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Rob Ford's Toronto

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I've lived in Toronto for more than 40 years, and I don't remember the spouses of mayors ever being a big thing.

Except perhaps for Marilyn Lastman, but for all the wrong reasons.

From the Brantford Expositor:

35 years ago 1977

The Brantford detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police reported today that only one person had been charged during the weekend for having a radar-warning device in his car.

No similar charge was laid by city police.

The detectors, which have been banned by the provincial government, were confiscated from the drivers who were given $68 tickets.

Police began enforcing the new law Friday. It permits a policeman, without a warrant, to stop and search a vehicle if the policeman has reasonable grounds to believe it is equipped with a radar-warning device.

Marilyn Lastman, manufacturer and distributor of Fuzzbuster devices, has said she will take legal action against the province because she thinks the law is unconstitutional.

It is still legal to sell such devices, but Mrs. Lastman says sales have dropped since use of the detectors became illegal.

Her firm, Lyntronics Ltd., has laid off some employees."

PS: I wonder if the police still do this?
Have been away since yesterday evening, so just catching up to add:

Charter Communications Inc.? "Tory sank the company."

Told ya it was coming.

Doug even took shots at Paul Allen for being in charge when they filed for bankruptcy protection. Paul Allen is a multi-billionaire who owns the Seahawks and co-founded Microsoft with Bill Gates. Running Deco is small potatoes compared to that...
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See comment by Steve K for what is wrong with you 'folks'. You've rejected godliness!
"citizens of ON in general and those of Toronto in particular are mainly ungodly spiritually blind ignoramuses.The Holy Spirit impressed upon my mind people of Ontario & Toronto are getting the kind of wasteful / corrupt leadership they deserve for rejecting godliness."

Trawna is just another one of them evil So-domes and Go-mores. Fordz are just payback from The Lard, who is sum pissed-off.

Just wait till the Theocratic Gummint takes over! You're all going to Burn in a lake of fire while Ritchie Blackmore plays guitar!
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I have no idea if "Logan, Jewish Prince" is an expert, but he's certainly right to lay doubt on Karla Ford's alleged Jewish ancestry. I think the evidence that she isn't is very compelling and there's zero evidence that she is.
David Rider @dmrider · 33m 33 minutes ago
Ford family shopping photos making the rounds on Fbook, apparently to counter Doug Ford's dislike of the elite

I guess someone managed to save all these pics before the accounts went private. Nothing says anti-elitism like Chanel purses and Gucci watches.

See Doug claim they're all secondhand or knock-offs and that the family vacation in Monte Carlo was a Groupon in 3...2...1...

They'll just say Doug took a mom and pop operation and built it into a prosperous business. Imagine what he could do for Toronto!
I just saw a news story on CP20Ford about Thug's upcoming anti-Tory attack ads, and yep, it's all about Charter Communications Inc. And it's all bullshit. Lies, lies, lies. As we've been discussing here.

So much so, that I'm wondering if it might not be considered libellous. I know Tory likely wouldn't have the stomach to go after Thug through the courts even if he had legitimate cause - and slimy political ads are hardly something new, so it might be thought beyond the pale even if Tory were to take such a route...but I dunno. The sheer scumbag hubris of the Fords has broken so many precedents in our local political scene in Toronto, I can't help wondering if Thug might not be at genuine risk here.
Jonathan Goldsbie
Newmindspace will be celebrating the end of the Ford Era with an election-night party at Nathan Phillips Square:

I don't really like the name. "Business As Usual, Folks" could be interpreted as Doug getting elected (another Ford in the mayor's seat so back to that business as usual). "That's All, Folks!" (a la Porky Pig) would be better. ;)

David Rider @dmrider · 33m 33 minutes ago
Ford family shopping photos making the rounds on Fbook, apparently to counter Doug Ford's dislike of the elite

I guess someone managed to save all these pics before the accounts went private. Nothing says anti-elitism like Chanel purses and Gucci watches.

See Doug claim they're all secondhand or knock-offs and that the family vacation in Monte Carlo was a Groupon in 3...2...1...

whoa! I had seen some of these, and knew they weren't as folksy as Doug claims, but seeing it all together, and so much of it... this is quite a lifestyle :eek:

Also, hate to admit it, but I'm jealous of FitMama's bod, especially those arms in the pic on the ATV! :eek:
(can't compare myself with the daughters; too big an age difference. But dammit, FitMama is older than me!)

You gotta wonder how the one 'bigger' daughter feels, being that the others are so thin and the cultish devotion to all things 'fit' and 'lean' in their household. Gosh... I wonder if her dad takes potshots at her like he does to Rob. Even if the digs are more subtle, they'd still hurt (maybe more so, actually).
The sheer scumbag hubris of the Fords has broken so many precedents in our local political scene in Toronto, I can't help wondering if Thug might not be at genuine risk here.

If he wins, I predict Mayor-elect Doug will receive an immediate TPS protection detail.

In fact, as we head into the final gasps of a nasty campaign, it may come even before the election.

That'll be another first for TO.
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Very interesting graph: carried motions at Toronto city hall, by moving councillor via @kristynwongtam #TOpoli"
14-10-08 6:13 P

Doug 6th from last. Robbie 3rd from last.
If the intent is to produce some sort of gotcha moment with regard to Doug Ford's "Jewish conspiracy", I think we can safely let it drop. It's not going anywhere because Doug will never, ever cop to lying or even stretching the truth. We've even identified an easy out for him if it gets any uglier: he can just say he confused Russian Orthodox with Orthodox Judaism. There won't be any apology or admission of wrongdoing.

I get that some on this forum enjoy the internet sleuthery aspect of it all, finding ways to definitively "catch" the Fords in a lie. Me, I can't help thinking "why expend all this energy for zero payoff"? I guess if you give up on calling out liars, that's just opening the floodgates, and there is value in vigilance as an ethical stand. But the Fords take "what's the fucking point?" to a whole new level.

Im tired of the topic but I congratulate those who sketched it out. It all matters. Death by a thousand cuts is still death.
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