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Rob Ford's Toronto

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This is an interesting Toronto Life article from 2011. Attempts to find some info about Renata.
I'm sure some of you have read it... It's still interesting.

Very interesting article! The following jumped out at me:

I know that if I had two toddlers at home, I’d be less than thrilled if my husband spent hours every week coaching high school football, and occasionally brought home troubled team members for sleepovers.

BBM: I wonder if this is just speculation on the part of the writer or if there is truth to the claim that Rob Ford was in the habit of bringing teen football players over to his house for sleepovers?
Well, the author prefaced it by referencing the mugshot. Also lots of references to peeling shingles and faded umbrellas and that sort of stuff. Not sure where you're getting the chip on the shoulder thing.

As another already pointed out, it's giving context to his personality - failing to maintain his house is indicative of his personality and is completely relevant, especially when his neighbours say they see it as a sort of point of pride. You said "It has such a snobby, elitist, pfft, he likes doing laundry and his house has tacky furniture. Clearly he's not fit to be mayor of sleek, stylish Toronto." It doesn't read that all and it isn't intended that way, and it feels more like you've got a chip on your shoulder because you're trying to twist it that way. That's all.
Very interesting article! The following jumped out at me:

BBM: I wonder if this is just speculation on the part of the writer or if there is truth to the claim that Rob Ford was in the habit of bringing teen football players over to his house for sleepovers?
Gosh. The mayor really needs to be more careful. For obvious reasons, most people wouldn't approve of a 40 year old man brining teenage boys to his house to sleep. Not saying anything illegal is going on, just pointing out the optics. But from what I've seen of Ford, I'm confident that he's letting them sleep at his house because they have issues at home or something.
I'm amazed that his wife has been so silent in all of this, I haven't seen her in a photo with him since the night he won. Does she even leave the house?! You'd think she'd be seen at the football games or at city events or something...

If you need to see Renata, then hang out at one of the local hospitals and wait for one of her regular visits accompanied by paramedics. Otherwise, she stays in the basement.
Actually, an even more interesting issue might be Renata's *family*; there seems to be a "marrying into money" opportunistic cloud hanging over them...
If you need to see Renata, then hang out at one of the local hospitals and wait for one of her regular visits accompanied by paramedics. Otherwise, she stays in the basement.

Not sure I follow the joke here, assuming you're trying to make one?

adma said:
Actually, an even more interesting issue might be Renata's *family*; there seems to be a "marrying into money" opportunistic cloud hanging over them...

Source? Details?
As another already pointed out, it's giving context to his personality - failing to maintain his house is indicative of his personality and is completely relevant, especially when his neighbours say they see it as a sort of point of pride. You said "It has such a snobby, elitist, pfft, he likes doing laundry and his house has tacky furniture. Clearly he's not fit to be mayor of sleek, stylish Toronto." It doesn't read that all and it isn't intended that way, and it feels more like you've got a chip on your shoulder because you're trying to twist it that way. That's all.

Don't forget there was also the whole idea that he was planning on knocking down that house to build a bigger one on that property. So maybe he wasn't planning on sinking alot of time and money into maintenance.
As another already pointed out, it's giving context to his personality - failing to maintain his house is indicative of his personality and is completely relevant, especially when his neighbours say they see it as a sort of point of pride. You said "It has such a snobby, elitist, pfft, he likes doing laundry and his house has tacky furniture. Clearly he's not fit to be mayor of sleek, stylish Toronto." It doesn't read that all and it isn't intended that way, and it feels more like you've got a chip on your shoulder because you're trying to twist it that way. That's all.

We don't need to keep this going...I respect your opinions, and maybe I came off too harsh at the outset. However, I was not expecting the article to have the tone it did, at least from my perspective. So, to summarize: you can tell me I'm wrong, but you have no grounds for saying I'm shoulder chipped. :)

(Just kidding on that last bit, in case it wasn't clear)

Ford crack scandal: Clinging to conspiracy theories won't make facts go away

“…it behooves Ford’s acolytes to cling to some kind of lefty political or Star-generated conspiracy against the mayor because, you know, we hate the man and are still trying to undo his election. This is the last refuge of scoundrels who’ve had their asses kicked on a humongous story.”

“…respected columnist friends and I have often — in private, not for publication — deplored the work habits of fellow practitioners of columny who never report a damn thing, never put in the leg-work, never venture to the front lines but move in afterwards to shoot the wounded. They merely opine on the hard-slogging work of others. If we are maggots — as Ford infamously proclaimed — they are leeches.”

“It’s perfectly okay to debate the ethics of meeting with an alleged drug dealer to view the videotape, as two Star reporters did, or to attempt buying that disputed item, as U.S.-based website Gawker tried by crowd-sourcing the money demanded. It is not okay, however, to impugn the professional reputation of journalists, men and women with solid reporting chops, simply because the information they relay is not to your liking or damages your hero.”

“To recalibrate events as some kind of ongoing plot, character assassination run amok — as if the whole scandal has no basis and its mushrooming consequences over the past three weeks are irrelevant — is shabby, empty, partisan posturing. To cast it, tiresomely, as a right-left ideological divide is lame. To cluck-cluck over whither-journalism is patronizing, digressive and hugely beside the point.”

“The point is Ford, Rob Ford and his conjoined brother-ally Doug Ford, and their alleged association with drug use and drug dealing. The point is that, for all their fulminations over the past three weeks — on their radio show, at narrowly constrained conferences, during self-serving TV appearances (that would be Doug) — the accusations about Rob and crack cocaine have not been quelled.”
Hey guys. New here. Been lurking for a while... Really enjoy a lot of the posts here. Kudos to Metro Man...

Anyways I thought I should post this... Haven't really seen mention of it anywhere, sorry if everyone already knows of this:

I just thought I should point it out... The amount of murders, shootings, beatings, and falling out of apartment building accidents just seem a little much...

Once again, sorry if this is known already... I stumbled upon the article randomly and I just haven't really seen anything else about it, I figured Gawker would have mentioned it...
Well that sounds awful and I hope it's not true. In fact, what indicates that it is true? Forgive me if I'm asking something that's already been answered.
Interesting tweet from Toronto Sun City Hall Bureau Chief, Don Peat:

Mayor Rob Ford asked how Toronto residents can trust him if he won't answer crack allegations, he won't answer question #TOpoli

Seems the Sun remains interested in this story.
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