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Rob Ford's Toronto

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May I offer a suggestion for poster making? I found a free program called Posteriza ( It lets you choose your text, optional background image, and then prints everything out poster-sized by cutting it into 8.5x11 sheets (which your printer can handle) that you then glue onto bristol board in order to make a full-sized poster with nice text (and graphics if you want). I just tried it--takes a few minutes to figure out, and it's kind of basic (not a lot of options), but it does the trick and looks more reputable than markers. Just an option to consider.

And maybe someone knows of a better program for this?

The press loves catchy colorful signs.
Yes, its the final drop in the bucket. But its a big drop

What he is smoking pales in comparison is the involvement he has with Lisi et al - that, above all else should be the drop.

And besides, when you see the video, one can easily play the "but I can't tell what it is game". Sorry, it's getting rather predictable.

Before I demand Ford resign I really wanna see this video first and make sure its crack and not hash he's smoking

You are kidding, right? The crack is only a very small part of the picture; he hangs out with gangbangers, convicted criminals, and is a pathological liar.
Yes, its the final drop in the bucket. But its a big drop

That's interesting.
... And I mean that in a totally non-snarky, un-sarcastic way.

For me, the big deal isn't the contents of the pipe, but the contents of his character.
By associating with truly seedy people, he's making himself an easy target for bribery and extortion and graft.
Yes, its the final drop in the bucket. But its a big drop

So the fact that he hangs out in and perhaps even finances crack houses owned by his friends, where he gets high and poses for photographs with people in the hard drug and firearms trade - some of whom have been murdered, and most of whom are now under arrest - is not enough for you to demand his resignation?

What difference does it make if it was crack? That he was getting high is surely the least of our worries in the wider context.
If this protest does happen, it must not focus on the crack. Its far too easy for Ford to weasel his way out of that. Instead attack his character. The fact that he hangs out with drug dealers. The lies he's told us etc...
What I've heard, and what makes sense is that he gets plastered on booze, and then uses the drugs to manage the effects. Uppers to counterract the downers, basically, theoretically returning him to his version of an even keel.

There's that, but also remember that alcohol and coke go together like milk and chocolate cake.
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