All this source and rumour stuff can be very circular. Someone sees one of Metroman's posts here about something supposedly coming done sometime soon, goes to Twitter and posts 150 characters with some little embellishment based on that, someone sees that post on Twitter and comes back here thinking that's added information to what Metroman said a couple days before.
I thought Ford's fawning admiration of some young guy's muscles on drunken walk down the Danforth night was a big red flag. But who knows. I've been surprised that no one, except a social worker broker trying to sell the Star a video, has really stepped forward with any dirt on Ford. Not former football players, not relatives (including the sister's exes) or friends of family, no prostitutes or party pals, not anyone in Ford's office (except when questioned by police), not any small-time drug dealers or gang members, not any desperate friends who live in their parents' basements. You'd think given all the attention, including from international media, and the aimlessness of many of Ford's associates, that there'd be lots of people rushing forward to tell their crazy Rob Ford stories.