I agree 100% with the points that he makes and the Don't discount Ford. Defeating him will take more work than you think.
While I won't underestimate Ford's ability to come back from the brink, this article is underestimating the "anybody but Ford factor", the many people who voted for him who would never do so again under any circumstances because they didn't know who they were voting for and now do. I find it hard to believe that Ford could get to 40% ever again. He's directly insulted and purposefully neglected entire swaths of Toronto's population and inflamed citizens who don't normally vote but have taken up arms against him. A high turnout will hurt him this time and the international headline making circus he's created has turned Election 2014 into the SuperBowl.
In theory, Ford can still win an election with mid 30s but that would require a very unfortunate 3 way vote split amongst his competitors. A 4th candidate rarely (ever?) registers above single digits if they even make it to the ballot at all. Stintz and Minnan-Wong will most likely drop out and register for their councillor chairs in the summer when Tory, Olivia and Ford get all the spotlight. There haven't been any elections that I can remember where more than 3 candidates made it to the end with any serious contention. Pantalone stubbornly remained in the last election and influenced the outcome but Rocco Rossi and Sarah Thomson dropped out. If Tory runs, I can't imagine Stintz mounting a serious offensive that will take her to Election Day. She declared too early and that's why Tory is considering declaring in May.
The article is also not accounting for the power of party machines. Conservatives have shown that they won't align themselves behind Ford -- they're ready to back John Tory or Karen Stintz if Tory decides not to run. The Liberal machine is also very powerful. Ford won't have the fundraising and organization power behind him. Celebrity will only take you so far.
Ford doesn't have a campaign team. Ford is gaff prone and he won't have Nick Kouvalis behind him to clean up this time. One only needs to look to his office staff. Nobody wants to work for him -- he just barely managed to cobble together a bunch of kids fresh out of college looking for any job and he just lost all his remaining talent to Norm Kelly. It may look like it but you can't simply put your name on the ballot and hope for the best. Organization, fundraising and experienced campaign talent are all critically important.
Finally, Ford does not have a funded campaign as the article states. Olivia and Tory are the ones being thrown millions of dollars at. I don't know where the author of this article got their backwards information.
Back to multiple candidates, there's a danger in a crowded field but it could also be a blessing. If enough credible candidates run and get traction, voters of all stripes will have somebody to back without having to support Ford. This could easily turn into a John Tory vs Olivia Chow campaign with Ford hyperventilating in 3rd place getting attention for his antics but not taken seriously as a candidate.
I'm cautiously optimistic but still fully guarded and not taking anything for granted. It won't be smooth sailing but I'm confident that Ford will not get re-elected unless *all* the other candidates and their experienced campaign teams seriously mess up.