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Rob Ford's Toronto

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I think it's great that Robyn Doolittle has written a book about the mayor. Rob Ford has been accused of wanting an American-style political landscape here in Toronto. He admires the "strong mayor" system like in NYC. His dirty tricks way of doing things is very American. There are and have been books written about sitting American mayors (Rahm Emanuel in Chicago, Giuliani and Bloomberg in NYC, for example. I'm sure there are others). I can't recall there ever being a book written about a sitting Canadian mayor. I think this is a case of "you want it? you got it!". Kudos to you, Robyn Doolittle!

I may be wrong, but I think Rob Ford has actually spoken out against having a strong mayor system. Doug, of course, always bemoans the fact that Rob doesn't have more veto power.
That publication has been around for awhile now. Even before Ford was mayor. The guy that runs it is an extreme right wing nut. I used to skim through it while at the laundromat and laugh at the various spelling mistakes. Here's a lovely sampling of the insanity this paper is:

It's unbelievable that it manages to get some pretty big advertisers, although some of them have started to wise up to where their ads are going:
Speaking of rags, I have often wondered what my late, lamented pals at Frank Magazine would have made of this years-long oddessy. The twists, the turns, the salaciousness, the muck, the pettiness, the grime, and indeed, the myriad of players.

They would have had to go to 128 pages and full colour every week.
Speaking of rags, I have often wondered what my late, lamented pals at Frank Magazine would have made of this years-long oddessy. The twists, the turns, the salaciousness, the muck, the pettiness, the grime, and indeed, the myriad of players.

They would have had to go to 128 pages and full colour every week.

Well, Frank still exists, but it seems they've had very little to say about him ... and what they have said seems sympathetic to him (because of their antipathy to the Star):
NEWSTALK1010 ‏tweeted this a few minutes ago:
We learned an important lesson over the weekend: Being a member of Ford Nation means blind support without questioning anything.

Maybe it's time for the Ford show to start broadcasting from a boat on Lake Ontario...
^Isn't it a different cast at Frank now? I know that Fabrice Taylor (?) sold it back to whatshisname after the failed run, but didn't whatshisname subsequently dump it on someone else? I remember buying my last hardcopy some time in 2007 or 2008.

Frank was wonderful. It was very widely read in the law firm where I used to work, but no one would acknowledge reading it. I later discovered that a couple of partners had once come into Frank's crosshairs, so its presence in the office was verboten.
NEWSTALK1010 ‏tweeted this a few minutes ago:
We learned an important lesson over the weekend: Being a member of Ford Nation means blind support without questioning anything.

Maybe it's time for the Ford show to start broadcasting from a boat on Lake Ontario...
Now that's interesting.

I didn't listen and I haven't seen the weekly wrap-up yet -- what was said that might have prompted that?
Now that's interesting.

I didn't listen and I haven't seen the weekly wrap-up yet -- what was said that might have prompted that?

I believe it's a quote from one of their other hosts "Showgram". I wouldn't say that it's necessarily the network's opinion, but the fact that they tweeted it......
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I believe it's a quote from one of their other hosts "Showgram". I wouldn't say that it's necessarily the network's opinion, but the fact that they tweeted it......

I wouldn't get too excited about Newstalk 1010 tweeting that. The station thrives on disgruntled listeners calling in and ranting on the air. I'm sure a few whack jobs will see that tweet, call in and create content for the hosts to riff on for a while.
I believe it's a quote from one of their other hosts "Showgram". I wouldn't say that it's necessarily the network's opinion, but the fact that they tweeted it......

Perhaps it has something to do with this: (from The Star today)
Over the weekend, the Ford brothers criticized the Ontario Press Council on their radio show.
Last week, the independent body found a Globe and Mail investigation alleging councillor Doug Ford had once been a hash dealer and a Toronto Star story about a video appearing to show the mayor smoking crack were responsibly and ethically reported.
The mayor called the Press Council “unbelievable” and told listeners “the only two papers you should read” are the National Post and the Toronto Sun, neither of which are Council members.

Although if they were on air today, I guess the Sun would be off that list :)

P.S. Parkdale Petunia, love your reason for editing :)
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