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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Then cry, moan and complain away but then perhaps the title of this thread is misleading? It should really be called the thread to bash the mayor. Many NOT ALL of the posts are all completely one sided with name calling and childish banter.

Ttk77, I’m hoping Toronto is in the midst of a tilt more to the right in its view, less money given out to unions, socialist causes and a move to smaller government. I think the next election will be fun to watch.

Toronto certainly seems to be swinging a little farther to the right at the moment, but I don't think it's permanent by any means. From what I've seen, people tend to get more conservative when economic times are tough. This is beside the point though....I think few of the complaints on here are about Ford's right leaning views, but rather are about his complete lack of competence. A competent fiscally conservative mayor who could actually pull some consensus out of council these days would actually be a good thing for the city.
That’s why i think the next election will be telling. I would think if Ford does win a re-election many of those councilors who continuously voted against him would be swept away as well making his agenda in his second term easier. I know I will make sure to do my part to get rid of my councilor.

And although on a global scale with Europe a mess, the US still not fully out of a tough recession and a slow down in China happening, locally the economy isn’t exactly in a tough time. I think Toronto is realizing that the free spending ways of the past will not serve it well in the future.
Then cry, moan and complain away but then perhaps the title of this thread is misleading? It should really be called the thread to bash the mayor. Many NOT ALL of the posts are all completely one sided with name calling and childish banter.

Ttk77, I’m hoping Toronto is in the midst of a tilt more to the right in its view, less money given out to unions, socialist causes and a move to smaller government. I think the next election will be fun to watch.

You're mad at the ford bashing, but you use inflammatory language like socialist causes? What are these socialist causes?

I am trying to start a fight at all, you are a good poster. I just don't believe everyone downtown is that extreme left.
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I have always believed the brothers Ford to be their own worst enemies. Give 'em enough rope, as the saying goes. Let them continue with their brand of righteous mayhem and cupboard-is-bare fiscal strategies. Only a matter of time now.

Ford is an excellent campaigner, however, and his political instincts in that regard should not be underestimated. Alas, it's the actual process of governing that utterly eludes him. He barks angrily about elites but acts very much like an elitist himself. He talks a good line about respect for taxpayers but he doesn't mind blowing public money when he doesn't think anyone is looking. Most curious fellow.

Has he been good for the city? In a way, yes - as a lesson of what good civic governance should really be.
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Today, 15:42malvern2
Then cry, moan and complain away but then perhaps the title of this thread is misleading? It should really be called the thread to bash the mayor. Many NOT ALL of the posts are all completely one sided with name calling and childish banter.

Well, considering you're the one throwing Socialist this and Socialist that without even a hint of displaying what that actually meant other than Fox News labelling, I wouldnt throw any stones in the glass house if I were you.

And yes, Don Cherry the class act - did his mom ever taught him any manners?

Calling his worship a great mayor is about as accurate as Captain John's claiming it serves the best seafood in Toronto.

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I'm defending his actions and presenting another side...thats all. I'm sorry you feel elsewise. Rob Ford won, get over it, 499 pages of crying is not going to change this.

He won the election, but he's proven to be completely impotent as a mayor. NOTHING he's proposed hasn't been rejected wholesale because all of his ideas are idiotic and ill-conceived.

Rube Fraud is a cheerleader for ignorance.
Don Cherry was right, this council was over loaded with left wing downtown council members who hijacked this city and basically ignored the needs of those outside of the core filling it with their socialist agenda.

Those dastardly downtown socialists! Somehow, despite the fact that there are only 14 Toronto/East York councilors out of a 45-member council, they have managed to find a way to "overload" themselves and take full control of city hall! It's probably some sneaky communist trick! Suburbanites have been disenfranchised with their measly 31 councilors and 1 mayor.
If Rob Ford does something wrong or illegal, the person reporting the incident gets into trouble. What's wrong with this picture?

If anyone sees Rob Ford, stay away. Far away. Especially, if he is breaking the law. And keep your mouth shut.

Or better yet get it on video and post it on YouTube.
• Don Cherry was right, this council was over loaded with left wing downtown council members who hijacked this city and basically ignored the needs of those outside of the core filling it with their socialist agenda
What complete BS. Both the two previous mayors weren't from downtown. And Transit City gave everything to the 'burbs, with very little for downtown.

And really .. Don Cherry? Really?

• As for gay pride I want him to run the city and keep it on the right fiscal track, o don’t care about his attendance at every parade or festival, especially one on a long weekend most crave to spend with their families
The problem here is that he also boycotts simple symbolic events right outside his office. It's quite clear from his past comments that he is prejudiced against gays. How can anyone possibly support something so utterly evil?
I have never called 911 in the 50 + years in TO, nor has anyone I know called them except for a neighbour, after his wife had a fall.
Really ... I've called 9-1-1 about 5 times in the last 25 years. All seemed valid to me, involving immediate danger or accidents. Am I just in the wrong place at the wrong time?

As far as I can tell, the issue with Ford's 9-1-1 calls, is it's usually relating to one of his relatives. And I don't think that's something most people can relate to.

For less serious stuff, I just call the regular police number ... but surely, a lot of people call 9-1-1 for good reasons. Am I just in the wrong place at the wrong time?
As far as I can tell, the issue with Ford's 9-1-1 calls, is it's usually relating to one of his relatives. And I don't think that's something most people can relate to.

Not that I'm terribly interested in defending Rob Ford, but many 9-1-1 calls involve domestic abuse situations and those tend have everything to do with one's relatives. Most often it's about someone beating or otherwise threatening his spouse. No laughing matter, that.

By contrast, I suspect think Ford uses 9-1-1 calls to feed and amplify his own unique sense of drama.
Those dastardly downtown socialists! Somehow, despite the fact that there are only 14 Toronto/East York councilors out of a 45-member council, they have managed to find a way to "overload" themselves and take full control of city hall! It's probably some sneaky communist trick! Suburbanites have been disenfranchised with their measly 31 councilors and 1 mayor.
Well you wrongly assume that councilors from North York for example are not aligned with the councilors from Toronto/East York. For example Maria Augimeri,and Anthony Perruzza councilors from North York usually vote with the councilors from Toronto/East York. And by the way its just Toronto now. Ask kids where they are from and they will say Toronto. They will not say Scarborough
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