I'm just delurking to say a quick hello. I don't live in Toronto. I'm just an observer from another province.
I gotta admit I thought I'd hate it if I ever visited Toronto. But then I got to stay there last summer for five days and had the best tour guide - my stepbrother (who works in the media). And I admit I fell in love with Toronto. If I wasn't so broke now I would have gone back this summer, too!
Long before I visited TO I had been fascinated by Rob Ford and the city's inability to get him ousted from City Hall. After the visit I became nearly obsessed. I had my own encounter with the man just shortly after getting off the plane. We headed straight to a pre-season Argos game at Varsity Stadium. As my stepbrother was finding a place to sit, he told me to stay in one spot while he scouted for seats. He left me and my mom standing just a few feet from Rob who was watching the warm ups. I tried not to gape, but it wasn't long before a security guard was in my face telling me there were no seats available in that section. After the game I saw him surrounded by a bunch of people all giggly and getting photographs. It's the craziest thing to witness when you're not from there. It's like they're drugged or something. Here is this vile human being and people fawning all over him like he's found the cure for cancer. It's so terribly strange. And scary. I no longer have to wonder at how evil dictators come to power.
Anyway, I mourn for what Rob is doing to your wonderful city.
There is one comment I wanted to share. When we were visiting with my stepbrother I asked, "How in the world did Rob Ford get to be Mayor and why won't anyone stand up to him?" His reply came quickly and I've never forgotten it: "Probably because they're all scared." I asked for clarification and he said, "Like scared for their lives."
I was stunned. And it still gives me chills when I think about it. I don't think my stepbrother has or had any special knowledge, but I thought it was interesting that it was generally accepted that the Ford are scary people, capable of violence.
I'll go back to lurking now.