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Rob Ford's Toronto

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TORONTO - Councillor Doug Ford says he’d sue those impersonating him on Twitter if he could find them in the real world.

Mayor Rob Ford’s brother also thinks there should be a law against running a fake Twitter account pretending to be a real person.

“I feel people are cowards that hide behind Twitter (and) falsify myself,” Ford said Monday at City Hall. “I would sue ‘em if I found out who it was.”

Ford doesn’t use the social networking website and doesn’t have a Twitter account.

“I don’t even have one,” he said. “I have never Twittered.”

But that hasn’t stopped others from setting up parody accounts mocking the Etobicoke North (Ward 2) councillor.

“Imagine the three of you if someone put a fake Twitter account started saying nasty things, it gets you ticked off,” Ford said. “A law has to come down federally, I guess it would be federally, to make sure that people can’t do that.”

There are several Twitter accounts pretending to be Doug Ford.

At least one account ended up tricking people into thinking it was actually Ford who was tweeting. Back on March 21, Councillor Denzil Minnan-Wong fired off several tweets at a fake Ford account. Minnan-Wong later admitted he thought the account was actually Ford.

Twitter allows parody and fan accounts but has strict rules around how the account is labelled including a line indicating the account is a parody. It also has a process for people to file impersonation complaints.

But Ford finds the situation frustrating.

“I just think it is repulsive that someone would actually do that and not have courage enough - they’re a bunch of cowards to hide behind a computer or hide behind their mobile device and start doing this,” he said.

Fake Twitter accounts have benefitted the Ford family in the past.

Back in 2010, Rob Ford’s election campaign used a fake Twitter account to get an audio tape from a man who Ford told over the phone that he would help him buy Oxycontin off the street.

Ford’s then campaign manager Nick Kouvalis revealed the secret of Queens Quay Karen — the fake Twitter account’s name — back in November 2010 after Ford swept into office.

“We were worried about the Smitherman campaign getting the tape,” Kouvalis said at the time.
Rob Ford is toxic. The longer he remains a force in the campaign the more he will skew it in ways that aren't favourable to the best interests of the city. The battle will be for whom can promise the lowest taxes and demonize workers the most. If his personal behaviours have led to extortion by gangsters, running from the media and refusing to speak to the police, then his personal behaviours have made him unfit for office. He should have stepped down, he shouldn't be running for reelection. And the first responsibility of anyone who wants his job should be to make this clear to voters, to do everything they can to force Rob Ford into the hinterlands. To stand up to the bully. If Tory had see that or do that he also shouldn't be running. But we already know that he can't lead or fight, that his success is due to schmoozing the old boy networks he was born into, and keeping all the nastiness of private life out of polite society is the way those who play golf do it down at the country club.
Our difficult questions asked by who? Doesn't sound like Mr. Tory is interested in asking "difficult" aka "personal" questions.

Asked by you; asked by me.
Asked by everyone who participates in political action against a Mayor who disgusts them. Hopefully those questions gain traction and are put to the Mayor again and again.

As for Tory, he has the most to lose by alienating the lunatic fringe of racists, homophobes and those with a taste for tea–baggery who fill Ford Nation.
I suspect that he will tread carefully before condemning Ford.
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I just...can't...even...
Doug Ford thinks there should be a federal law banning parody accounts and satire.
Because he can't recognize the value of such things.
It's gotta stop soon, for my own mental health. This spewing of unreasoned, unconsidered bullshit. It makes the article sno man linked, thoughts on Rob pt.2, sound astute, indeed.
is Dougie only upset about the parody Doug Ford account? Is he also upset about Mayor Frod? Poor Dougie, someone is making FUN of him!

I was just wading through some of the comments sections in articles about the "anyone but Ford" signs -- one poster quite rightly pointed out that humour really upsets the Fords. They don't "get it", and it really makes them mad :)
City workers have removed the signs from Trinity Bellwoods Park.

View attachment 24252

Excuse me sir. Could you remove this sign in a park on Royal York Road?


No? Darn.
Councillor expenses the mayor is livid over--does not include enslaving your staff as "volunteer" campaign workers.

reporterdonpeat 6:00pm via Twitter for iPhone
Mayor Rob Ford ranting about council office expenses today #TOpoli

reporterdonpeat 6:01pm via Twitter for iPhone
In response to Mayor Rob Ford's expenses rant, Cllr Gord Perks just quoted Matthew 7:3

Of course, over the last four years, councillor expenses should have been reigned in, right?

ddale8 6:21pm via Twitter for iPhone
The expense thing is curious in one way - Ford is both taking credit for getting rid of abuse and decrying continued abuse.
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Yup...there's the whole Garrison Ball issue and other incidents where our highest elected official gets wasted in public/thrown out/not invited back. And we saw from his calendar right after his night of videotaped crack smoking, he didn't show up to a single event to which he was invited.

It's classic Tory splitting of the finest of hairs. He'll leave the addiction part out, but consider it fair game to go after Ford's hanging out with criminals. The end result? The distinction gets lost in translation, and no one really knows where he stands. Hello Mr. Dithers!

Moreover, as everyone is pointing out, Ford's "personal issues" aren't really personal - they have absolutely impacted his work. Whether meeting with Lisi during normal work hours, or failing to show up sober (or at all) to major city events, there's no way to pretend his so-called personal issues are happening on personal time. His work record is affected, and that should be fair game.

Candidates should be well-versed in these missed appointments (e.g., Prince Philip visits Toronto, meeting with Lisi during work hours) and throw them back at him every chance they get.

Same goes for the use of staff to buy his vodka and his wife's diet coke and smokes, fixing his computer, and changing his lightbulbs. They should all know these allegations off by heart and cite them when he claims he won't be caught in a scandal of abusing taxpayer dollars.
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