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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Erm, didn't our old friend Casita point out that as a city employee, Rofo's life insurance policy was posted pretty good?

It might not be about taking care of his kkids and Renata, but keeping Doug's mitts off it.
Erm, didn't our old friend Casita point out that as a city employee, Rofo's life insurance policy was posted pretty good?

It might not be about taking care of his kkids and Renata, but keeping Doug's mitts off it.
Ok now I really bet ford "dies" in the USA. Then they all move to Florida!! With the insurance money Lol
So I turn on CP20FORD this morning to check out the weather forecast, and what do I see? Why, breathless coverage of St. Slobbicus of Etobicokkus on his deathbed, of course. As if Ford were an actual person of significance, a Prime Minister say, or even just an 'ordinary' Minister, instead of just a minor functionary in the local city government. Huh.

This latest shitshow is based entirely on his so-called celebrity status, needless to say, and even that is greatly diminished from what it once was. I gotta agree with those who think the timing here is all-too suspicious, and has anyone pointed out yet that the Familglia delaying this announcement for political gain might have actually exacerbated Ford's already grim condition? A lovely thought, no?

Maybe someone has explained crowdfunding to him. A nifty way to relieve Doug's campaign debt.

Totally grumpy cat.
1. Who says this is before his time? Dude's lucky to have made it this far
2. +1 to the headline writer who made sure it said "crack" right underneath Ford's photo
Maybe someone has explained crowdfunding to him. A nifty way to relieve Doug's campaign debt.
When I first heard him mention looking after Dougie and Stephanie, it sounded to my ears like he was pleading for a fundraising campaign. Whatever the GoFundMe is for sick people. For him it probably wouldn't be much different than a bobblehead sale - if his illness could collect tens of thousands for his kids it would be further evidence of what a superstar Rob Ford is, of how much he means to the folk.
Ok now I really bet ford "dies" in the USA. Then they all move to Florida!! With the insurance money Lol

Seriously, cut it with the conspiracy crap. Yeah, he's an asshat, but doctors and entire medical wings don't get together to help a guy fake cancer.

As with most conspiracy theories, it falls apart with just a little prodding. Doctors wouldn't risk losing their licenses, and a huge number of doctors, nurses, orderlies, lab technicians and others would have to be in on it. Either Ford has something he can use against *every single one of them* or he's bribing them. And that's a whole lot of bribe money for the number of people that'd have to be involved. Why spend all this money just to collect on a life insurance policy? Why risk potential fraud charges? Why risk others breaking their silence? Frig, his own staffers couldn't keep their mouths shut about his sleeping at work, but they'd be just happy keeping secrets about defrauding the public and eroding public trust with fake cancer?

Get over it. He's not faking this. Keep the nut job conspiracies to the Ford Nation folks.
Well fridge magnets got to be paid for somehow.


That's the question I have, will Robbie's staff be handing out fridge magnets before or after the service, or just during the viewing?
i dunno... parts of it are written poorly enough that i believe he may have written it.

i would love to see someone give him a 'taste of his own medicine'... something that itemizes his wastefulness. show us a breakdown of how much he technically got paid per hour vs. others (as in, if he only worked a few hours a day, but was still paid a full day's salary, he was making something like $160/hr instead of $80/hr, or about $1700 of waste per month... the $60 (or whatever it was) day sandwich run, which is $300 per week, for however many weeks, etc.)

and then maybe point out the flaws in what he's trying to call others out for. example... if a councillor making about $60 an hour takes the TTC to save (let's say) $10 in fare, but then takes (let's say) a half hour extra to get somewhere, that's actually a net loss of $20, not a saving. etc.
Sorry evva, let me try another angle to your questions about accountability @ City Hall..

Ford pulls this crap regularly. Its his image he's promoting. But he's the one asking the wrong question(s) and the press know it and don't want to go down that road.

If he does show up at council staff's reply will probably be that they've reviewed the expenses he's highlighted and have found them to be within council's policies for expenses (or if not there would be a process for investigating any issues 1dentified). Sad that Rob wastes his and the City's staff time with this crap, and I suppose that Jacobs actually knows more about the policies and processes than old Leaky Guts but everybody's humouring him.

There's a lot of really hard working councilors who show up early and work late doing their jobs, like meeting with staff to develop proposals or negotiate deals with developers and community partners. They also spend a lot of evenings and weekends at community consultation meetings or events - remember the outcry about Bussins (I think) renting a bunny suit for the Easter Parade in her ward? It's just Ford's "gotcha" BS and nobody but his base really takes note. When Rob goes to community meetings he and his "staff" are in the parking lot plastering cars with magnets.

It strikes me that the Fords "Night Shift" is their way of meeting with their unregistered lobbyists in clubs and hotels outside of the city where meals and entertainment are laid on as part of developing "relationships". Something Jude taught them with the COI suit! Don't let the stupid details drive you crazy. I'm hoping there is an end in sight when this chapter is over.

Remember one of the first Major proposals in 2010 was Doug's to plunk a casino, ferriswheel and monorail on the Don Lands site? He thought he had a great deal with a major casino developer and had no inkling that the Area Plan had been approved and the site was not available. That's just the way the Fords roll.
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