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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Fearless prediction time. I predict Ford will drop out before the deadline of dropping out. Either Rob will drop out, or Rob drops out, Doug jumps in, and then Doug drops out. There a few signs that this seems to be happening, (even though looking at signs with the Fords can be hard, as they are totally incompetent)This Griffin Centre incident for instance, something like that plays maybe well in a NIMBY city council region but as an overall general city wide thing it's horrible optics. There even a few Ford logic that I think the Fords will convince themselves is best to drop out.

1) Most say that the Fords will not drop out because they are stubborn and never quit, and that is true. But there is something the Ford's hate more, that's being defeated. They continue to portray themselves as "for the people" that only "elites" dislike them but 90% of the people support them and the polls are just bias. We all know they don't really believe that (that wouldn't have tried the desperate split vote strategy if they really believed the majority support them). If it looks like they will finish in 3rd with less then 20% of the vote. They will drop out before they can give the pleasure for somebody like Chow defeat them by double digit. If they lose with less than 20% and not even finish second, they will become totally irrelevant during the Chow or Tory administration. If they drop out they can still say "Oh we would have won but we dropped out due to *insert BS reason here, family, media etc*

2)*scenario if Tory wins* Ford's would claim they were "king makers" and endorse Tory. Tory is so spineless he might actually accept Ford endorsement and believe it and give him a sweet spot on his administration (Ford will go back to his city council seat) and hope to rebuild the brand again, not just city wide but try to reestablish themselves in the Conservative party

3)*scenario if Chow wins* Ford's will claim they wanted to be "team players" and dropped out to help fellow RW Tory, but Tory lost. Ford wouldn't have lost, Tory dropped the ball. Conservative movement should get behind extremists like Ford not softies like Tory. This would be classic Ford, if Tory wins, Ford takes credit. If Tory loses, Ford blames him. Recently the Fords are in the outs with the Conservative party as they are not viewed as team players (pretty much selling out everybody in the administration) in Ford's mind this will be the only way to show "Look we can be team players"
You cannot accurately predict what Ford will do tomorrow because he doesn't know himself yet.

I think the chances of him making it to October are 50-50. If rehab actually gets through to him, I suspect he won't want to run so he can focus on fixing his life. If it doesn't, he's got no room to grow his vote. He might stick it out because he's stubborn. But if he has another meltdown: Game Over.
Whether or not he officially drops out, Ford has certainly dropped out of campaigning in May. Chow is constantly making appearances, organizing, pulling in volunteers and donors; Tory is doing the same. Meanwhile, Rob's campaign manager has taken time this month not to work on getting his candidate re-elected, but to go on the attack against a group home for autistic teenagers.
haha. If it was a way of saying hi it was a pretty f'n weird approach.

Oh, you wouldn't be so hot if you adhered to the metric system, fella. A paltry 1.83 M, and a mere 127 K. Huh?

But, yeah, if that little Passive/Aggressive note wasn't "inside wink wink" then creepy for sure. Watch your massive, rippled back!
I still haven't written off a Ford link to Smiths murder. Though I know the vast majority say no connection.
I'm still with you on that Jimmi. While I don't believe he ordered him killed, somehow Smith's death is a result of the video.
I still haven't written off a Ford link to Smiths murder. Though I know the vast majority say no connection.

Smiths murder being tied in to RoFo has been nagging me since his unprompted denial that he was involved, as most of the shit the Fos say is a lie.

Could it be as simple as RoFo "knowing" that Smith had a copy and Khatack had one? RoFo mentions that he doesn't care what it takes, but get the vid! and someone takes it to the extreme. Or maybe Riinse was Smith, and he got doxed by the Bassos who told RoFo who...
I'm still with you on that Jimmi. While I don't believe he ordered him killed, somehow Smith's death is a result of the video.



"Is this the real life?"


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my apologies if this has already been posted (i've yet to catch up on today's reading)...

'Spun Out' features Rob Ford-like character

On Friday, a rather tubby, out-of-control mayor seeks help on the season finale of the new Canadian comedy "Spun Out" (CTV, 8 p.m. ET). "Troubled Mayor Seeks Image Makeover," reads the headline on the release promoting the episode. The character is described as, "Lewd. Obnoxious. Drunken. The city's most controversial mayor…"
If rehab actually gets through to him, I suspect he won't want to run so he can focus on fixing his life.

This sentence really makes me reflect on how winning the mayoralty was the worst thing that ever happened to Rob Ford. The stress of the job seems to have forced him into a pretty rough substance abuse spiral. On top of that, he's now the laughing stock of the world, is unlikely to win again in October, his marriage has been torn apart... if he weren't such a wretched person, I'd almost feel bad for him. He could have had a real thing, being counsellor for life of a little stretch of Etobicoke.
Just spit balling, but maybe the tow-trucker driver was given a little consideration to remove the plates, so everyone's technically been honest.

Maybe he's gonna wait till this blows over and then sell the famous RoFo plates on eBay! ;)

(probably not a good idea, though)

Just like the street signs, RoFo could autograph some "special edition" signs while he makes them in prison.
You cannot accurately predict what Ford will do tomorrow because he doesn't know himself yet.

Totally agree, it's hard to get a read on them as they seem to be going by the seat of their pants. I know we don't necessary like Nick K here but seeing how the Fords are working this campaign, he has earned some respect to really be able to do a good campaign for them last time. I still don't agree or like him, but he is good at what he does.

I do think for a while we over-estimated how "smart" Doug is. There is no doubt Rob is a dofus but he knows and at least keeps it simple. Doug thinks he's brilliant but the more he talks the more you see through him, he's also the least charming man I have ever seen.

PS, a bit of other Ford news that I don't think has been mentioned here. Defamation lawsuit goes to appeal Click Here Please Griffin Centre follow Foulidis lead.
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