Peter Lynn @Peter_Lynn · Sep 17
If Rob Ford is really sick, I feel bad for @joe_warmington, who by tradition must be slain to accompany his master to the afterlife.
Joe Warmington @joe_warmington · Sep 17
@Peter_Lynn this is second time this person has talked of my death.Could someone please tell me his identity. This time I will contact TPS
Peter Lynn @Peter_Lynn · Sep 17
I'm puzzled why @joe_warmington would ask for someone else to confirm my identity (which isn't secret) in a direct reply to me.
Peter Lynn @Peter_Lynn · Sep 17
Anyway, I'm fairly sure it isn't a crime to compare the Fords' court scribe to the servant of an Egyptian pharaoh. @joe_warmington
Doctorb Anonymous @DoctorbTO · Sep 17
@joe_warmington Ummm,I'm pretty sure he's called @Peter_Lynn... Man, you really are terrible at twitter, aren't you?