink to the Fords' scumbag level while dealing with them. I get that. But there's such a thing as basic reality as well, and when you come up against a bunch of ratfuckers, bullies, borderline criminals (if not actual criminals) and thugs who don't hesitate to use political hardball against their enemies, a little hardball of our own isn't uncalled for.
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What's with the Fords constantly speaking in hyperbole? "Best father around," "most honest politician in Canada" etc.? Is it because their gullible fan base will swallow lines like that?

"Most scrutinized mayor ever!" -- Actual Ford supporter quote
Can someone remind me why Ford brothers are talking to American media, considering America has nothing to do with Toronto politics? I hope he knows American's cant vote for him :p Creating an even worse reputation for our city. It's like they really do love the attention.

I'm sure there's something in Sun Tzu about fighting only the battles you know you can win. I have to assume even the Americans watching this are shaking their heads and mostly see through the hyperbole. Call me crazy, I think the main thing going on now is people laughing AT the fords and them thinking it's WITH them. It might just be a lot of Ford Nation people find themselves at Argo games but I suspect most of yesterday's "celebration" around him was nothing more than the same sort of freak show that would have greeted Lindsay Lohan or a Kardashian.

When you hear Ford say that clearly the weight is the major issue and we know for a fact that he's been saying that since his mom told him that was the big issue...well, paging Dr. Freud! Or maybe just Lenny Kravitz...

And my mama said
There's much weight you will lift
And my mama said
Leave those bad boys alone
And my mama said
Be home before the dawn
And my mama said
You can be rich or poor
But my mama said
You can be big or small

But I'm always on the run...
You can think of it as the word "gross" specifically with respect to sex. Basically it just means low-class promiscuous ('ghetto') woman, but slang is flexible.

It's also a device consisting of a bar or wheel with angled teeth that are engaged by a cog, allowing movement in one direction only. ;-)

And then there's Nurse Ratched (I know...different spelling but sounds the same).

And as an example of evil manipulation by someone in a position of power, an appropriate metaphor.
Mid-interview, according to CNN, an Etobicoke resident wanders over and says to Councillor Ford “I remember when you used to sell hash to all my friends.” Councillor Ford responds by denying to CNN that there’s truth to an 18-month Globe and Mail investigation that detailed his involvement in the drug business in the 1980s.

"Thirty one years ago. I smoked marijuana. I didn't deal marijuana,” he told CNN. “If you want to go calling, you know, going to your buddy and saying, 'Here is a joint for $10 bucks,' if that's what you want to call (dealing), so be it."
Mid-interview, according to CNN, an Etobicoke resident wanders over and says to Councillor Ford “I remember when you used to sell hash to all my friends.†Councillor Ford responds by denying to CNN that there’s truth to an 18-month Globe and Mail investigation that detailed his involvement in the drug business in the 1980s.

"Thirty one years ago. I smoked marijuana. I didn't deal marijuana,†he told CNN. “If you want to go calling, you know, going to your buddy and saying, 'Here is a joint for $10 bucks,' if that's what you want to call (dealing), so be it."

Does anyone know what compensation story is for the Sun News show? I assume they legally have to do it for free but I can't find anything to corroborate that.
Mid-interview, according to CNN, an Etobicoke resident wanders over and says to Councillor Ford “I remember when you used to sell hash to all my friends.” Councillor Ford responds by denying to CNN that there’s truth to an 18-month Globe and Mail investigation that detailed his involvement in the drug business in the 1980s.

"Thirty one years ago. I smoked marijuana. I didn't deal marijuana,” he told CNN. “If you want to go calling, you know, going to your buddy and saying, 'Here is a joint for $10 bucks,' if that's what you want to call (dealing), so be it."

Doug Ford loves his false equivalencies:
"Hash" = "marijuana"
"Coke" = "marijuana"
"Dealing for years" = "selling your buddy a joint"
"Hard liquor" = "couple of pops"
Mid-interview, according to CNN, an Etobicoke resident wanders over and says to Councillor Ford “I remember when you used to sell hash to all my friends.” Councillor Ford responds by denying to CNN that there’s truth to an 18-month Globe and Mail investigation that detailed his involvement in the drug business in the 1980s.

"Thirty one years ago. I smoked marijuana. I didn't deal marijuana,” he told CNN. “If you want to go calling, you know, going to your buddy and saying, 'Here is a joint for $10 bucks,' if that's what you want to call (dealing), so be it."

I lived in Etobicoke for a few years when I was a kid and a boy I grew up with bought hash off Doug.
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