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Rob Ford's Toronto

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The Fords know their 'Nation' well. This all out attack on Blair by Ford is insane, but it will appeal to their base.

Rob is now just a great guy who had a few too many drinks one time, and Blair is out to destroy him.

The video and everything along with their investigation once again becomes evidence they haven't seen that's now part of a left wing/media conspiracy against them.
If my lawyer was present, I would. If there is a genuine concern for clearing one's name, the best thing you can do is speak to the police (with an attorney present). If you have an alibi, provide it. If you have proof you aren't guilty, provide it. The police are not out to scapegoat anyone (unless you're a Black Male that is, at that point I would say don't speak to police, history unfortunately shows this). I get that we all have a reason to distrust the police, but they aren't all the enemy. They're doing their jobs. Being uncooperative makes one look guilty even when they aren't.

The thing is - if arrested you don't have the right to have legal counsel during interrogation. Not in Canada anyway.

So agreed - with a lawyer present it's somewhat different. But without... say NOTHING.

But we digress. Real life is more exciting today than our hypothetical scenario.
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Michael Thompson is fuming right now. He's the Vice Chair on the Police Services board and just listened to Doug's press conference. He's about to lose his shit.
Again, I wish they'd ditch the video talk and move on to hanging out with criminals and all that goes along with that, but the video is an easy target. Like someone said, it's the $16 glass of orange juice that gets people riled up, and apparently the mayor being besties with criminals isn't that glass of orange juice. I despair for the human race some days.
Michael Thompson is fuming right now. He's the Vice Chair on the Police Services board and just listened to Doug's press conference. He's about to lose his shit.

I think council has had enough, Doug went too far this time. Finally council is doing something about the Fords. WTF took them so long?
From Curtis Rush on the Star's live feed
Recap of what Doug Ford said:
1. He is going to get the OIPRD (Officer of the Independent Police Review Director), which is the body that investigates public complaints against the police, to look into charges that Police Chief Bill Blair has been biased against Mayor Rob Ford.

2. Doug Ford is writing to the police services board to ask that Andrew Pringle be removed from the police services board because, Ford says, he went on a fishing vacation with the chief, which is a clear case of conflict of interest.

3. Chief Bill Blair said he is going to continue to do his job and won't respond to personal attacks. Asked about his comment that he was disappointed with the mayor after seeing the video, the chief said: "I responded how I felt."
My whole thing is, "don't talk" is a piece of advice that can easily go no further than between lawyer and client. I am BAFFLED at his decision to make a pretty inflammatory public statement.

You've hit the nail in the head. Hotmail Lawyer may be good in the courtroom (he's gotta be good at something - and it ain't domain name registering), but he's a stupid, stupid spokesperson.
Kudos to the person who asked Chief Blair during his press conference about Ford's apparent drinking and driving habits. Unfortunately, Blair wouldn't comment on it but the fact that it was raised is good. It needs to be raised even more.
Frankly I hope the Fords keep it up. I hope they keep being belligerent, and I hope they keep doing, and saying wild things. The more obviously erratic the Fords are the more sympathy they lose. Sympathy is a killer. The ignorant think Ford is being attacked, and they need to know just how deserving of these "attacks" he is. Six months ago there were still moments when I'd feel bad for Ford. That sympathy is gone now. I hope Blair, and the Star sue the Fords until they're broker than I was when I was twenty two. I want to see Ford getting turned down for minimum wage dish-washing jobs. My only hope is that somehow Renata, and his family can find support somewhere in their extended family.

For the record I say this as a man who was turned down for a dish-washing gig at Swiss Chalet, and I say this as a man who has shared a one bedroom apartment with his wife, and daughter. I've been fortunate enough to bootstrap my life, and I've been fortunate enough to not have to rely on social assistance; I'm sick of the Fords claiming they represent people like me. They don't. They never have, and they never will. They're just two deluded rich kids, who have no clue.
Nobody's yet mentioned Doug's comment about talking to frontline officers that are against Blair. That might have been the biggest tactical error of the bunch. You don't put words in the soldiers' mouths like that.
You've hit the nail in the head. Hotmail Lawyer may be good in the courtroom (he's gotta be good at something - and it ain't domain name registering), but he's a stupid, stupid spokesperson.

He keeps making statements that seem intended primarily to play well in the media/with Ford Nation. Like demanding that Blair release the video, while knowing full well Blair can't. I don't get it. That shit is not going to help him in court.
My councilor is one of those noncommittal middle-of-the-road types. He also flip-flopped on the Jarvis bike lanes (eventually voting to remove them) and on the SRT. I would have voted for him anyway, in case someone worse took his place, but I am beginning to think I can't vote for him unless he takes a stand against Ford.

I think they are behaving like desperate people with nothing to lose. You don't lop around nuclear bombs like he did unless your opponent can hypernova you.

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