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ddale8 1:37pm via Twitter Web Client
Doug Ford: "This is a curable disease. This is a curable disease, by the way." Rob Ford has insisted that he'll have it his whole life.
Rob Ford has went full Eric Cartman. There was an episode when Cartman found out that obese people in scooters were disabled and were able to get in front of the line. Which of course makes Cartman think "That is awesome I can eat all I want, and just sit in a scooter and get special front of the line treatment. Sign me up. I could be disabled and have that disease as well.
By the way, if there is any doubt what a piece of trash Doug is. He fully promotes Rob Ford has a disease yet still pushes him for the high pressure job of being Mayor. Rob is horrible but wow Doug is out of this planet.
Can we please stop acting like having an alcohol problem means you will hang out with drug dealers at your spare time. When he says "People have alcohol problems" and love a follow up and say NAME ONE politician who had alcohol problems and ended up hanging out at a crack house and trying every drug under the sun. It doesn't happen unless you are involved heavily in the drug culture.
So clue me in, what's the "indoctrinated" thing everybody talking about. What does that mean? I know what it means, but indoctrinated in what?