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Rob Ford's Toronto

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So do we know anything more about this new pic? The twitter handle reads like a teenager, and there is a pic or two in that tumbler that might get us all on some watch list...
also... why is it being called a "creepy" threat?

Yeah, it doesn't make sense. If it were a recorded message as a threat, then yeah, creepy would totally be an apt description. But if it was a woman who supports Ford warning him about a potential threat, then that's not creepy. Too many conflicting details, none of it adds up so therefore Ford.
Ford makes the lives of gay citizens worse by making them feel they are completely unsupported and reviled by their Mayor.

Ford makes their lives worse by empowering other homophobes to feel comfortable with being openly and aggressively homophobic, as they will believe there will be no consequences for their hate.

Ford makes the lives of gay people worse by illustrating that it is possible for one of the world's most gay-friendly cities to have its reputation for inclusiveness trashed by closed minded, hate filled bigots.

How do you think religious people feel when we have an atheist as mayor? They very well might feel the same. I don't see them protesting though. Chances are they have more important things in their lives to worry about. How do you feel about gay people that don't support Pride?

Really? Do you think that homophobes are going to feel that they're above the law and can do/say anything they want to a gay person? We have a legal system to deal with that.

Toronto still does have a reputation of inclusiveness. Rob Ford can't destroy that. Intelligent people aren't going to be persuaded otherwise because we have a clown as mayor.
few other tweets, seemingly from young people at the event:

crystal hung ‏@crystalhungs 12m
LOL Mr. Rob Ford crashed the party!!!! #jokeoftheyear

kimmi3- ‏@KimmieeHo 18m
LMFAO just met Rob Ford

wonder if Harper is trying to avoid him. :p
I think they call it creepy because the threat is for something to happen "within a month", not immediately. Also, it's not a "threat". It's a warning from one person about an alleged threat from someone else but no details. Someone who serious;y wanted to warn Ford would have given some info -- eg. who was after him, how she knew, etc. The whole thing is obviousl;y bogus.
I think that's Ford's policy advisor, Christine Maydossian.

Jude pointed that out too, I'm not all that familiar with his current staff... And with just a quick glance (and especially Micheal being there) my brain went to the 'girlfriend' in the pic that Jude thoughtfully re-posted...
Politics aside, Ford needs to focus on not crashing/dying. I don't agree with him on anything, but really he seem hellbent on destruction
His focus is being hellbent on destruction. Nobody stays in a tiny restaurant staff toilet for an hour and a half if they have any sense of self.
Ugh I think this whole pride flag thing is definitely done to drive up Ford's support amongst those who support "traditional marriage".

1.) The Pride Flag was never ever flown at the expense of the Canadian flag. Ford's handlers probably knew this, but also know that media will not report on the bigger picture.
2.) As such, it's not an issue about patriotism or supporting our athletes.
3.) As such, it's more an issue about A. Massoudi, Doug and Rob using Ford's opposition to equal rights as a campaign tool.

All manufactured outrage and faux patriotism- the tools of the populist.

It's utterly despicable, but not out of line given Ford's actions these last few months.
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