Active Member
It seems clear to me, asking her supporters to elect progressives to council to temper a Tory or Doug winning.
While "endorsing" Tory? An odd combo, that.
I also think the post-Ford clean-up job or "restoration" will involve long, hard debates. It's no Control-Z to get undo and a rollback. Having other progressives on council is one positive force, but even choosing grown-up adults in wards that lean slightly right is necessary. The Ford Zoo was helped along in earlier days by shoe-goo like Minnan-Wong, Mams and FNunziata. That's gotta stop too. We can only hope the visibility of these clowns provided by the RoDoFo circus will help that happen.
On the other side, having erstwhile "progressives" like Perruzza and Cho around doesn't help either.
So basically, he won't be doing a whole lot of work if he wins.
I think it's fair to say that was never in doubt, cancer or not!