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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Stintz was absolutely terrible. Rob obviously was just Rob, same talking points, same everything. Tory was re-iterating Rob's 2010 talking points. Soknacki was the most reasonable, but he isn't going to win. Chow... seemed out of her league, to be honest.

We need ranked ballots. This was such a goddamn mess, I have no respect for any of these people.

edit: the John Ford gaffe was pretty accurate...
After watching tonight's debate, I am somehow reminded of the LCBO commercial for drunk driving: deflate the elephant in the room.
Unfortunately, no one did.
Cynthia Mulligan asks about crack, Rob answers with lower taxes.
She should have brought up the fact that she smoked it with gang members and he does business with gang members. People might forgive him for doing drugs, it's his private busines, but I don't think people will forgive him for his gang connections.
After watching tonight's debate, I am somehow reminded of the LCBO commercial for drunk driving: deflate the elephant in the room.
Unfortunately, no one did.

I saw this tweet from Josh Matlow and I think that the other candidates need to realize that being polite to Rob is going to backfire. Shout over him and/or ignore him. Common decency no longer applies.

Josh Matlow ‏@JoshMatlow 27m
Debating Rob Ford is like playing poker with a card cheat. As you play honestly & follow the rules, the cheat effectively does the opposite.
Stintz was absolutely terrible. Rob obviously was just Rob, same talking points, same everything. Tory was re-iterating Rob's 2010 talking points. Soknacki was the most reasonable, but he isn't going to win. Chow... seemed out of her league, to be honest.

We need ranked ballots. This was such a goddamn mess, I have no respect for any of these people.
This debate is meaningless, it's like a spring training game where the players all have their winter guts. This is just the first of dozens of debates.

The strategies and insults will develop in the next month or two. It will get FAR, FAR nastier for Ford very soon.

Chow was way too scripted with the folksy stories. That's not her strength, she needs to drop it and stick to policy and her natural wit and decency. Ford trotted out the usual bullshit, that won't work for long as the other candidates react to his small bag of tricks. Tory was Tory, smooth but bland and lacking any real conviction. Soknacki did the best, clear and very feisty when he needed to be.

Karen Stintz was lost at sea.
Some random, unconnected thoughts….

There were too many people in this debate - it will get more interesting when it's down to three. I agree with everyone else - this was otherwise a terrible format. Where the heck are the strong, well spoken candidates who have the self awareness and savvy to take the mayor down in a debate or as part of their campaign? Where are their soundbites that can be tomorrows headlines?

Based on what was in the latest ITO, and what the police said during that Wormington interview today… I'm really nervous that the police don't have anything on Ford and are still looking for something to pin on him. Try as I might, I just can't believe that's true… but that's what the signs point to, IMO. I'd like to be wrong.

At any rate, arrest or not, I won't be satisfied until he is voted out of office by 'the people'… to me, that's better than an arrest, and I think it would be a bigger blow to him as well.
The fact that Ford came out on top in their so-called poll is frightening.

As for my drinking game, I won my own game, with 7 shots for "I saved the City a billion dollars", with cmotors second for 6 "I stand on my record". Sorry ROFOMOFO, you did get 3 for "Stopping the Gravy". You'll be the only one without a hangover.
That debate was a complete waste of my time. People ask questions and the politicians change the subject. Nobody is held to account and it's bloody frustrating. Ford just keeps repeating the same lies over and over again, no matter what the question is. None of them came off as credible or good debaters. I won't keep watching the debates if we are going to see this level of BS, lies and deflection. It's just too frustrating for me to watch.

Notice how nobody seemed to have any passion at all. It's like they were repeating lines from a play. Nobody said anything that sounded authentic or heartfelt about this city. Let's face it, we have another bad batch, just like the last election. I'm very disappointed in ALL of them.
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