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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Rob Ford vs Theresa Spence


This sums up perfectly the ridiculous state of politics in this country.
Rob Ford vs Theresa Spence

This sums up perfectly the ridiculous state of politics in this country.

I DARE you to post that on a FB group like 'Idle No More', 'The Sum of Us' etc. If the truth were to be told (not a silly propaganda piece that even most of Ford Nation would believe) there would be so much tiny text above Ford's head there would be no room for a photo. So please don't troll, facts are facts and six bullet points come nowhere near the truth about that man and you know it.
Outstanding logic. But you will find my reply just as persuasive:





Hope that's settled, then.


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Rob Ford vs Theresa Spence


This sums up perfectly the ridiculous state of politics in this country.


Verify the Chiefs budget and it would be perfect. Is $100M to amount the Feds gave in 5 years, or is it the annual budget (there is also mining and other revenue above the Fed amount). Instead of $850 per day, I think the annual pay would be an easier number to grasp. At the same time, reduce the Ford amount to $3150, or round it to one significant digit and call it $3000. You want this to be as truthful as possible.
I DARE you to post that on a FB group like 'Idle No More', 'The Sum of Us' etc. If the truth were to be told (not a silly propaganda piece that even most of Ford Nation would believe) there would be so much tiny text above Ford's head there would be no room for a photo. So please don't troll, facts are facts and six bullet points come nowhere near the truth about that man and you know it.

The truth is probably that you could do this same comparison with a good percentage of the Chiefs in Canada.
When making extraordinary claims, bring in extraordinary evidence. There is extraordinary evidence for Rob Ford's legal problems, which is stated many times in many earlier posts. Regarding Theresa Spence, there is no hard evidence for her "seemingly-high" salary, aside from conjectures (she is not rich, unlike Ford). Well, this thread had invoked Godwin's Law already (a few times (even I myself invoked a variant of Godwin's Law much earlier in the thread)).
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Peepers - how could Ms. Spence have a $100M budget? She's the chief of maybe 1500 people that live in the back of nowhere. There's no WAY she could spend a $100M. There's nothing she could spend it on.

She has a budget of about $35 Million a year from a variety of sources. The $100M is the Federal amount over the past few years for which a forensic audit was conducted which discovered that about 80% of the transactions could not be accounted for (no receipts) or deemed inappropriate!

Here is the 2011 consolidated financial statement issued by Attawapiskat FN

Notice revenue from all sources is just short of $35 Million a year (they also have a $60 Million surplus!). I believe that at the most they have about 1800 people living on the reserve so this works out to about $77,000 per family of four TAX FREE (the equivalent of well over $100K for the rest of us!). This is just the government handouts - many on the reserve also work at the De Beers Diamond mine making big bucks.

With all this money pouring into this tiny community why are so many living in deplorable living conditions? Either this is the worst example of financial mismanagement in Canada or one of the larger cases of fraud. The RCMP should be investigating Spence but instead the government and the media (with the lone exception of SUN media) are treating her with kid gloves. Yesterday our idiot Governor General expressed "concern" for Spence's health. By now it should be apparent to anyone with any intelligence that Spence is faking her hunger strike.

EDIT: Just to put things further into perspective - the $60 Million surplus is the equivalent of a $ 17 BILLION surplus for Toronto! Can you imagine the shape Toronto would be in if we had a $17 BILLION surplus? And yet these people are crying out for more taxpayer money?
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I followed the missing trail of funds and deplorable conditions at Attawapiskat last summer on The National, I didn't realize until early last week that Spence was the Chief of the Reserve. I'm conflicted. No conflict here with Ford though :)
I followed the missing trail of funds and deplorable conditions at Attawapiskat last summer on The National, I didn't realize until early last week that Spence was the Chief of the Reserve. I'm conflicted. No conflict here with Ford though :)

Agreed. Chief Spence is turning out to be a really bad poster child for a legitimate protest/movement with real grievances (not that I like the blockades of VIA corridors, I'm going to Montreal next weekend and hope not to be delayed).

I don't think "the left" has much love fer her anymore, especially after the last week.
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