"turn everyone into slaves who live below the poverty line". You've got to be kidding me.
Some of us just think it's incredibly stupid that TTC ticket takers who sit on their ass all day to act surly and unhelpful make $60000 (or $100000 with lots of overtime) a year, when hard labourers or Ph.D. postdoctorate fellows make less. That's just stupid.
You haved absolutely no clue what the job entails, yet you're working SO HARD to trash workers on a messageboards. Way to work hard champ! Race to the bottom!
For the record, people who go for their Masters and Ph.d do it for the money, or because they are able to. Not everyone can, nor even should be expected to go for a masters, or Ph.d.
My brother has a good post-secondary education, but choose to drive trucks instead. By your logic, should he make shit pay?
One where people value hard work and education.
When did you become so bitter? I see people like you who instead of working to improve their own lives, whine and complain about other people's better lives, and hide behind the "working hard" excuse. You talk about working hard, yet all you do is demand others should make less than you. It's pathetic. If you're such a hard worker(god I hate that conservative talking point), go out there and make more money! Bitching on a messageboard isn't going to get you anywhere. It's even worse if you actually make decent money, and still whine about others wages!
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