Active Member From Rob Ford.wav
Ford saying thanks for all the good wishes etc in a hoarse voice.
Please give us some space.
-Doug Ford. From Rob Ford.wav
Ford saying thanks for all the good wishes etc in a hoarse voice. From Rob Ford.wav
Ford saying thanks for all the good wishes etc in a hoarse voice.
Andray A. Domise @AndrayDomiseTO 5m
Get well, big guy. We're pulling for you.
"And please, please, please vote for my brother Doug."
The Fords are disgusting. There really is no depth they won't sink to in playing politics.
Why is she using exclamation points? Other than because it's CP24.Stephanie Smyth @stephaniesmyth · 1m
BREAKINGl Audio statement coming from Rob Ford! Watch for it coming up on CP24 #TOpoli
Jonathan Goldsbie @goldsbie 16s
Doug's campaign seems to be premised on the hope that he will get his brother, weak and having lost weight and possibly hair, at a podium.
Jonathan Goldsbie @goldsbie 1m
On the one hand, it's the most cynical strategy in the world. On the other, for at least one of them, it's totally, unblinkingly sincere.
Toronto diagnosed with a common form of cancer, hopefully we can eradicate it.
Doesn't $125 seem rather low to actually fundraise money from the event? I would expect a political fundraiser to be no less than $300 (and ideally $1000) From Rob Ford.wav
Ford saying thanks for all the good wishes etc in a hoarse voice.
That's not very scientific, and sort of a shitty thing to say. "Oh, he died? I guess he wasn't positive and motivated enough".
Technically, he'll be mayor until December 1st.
I couldn't listen to more than 12 seconds (past "great city") of the audio. Was curious after Doolittle said he sounded very sick.
He sounds exhausted and/or medicated, and as though he has been intubated (e.g., for breathing, or scoping, or anaesthetic administration). I've been there for many non-life-threatening medical procedures. In other words, lots of people sound like that after even the most mundane and commonplace procedure.
So while I don't wish to mock or mitigate his health status, I do wonder why Doolittle repeatedly extends them such prima facie credibility.
At least he mentions his family. I'm guessing Mama Bear wrote that. With Doug's edits.
Please give us some space.
-Doug Ford.