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Rob Ford's Toronto

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I think Rob will eventually agree to some form of rehab, as long as it doesn't interfere with his "constituency meetings"...
Gord Perks letter to a "taxpayer": bolding is mine.

So I wrote my councillor, Gord Perks, following Rob Ford's radio show apology on Sunday - so before the crack smoking admission. I asked him what his plans were to keep Toronto moving forward. He sent me this today:
Many people are asking me to work to remove Mayor Ford from office. To the core of my being I believe it should not be up to elected officials to remove each other from office.
It is axiomatic that in a democracy the community elects its government. It must also be up to the community to remove its government and replace it with another – through elections. Anything that displaces the electorate's power to choose its government is anti-democratic. Further, our system wisely allows for a range of different points of view in government. If we allow elected officials to force each other out of office, we risk having elected officials who oppose the majority view being pushed out of office. History is replete with examples of how bad that is for a society.
Both before and during the previous election, it was clear that Rob Ford was racist, homophobic, and had problems with substance abuse and honesty. Nevertheless he won the election. We, all of us who care about justice and democracy, need to ask ourselves why this happened.
I have what I believe is part of the answer. It is increasingly common for people and institutions to succumb to anger, resentment, and an urge to punish government for real and perceived failings. Ironically, it was this very anger that helped elect Rob Ford Mayor. Recall the relentless attacks he made as a Councillor and mayoralty candidate on factually small but symbolically large uses of Councillor's office budgets, and his mantra about ending the so called "Gravy Train".
This style of politics draws on the slogans of people like Ronald Regan who said "Government is the problem" and Margaret Thatcher who said "There is no alternative". Nonsense! Government is the tool we build together to solve problems. Its precise function is to find alternatives that bring us to a better future. Theirs is a politics of resentment and anger. Reject it.
When we succumb to that anger, important questions about how to build the City we want are lost and forgotten. For the record, I am not immune to this anger. Over three years of resisting the ugliest parts of the Mayor's assault on good governance I have on occasion lost my temper and have twice decided I had to apologise to Council. Frequently, I have to remind myself to step back and count to ten and remember that I am here to build the City. I am not here to get into pointless conflict. It's hard to do, but essential that I do it.
I want to ask you to count to ten. When you are angry at your government, remember that quick, anger-fuelled solutions usually make problems worse. When a neighbour expresses anger over a real or perceived failure of the government or public servants, speak up and remind them that so much of what holds our society together depends on those same public servants. They work to make sure that we have the comforts and community we all enjoy. When government does not solve the social problems that bring suffering to neighbourhoods, resolve not to grumble but instead to learn, participate, and organize for a better government.
Most of all spend some portion of every month – even just one hour – doing political work to ensure that we don't elect angry anti-democratic leadership to govern this wonderful City that is our home.

Gord Perks wrote the text that is in bold? If so - WOW.
Much as I hate to say it, I think Doug can hang and win the PC nomination in Etobicoke North and even win the seat, despite it now being generally accepted that he is a Rob's enabler. (Of course it's in our hands as citizens to thwart his ambitions.) As far as any higher aspirations, forget it -- establishment conservatism is still too strong a force in this province to permit rabble like him from becoming PC leader.

If he did win, it would be on strictly popularity contest/grudge voting---seems to be common knowledge that he's done virtually nothing as a councillor.
I just saw a preview of tonights Fifth Estate on CBC about Ford. It looked pretty cheesy. Reenactments of the cops following Lisi with dramatic music on top. The "Hollywoodization" has certainly begun.
Flaherty knows/ knew way back about Rob's substance issues. Remember he spoke back when the original story broke.

That makes him an enabler like the rest of the family.

I'd postulate that Douggie being an enabler does NOT hinder his chances politically.
I just saw a preview of tonights Fifth Estate on CBC about Ford. It looked pretty cheesy. Reenactments of the cops following Lisi with dramatic music on top. The "Hollywoodization" has certainly begun.

Gillian Findlay as the host/narrator. I thought Bob McKeown would have been all over this one.
The appearance struck me as being calculated and planned, an attempt to gain sympathy that backfired.

Had it only included the mother, it might have had a chance at reigning in the blood lust this sick fest has become. But no....they went ahead and let the dimwit Kathy sit in. And who would question Kathy's credibility? You know...the heroin addict who's latest convicted drug dealing boyfriend, who "accidentally" shot her in the head (what's going on where a loaded firearm is accidentally being discharged anyway?, and if it was just an accident, why did he steal her parents car and flee the scene rather than, Oh I dunno...maybe go to the hospital with her?)

Oh...the same Kathy who's previous druggie boyfriend blew her then current druggie boyfriend's head off with a sawed off front of her kids.

All this did was solidify the notion that there is no help for Rob, because his problem is genetic.

Pure speculation here, but from my own experience, what I know of Rob and Renata reminds me of every co-dependent, mutually enabling couple I have ever known.

Well, you don't need to get all that detailed about Renata to draw that conclusion. We know enough about Rob to conclude that anyone who would choose to marry and breed with him obviously has poor judgement. She's obviously best. She might also be a drinker. Remember, Rob implicated her without realizing it when he fessed up to his lying about being at the ACC drunk and disorderly....he said "my wife and I had too much to drink".

After today's video (which, honestly, sounded more like Robbie regressing back to the days of Gorilla Monsoon's updates on Channel 11) I think professional wrestling may be the only thing that could save his job. least in a professional fight, there is a ref who can step in and stop the fight when it is obviously over. There's no ref in this one. After seeing Ford respond to the latest video (if you want to call that mumblefest a response), this match between Ford and The Star should be over, with the belt going to The Star. If Ford doesn't concede now, the Star will be forced to hit him again...HARD!! And they will.

The question is, will the ref (Council and or Queen's Park) step in and do something in time?
Flaherty knows/ knew way back about Rob's substance issues. Remember he spoke back when the original story broke.

I don't understand his whole pre-verbal non-reponse. It looked more like he was just having a stroke on live tv.
I just saw a preview of tonights Fifth Estate on CBC about Ford. It looked pretty cheesy. Reenactments of the cops following Lisi with dramatic music on top. The "Hollywoodization" has certainly begun.

To be fair The Fifth Estate has had this in the works for months. A guy at my work is related to Bob Mckeown and he had told me that they were making a Rob Ford special all the way back in August.
I just saw a preview of tonights Fifth Estate on CBC about Ford. It looked pretty cheesy. Reenactments of the cops following Lisi with dramatic music on top. The "Hollywoodization" has certainly begun.

The Fifth Estate usually puts those in, and rarely do I feel like it takes away from the substance of the report.

God I wish I knew they were putting this story together earlier. I see Linden MacIntyre at my local all the time!
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