Senior Member
Tom Jakobek--23 in 1982. And an ambitious-for-his-age 23, at that.
Oh yeah, Jacobek. Employed on the side as the picture for "snake" in illustrated dictionaries.
Tom Jakobek--23 in 1982. And an ambitious-for-his-age 23, at that.
Forum was the one of the firms who predicted a majority for the Liberals.
I thought that Ekos was the only one to predict that?
Forum was the one of the firms who predicted a majority for the Liberals.
Full poll results are over at Scribd....you can get to them thru a link at the City News site....Age/gender chart for the Forum poll
No they didn't. On June 10th, their final poll had Liberals at 42%, Tories at 35%, NDP at 19%.
It's not actually the huge change that Forum makes it out to be (as usual). Ford and Tory went up by only 1%, which is statistically insignificant. Chow went down by 7%, which is significant but could just be a fluke. In the 3-way race, she's still well above Ford (though Tory is gaining ground). I think that's the basic story of the polls in the last few months: Ford is stalled in the twenties, and Chow and Tory are going to be fighting over first place.
They also have ethnic background in the poll. The numbers are too small to take them very seriously. However, it shows that Chow has a whopping 40% of the Asian vote. If that number is anywhere close to accurate, it puts to rest the debate over whether Asians actually like Chow.
Looking back, the 2010 municipal polls weren't as far off as I remember--aside from Ipsos Reid. Those guys seems to always be way off the mark.
Thank you for your email.
Parks, Forestry and Recreation staff issued the permit for the Friday, July 25th Ford Fest on Tuesday afternoon on behalf of the City as all required conditions were met.
The permit as requested is for a special event to which the public will be invited. City staff can only make decisions based on what is provided on the permit application, not on speculation about what we think will happen at the event. The description of this event is similar to the other 130+ community events that have already been held this year by other councillors in City facilities or parks.
There are clear City guidelines on restrictions on campaigning at a permitted event at a City park and the onus is on the permit applicant to abide by all applicable City and election policies.
Senior City staff met with the Mayor's Office on Monday to review the policies that must be followed during the event. A letter was also provided along with a copy of the applicable policies. In addition, Parks supervisors and bylaw enforcement officers will be onsite to monitor the event.
City staff apply the same consistent and fair process in reviewing all permit requests. As mentioned above, the onus is on the councillor or candidate to ensure that what happens at the event doesn't contravene City or election policies.
I hope this addresses your concerns regarding the Friday, July 25th Ford Fest.
Yours truly,
Joseph P. Pennachetti
Tom Jakobek--23 in 1982. And an ambitious-for-his-age 23, at that.
I asked about the role of the bylaw officers and parks supervisors, and whether they have the ability to shut the event down in progress.