Active Member
I wonder how many of these TCHC buildings and others that he is visiting will be hosting polling stations? If I was a smart candidate I would target buildings I know where there will be lots of people who might just walk by a polling booth and think "well, gee Rob came and visited me I guess I can go vote while I'm waiting for the elevator"...
Anyways - if he's doing a building or two a day, it works out to a large number of people over a few months/'d be crazy to think that doing this isn't positive for him...probably one of the only few things that might win him votes (besides subways to scarborough) actually appears that the more time he is at city hall the worse things get for him...
It's also very hard for other candidates to compete with this...first they need to get access to the building, second they need to do it all day every day...third they need to be able to fix problems (which in theory Rob can do with a phone call to TCHC headquarters or whatever...)
The other interesting angle is that he is really only hitting people that are home during the day...stay at home parents, elderly and unemployed (amongst others)...all three of which are demographics that probably like the "stop the gravy train"...I'd be interested what the reaction would be if he showed up at these buildings after dinner...
Anyways, if people think that he's going to lose votes by doing this they are wrong...
I don't think anyone was saying that it was an ineffective way to get votes, merely that it was a crass one.