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Rob Ford's Toronto

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The various rumors about DC being in video #2 can't be true. It is a stretch because the only tie in is the inauguration speech and the Gawker report that vid#2 has a ex hockey player/hockey analyst. Hasn't anyone raise the possible RV connection? was captain of leafs, was a TV commentator and has had a few run ins with the police over having a few too many pops and driving. Pure speculation here, but more connections than DC.
Any rumours on the Star's bombshell story? I'm assuming it's something other than the ITO and wire tap information.
Most of Toronto lives in ignorant bliss. The kind of shit that happens in this city every day would baffle just about anybody. This past week alone, Brant House and Jacobs restaurant got firebombed with molotov cocktails and an undetonated pipe bomb was placed at another venue on King St. as a warning. Armed bank robberies are routine. People get shot and stabbed all the time but most escape with their lives. Some of this stuff doesn't make the news to discourage copycats but it does happen.

By not helping the police in their investigations, the Mayor is absolutely complicit in protecting organized crime. Yes, he is responsible for putting Toronto in real danger and no, this isn't hyperbole.

How do you know this?
What exactly are the warnings for?
How do you know this?
What exactly are the warnings for?

Even out here in the Hinterland a local pizzeria was fire-bombed, twice. I was hoping it was just a local beef, but it could have been part of a bigger picture. The plaza is located in Jakobek territory, another councillor with questionable ethics, to say the least.
Mayor Ford is the target of a police investigation. As such he would be crazy to agree to sit down to a police interrogation. No lawyer would allow his client to submit to police interrogations under these circumstances.

Yes, and he should be allowed to do what's best for him... so long as he resigns!

What he is doing is incredibly selfish. He is in a position where he cannot do his job but he wants to keep it because he is too ashamed of losing it.
Even out here in the Hinterland a local pizzeria was fire-bombed, twice. I was hoping it was just a local beef, but it could have been part of a bigger picture. The plaza is located in Jakobek territory, another councillor with questionable ethics, to say the least.

Oh come on; there's nothing questionable about Jakobek's ethics. He received one or more bribes in exchange for political favours.
Someone posted this about a pastor involved in a sex scandal, but I'd say it pretty much goes for Robbie here:

1. Man gets caught with pants down (or smoking crack, peeing in public, being drunk in public etc)
2. Man denies it or provides excuses and pretends like everything is fine
3. Man is forced by elders/leaders/media/angry mob of former minions to fess up
4. Man gives scripted apology admitting the bare minimum of what he did
5. Man acts “chastened†and “humbled,†invokes his shame and regret at bringing shame on his family
6. Man expresses how hard this is on him and his family, hoping to use the real and honest sympathy of listeners to get off easy
7. Man indicates that he is being forgiven by his family and that you should forgive him too because “we all fall shortâ€
8. Man goes into semi-hiding for a bit, strategically releasing things that not-too-subtly serve as “proof†that he is hard at work improving himself and restoring relations with his family
9. Man has his acolytes/minions/political and social circle defend his sullied reputation, calling anyone who mentions his indiscretion “bitter,†“spiteful,†having an “evil heart†and engaging in “casting stonesâ€
10. Man waits until anger at his behavior subsides, then finds an external source to tell his side of the story to, complete with a touching redemption narrative and supportive quotes from his relatives
11. Man finds or continues a lower level job within his field and publicizes how happy and “humbled†working at it is making him
12. Man resumes his old station or another one of similar stature, claiming greater wisdom from the whole experience and being “called to lead†once again
13. Man accuses anyone mentioning his “fall†of not exhibiting proper forgiveness of sinners like Jesus instructs us to do
14. Man is slightly more careful not to get caught doing whatever it was he did before
15. Man uses his “everyman†status as a “fellow sinner who has seen the grace of God†to sell more stuff, people buy it, and he gets older and richer

Well with exception of Jesus talk, I'd say this is pretty close to what has/will happen (barring criminal charges).

Bang on. And what with the "God bless Toronto" and "to err is human, to forgive divine" slush coming out of the mouths of Ford family members, the Jesus stuff might as well stay in.
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