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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Anyone kicking around City Hall might be able to find this info in the assessment rolls. Publicly available info there.

And anyone who happens to have TeraView access could back it up with actual PIN summary.

Just a thought.

could doug ford holdings own the property?

The Ford family is wealthy, thanks in part of their father's company, Deco Labels and Tags, and a stock of real estate holdings.
It's weird to keep hearing all this fitness stuff about Doug. I get that he has a family full of of fitness freak females, and I'm sure he still does his foot-fist-way karate stuff, but only in comparison to Rob is he not a fat slob himself. Unless it's all muscle, like the old Spider-Man villain The Kingpin, which I sort of doubt.

It seems like it's mostly Karla's influence. If you can stomach the awful writing, you can get a better sense of things on Kyla Ford's website in which she makes no mention of her Father.!aboutme/cee5
Whoa, I think people are reading way too much into this. No one's saying he's a drug lord or criminal mastermind-- quite the opposite. Simply that he privately owns property investments and that some of those properties are frequented by crackheads. A la 15 Windsor, which he has already angrily denied being anything other than a family home.

I wouldn't say he was a drug lord either. Slum lord, maybe. He could be facilitating the use of a house while not technically doing anything illegal. But if he insists that 15 Windsor is not a crack house, then a) how does he know anything about the place and b) why is he paying the bills? Out of personal largesse?
The Star - CRA official in plot to frame Caledon mayor

According to the agreed statement of facts submitted at Granger’s trial, Marotta asked his accountant Edward Favot to investigate rumours that Morrison was corrupt and accepting bribes from developers.

Favot introduced Marotta to Granger, a CRA employee who used his computer access to initiate an audit into Morrison while disguising his trail by making it appear that the investigation was ordered by someone else, the document says.

Marotta then contacted Toronto Police officer Sam LoStracco, who was a personal friend and arranged a meeting with Granger.

Granger told LoStracco about two cheques Morrison had allegedly received from developers in Caledon and didn’t report to the CRA.

LoStracco passed the information along to the OPP, which launched an investigation into the accusation of corruption and later found them to be baseless.


I'm going to post this again only because nobody has picked up on some of the finer details in the article.

I'll summarize:

Italian businessman, purpotedly framing a local mayor for fraud as they weren't willing to play ball with him. Of course it's silly to assume any Italian businessman has ties to organized crime, but the "broken legs" quote was rather telling.

CRA insider, access to Mayor's financial statements, providing that info to Italian businessman, who arranged a meeting with his TPS buddy and the CRA agent themselves.

While this may have ZERO connection to the Rob Ford saga, it's interesting to see how deep the web runs when certain types get involved. All of the armchair speculation regarding blackmail and organized crime doesn't seem so far fetched now, does it?
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It seems like it's mostly Karla's influence. If you can stomach the awful writing, you can get a better sense of things on Kyla Ford's website in which she makes no mention of her Father.!aboutme/cee5

this cartoon was posted in the recipes: :eek:

A selection of gems from the Sun & NP comment boards on recent stories.

cc: Dale's lawyer

...and slightly more subtle (and therefore insidious):

...and of course you can find thousands of similar comments.

I hope that the impact to Daniel Dale's life is minimal. Time will tell.

That's the worst part of it. Imagine, you are going about your business and all of a sudden out of nowhere, someone insinuates something really horrible about you and you're forced to deal with it. I hope he doesn't read many of the comments in the papers - that should be something his lawyer is doing as it will prove people believe he was a) in Ford's backyard and b) a pedophile.

Someone here - I forget who, but perhaps someone can fill in the blank - suggested that Doug despises Rob. I've been watching the Fords since before the 2010 election. As soon as I read that theory, it rang true to me.

Contrast Doug's "clean eating" household of baked-potato-looking health-and-fitness-obsessives with Rob's total lack of impulse control, sprinkle with a dose of various things Ford staffers told police in the ITO, and it makes sense. I suspect Rob worships Doug, but sometimes hates Doug for being cruel (witness Cut The Waist, particularly the final weigh-in) or for having more self-control than he himself.

It wouldn't surprise me if further cracks appear in this already strained relationship in the coming weeks & months, particularly as Doug weighs his provincial ambitions against Rob's squandering of so much capital, political and otherwise...

I've mentioned this to people elsewhere. It almost seems like Doug is giving Rob bad advice, both with the weigh in thing (if anyone should have initialed that, it should have been Rob since he's so much heavier) and all the enabling. It's like Rob was the favourite in the family and Doug resented it. He and their mom and sister are doing Rob no favours and it speaks volumes when so many of Ford's advisors have pleaded with him to get help but they just tell him to lose weight and get a breathalyzer put in his car so he knows if he's blown over or not.
I've mentioned this to people elsewhere. It almost seems like Doug is giving Rob bad advice, both with the weigh in thing (if anyone should have initialed that, it should have been Rob since he's so much heavier) and all the enabling. It's like Rob was the favourite in the family and Doug resented it. .

Absolutely. Doug is the smart one, the tough one, the healthy-ish one, the hard-working one, the sober one, so how could he not resent that people just love Rob, despite (or because) Rob is none of those things? Does anyone love Doug? I'd say only a mother could love him, but the less said about Diane Ford the better. That being said:
He and their mom and sister are doing Rob no favours and it speaks volumes when so many of Ford's advisors have pleaded with him to get help but they just tell him to lose weight and get a breathalyzer put in his car so he knows if he's blown over or not.
Of all the sad little episodes in the Saga of Rob Ford, that was one of the worst. I find it depressing that more was not made of Diane Ford's massive figurative donkey-punch to Rob: "I've told him - get a breathalyser in his car." Who needs a breathalyser fitted in their car, other than a scumbag who habitually gets loaded before getting behind the wheel?
I'm going to post this again only because nobody has picked up on some of the finer details in the article.

I'll summarize:

Italian businessman, purpotedly framing a local mayor for fraud as they weren't willing to play ball with him. Of course it's silly to assume any Italian businessman has ties to organized crime, but the "broken legs" quote was rather telling.

CRA insider, access to Mayor's financial statements, providing that info to Italian businessman, who arranged a meeting with his TPS buddy and the CRA agent themselves.

While this may have ZERO connection to the Rob Ford saga, it's interesting to see how deep the web runs when certain types get involved. All of the armchair speculation regarding blackmail and organized crime doesn't seem so far fetched now, does it?

Okay, except the fact that someone is Italian does not have any bearing on their propensity to criminality, and the fact that a businessman who engaged in racketeering (I think that fits the description) also happens to be Italian is of no relevance.

Having said all ^that, talk to me about whether someone's heritage influences my opinion of whether they are likely to fake an injury while playing soccer, and I might sing a different tune. :)
When Ford called the cops on Dale in May of 2012, did he tell them the cops were in his yard? Or that he saw him looking over the fence? If he did, and now he's admitted that he didn't see either incident, can the cops lay charges?
It seems like it's mostly Karla's influence. If you can stomach the awful writing, you can get a better sense of things on Kyla Ford's website in which she makes no mention of her Father.!aboutme/cee5

Wow, those recipes... all protein, no carbs, no fiber, no fat. No wonder she looks malnourished in those photos. I hope that isn't her normal state, as I don't think even pro bodybuilders go down to that little body fat except for a very brief period before they compete. Also, excessive protein intake can lead to impaired brain function, among other problems (I can't even get past the thought of the constipation).
An app someone wrote which uses Mike Duffy's image to say "Hi <insert name> I'm ...."
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