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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Chow has some good thoughts on transit. She certainly might have greater appeal to the immigrant and visible minority community. I'm not convinced she actually does remember the value of the dollar given her spending habits. Except for the spending issue, she gives Ford a good challenge in the other areas. She has more of the people's touch as evidenced by her using public transit. Neither Tory nor Stintz have that. They come off as more aloof and elitist. And both have said some things that leave me scratching my head. And Kouvalis just leaves a really bad taste in my mouth.

It seems Canadian politics is particularly ugly at the moment. While I am not happy with how the Liberals mismanaged Orng, E-health and the gas plants under McGuinty, do we really want Hudak? Lest anyone forget, he said a few years ago he would cancel also, now he's slinging mud at Wynne when he has no proof she knew anything of the deleted emails. Maybe she should have known but there you go. Again, not a great choice of candidates. And don't even get me started on Harper.

All this to say that Conservative is not pretty today, Liberal isn't faultless and NDP would likely bankrupt us. Some choice huh? It's really hard not to be cynical.

Personally, and I know this is shallow, but I just can't get past Hudak's resemblance to Beetljuice, and live in fear of inadvertently blurting it out three times in row...
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Personally, and I know this is shallow, but I just can't get past Hudak's resemblance to Beetljuice, and live in fear of inadvertently blurting it out three times in row...

Yeah, he sort of reminds me of a cross between Michael Keaton and Jerry Mathers. Which is annoying because I like Keaton and The Beav, but Hudak is a creep.
Yeah, he sort of reminds me of a cross between Michael Keaton and Jerry Mathers. Which is annoying because I like Keaton and The Beav, but Hudak is a creep.

Couldn't agree more. The kind of guy where you count all your fingers after he's shaken your hand.
(1) What would be in it for the Tim Hortons spox to lie by saying it is Doug when it is Rob?
Ford Nation drinks Timmy's; latte-sipping elitists go to Starbucks. I guess they figured they'd lose existing customers.

... Why is Doug now asking everyone to accept his version of the 'truth' about a video that we are not allowed to see or which may not exist? ...
hahaha! someone should throw that in his face! ;)

TH obviously wouldn't acknowledge that Rob was there as that would drag them even further into the shitstorm. I wouldn't have acknowledged Doug was there either, but maybe some naive PR manager just thought it would be the easiest way to make the story go away. As long as Doug was there any time that day their statement is true, and they haven't said that Rob *wasn't* there.

I too am stunned that Tim's said anything at all. It would have been easy to say "we can't set a precedent and pull up security video every time someone wants to know if their kid was playing hooky from school or their husband was someplace with a mistress. Security video is for legitimate police requests only." -- or something like that. don't know why they would open this door at all...
Of course they do...

@KatieSimpson24: Toronto Sun has a new Rob Ford video where he is allegedly shouting profanities.

And this...

@KatieSimpson24: Doug Ford tells Sun, family will put something out today, apparently, to deal with Mayor's whereabouts. (In response to Rob sightings)

ETA - the video is apparently from late April, shows Ford clearly intoxicated & speaks of 'troubles at home' according to CP24
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No, some of them were just selfish.

Let's not forget just plain anti-Miller, post garbage strike spite. Some people were just assholes and wanted to stick a finger in Miller's eye. And given that he didn't run, that became "the left".
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For the record (and you can see how long I've been a member here and read other posts I've written) there is a strain on this thread wherein anyone who does not vehemently tow the party line which can be as rabdily dogmatic as Ford Nation. I personally don't believe Rob Ford was in rehab over the weekend (i'm assuming there was some sort of f-ck up with Chicago). Was he at Tim Horton's? perhaps? We'll probably never know. It's also a minute part of the story. But the insinuation that Tim Horton's is lying on the FOrd's behalf, simply because they've paid people off in the past is really out there In My Opinion, and attacks on others for airing those views really dumbs down the level of discourse.

Rob Ford got 380,000 votes (not from me, not from many people who read this thread), a lot of those 380,000 voters may no longer vote for him and are perhaps embarrassed that they did vote for him. There opinion and right to speak is of interest to this board. Rebuilding a big tent of a city is going to take a lot of work Post RoFo - let's not start off the journey by attacking people who's viewpoints we don't 100% agree with.

Also per the above video - the Sun seems to get videos like this (ie that aren't that incriminating) before a larger shoe drops elsewhere. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the Star or Globe will be doing a big piece on the Ford's this weekend with more juicy details. Perhaps KD is finished his Muzik reporting?
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About Tim's: If it's true that it was Doug and not Rob, then why have we still not seen a single person come forward to say "I was there, I got a shirt and a photo with Doug" and show the photo? Not a single person has come forward, despite Doug saying he was there for 15 minutes giving out shirts and having photos taken with people.

Not a single person.
You know Ford math? Ford math extends to events too. So Doug Ford can't just stop at a coffee shop on his way to work. He has to stop at the best tim horton's and hand out of the best magnets.

Was Rob there too and not caught on camera? Maybe? Again its a minute part of the story - my personal belief is that Chicago didn't pan out and the Fords scrambled to find another treatment centre and again as I've said before treatment in the Ford family's eyes isn't treatment in how you nor I probably view treatment.

The point of the matter is - insinuating that Tim Hortons is somehow part of a conspiracy is as kooky as RoFo and DoFo's insinuations of vast media elite conspiracy's. There are too many things with the Ford's that you can attack them on based on pure fact... I'm personally more interested in corruption via Muzik and GFL than whether Rob Fordiego was at Tim Horton's or not on Monday. It's really not a big part of the large picture when it comes to RoFo and his brother.
doug ford said to "avoid putting at risk 25 families" the "location will not be disclosed" but he says there is no accuracy to claims the mayor has been away from treatment and that he wouldn't put his reputation on the line to put out false information.

from the Sun:

"He was at the clinic until three nights ago and now has been taken back," said the source, whose account could not be verified with photographic evidence.

The claim was the mayor was away from rehab for three days this week -- possibly in Muskoka.

In his interview with me this week Mayor Ford said "rehab is amazing. It reminds me of football camp." He also said in the meetings "there are two doctors here, a captain of industry and a professional athlete."

But a source said this was said to me when Ford was not in the facility.

Doug Ford said these are accounts from people who are trying to undermine the mayor's recovery and sabotage his desired recovery.

When I spoke with him Tuesday, Mayor Ford said, "They will be moving me around."

His brother Doug said whether it's "one, two or 10 locations" the mayor was been under supervision 24-7" and that the treatment he is receiving is considered "one of the best."

he was out, I still dont' know what to say about Timmy's...still no photos of a smiling Doug handing out t-shirts...
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