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Rob Ford's Toronto

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So, I just listened to some of what came out of Fordiot's mouth today and am again suggesting defenestration.... since this is a coup d'état and all.
Listening to his reference to Kuwait again on CityNews, Ford is threatening council.


On November 18, 2013, Kuwait was attacked by Toronto City Council.
In the excerpts for the CNN interview for tonight's AC360 there's a point where Ford goes denial tsunami and says somewhere in there about not going to have people blackmailing him. But as far as I know, he's never said publicly about any blackmail or reported it to the police. Wish the reporter would have seized on that and asked who was blackmailing him and what was the response. Did it involve Lisi, Price or any steel pipes or dead men?
In the excerpts for the CNN interview for tonight's AC360 there's a point where Ford goes denial tsunami and says somewhere in there about not going to have people blackmailing him. But as far as I know, he's never said publicly about any blackmail or reported it to the police. Wish the reporter would have seized on that and asked who was blackmailing him and what was the response. Did it involve Lisi, Price or any steel pipes or dead men?

This is the fundamental problem with the US media blitz and why they're doing it to begin with (or largely anyway). They're being interviewed by reporters who I'm sure have done their homework enough to conduct an interview but aren't nearly versed or immersed enough in the Fords, the scandal, and the history to seize on any moments like that.
In the excerpts for the CNN interview for tonight's AC360 there's a point where Ford goes denial tsunami and says somewhere in there about not going to have people blackmailing him. But as far as I know, he's never said publicly about any blackmail or reported it to the police. Wish the reporter would have seized on that and asked who was blackmailing him and what was the response. Did it involve Lisi, Price or any steel pipes or dead men?

He probably considers the press/being held accountable for his actions as blackmail. Isn't this the same guy who had issues with understanding the definition of 'conflict of interest' not that long ago? Despite holding public office since 2000 and partly inheriting multi-million dollar company...
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So, because coups d'état typically involve the military and/or happen in third-world countries, and the military are not involved here and/or we do not live in the third world, council's manoeuvres are not a coup d'état as Doug claims?

Would (attempted) overthrow be a better term then?

There's no specific association with imperialism or colonialism where 'kangaroo court' is concerned (marsupial allusion notwithstanding). Its etymology and origin are unclear, and improvised/farcical courts can be considered to be in session in any context.

I posted: I never said there was a military involvement, classically there is, especially in the so called third world/banana republic. This is why the Ford's call of a coup d'état, and Dougie's statement of a third world nation is in error; a direction and distraction such as "kangaroo court" with it's allusion of imperialism/colonialism.

Personally I am waiting for the "drum's head court" to be uttered, if not already.

According to Wikipedia:

Coup d'état

A coup d'état (/ˌkuːdeɪˈtɑː/; plural: coups d'état), also known as a coup, a putsch, or an overthrow, is the sudden deposition of a government, usually by a small group of the existing state establishment—typically the military—to depose the extant government and replace it with another body, civil or military. A coup d'état is considered successful when the usurpers establish their dominance. When the coup neither fails completely nor succeeds, a civil war is a likely consequence

A coup d'état typically uses the extant government's power to assume political control of the country. In Coup d'État: A Practical Handbook, military historian Edward Luttwak states that "[a] coup consists of the infiltration of a small, but critical, segment of the state apparatus, which is then used to displace the government from its control of the remainder." The armed forces, whether military or paramilitary, are not a defining factor of a coup d'état. Lately a view that all coups are a danger to democracy and stability has been challenged by the notion of a "democratic coup d'état", which "respond to a popular uprising against an authoritarian or totalitarian regime and topple that regime for the limited purpose of holding the free and fair elections of civilian leaders.Coup d'état'état

Kangaroo court

There is some debate over the origin of the term kangaroo court, but some sources suggest that it may have been popularized during the California Gold Rush of 1849, as a description of the hastily carried-out proceedings used to deal with the issue of claim jumping miners. Other sources claim that the term comes from the notion of justice proceeding "by leaps", like a kangaroo. Some have suggested that the phrase could refer to the pouch of a kangaroo, meaning the court is in someone's pocket. The phrase is considered an Americanism and is still in common use.

I could be stretching the term further than it's intent, however, I think that associating this euphuism with the inclusion of a "imperialism/colonialism" flavour in regards to the Fords' comment is valid.


If you would like to argue more on this than please do, however, it would seem that I am in a loop of being misunderstood so if I continue further then clarity with be further and further away.
L....O....L at Wikipedia!

Toronto's coup d'état spills over into Kuwait. Thousands displaced. Emergency session of UN Security Council called for tomorrow.
When will it end!?
Rob won't have to go work out today; he got his run in.

This really happened:

SCENE: The steam room at the West End Y, around 8:00 A.M. today.
CHARACTERS: One Asian guy, a hip, younger, Indo-Canadian guy, a barrel-chested Portuguese guy, older white lawyer type. And myself. All towel-wrapped, sitting in a 140 degree white tile room.

Indo-Canadian guy: (To older white lawyer) Didja see that interview?
Lawyer: (nods sadly) Disgraceful.
Indo-Canadian guy: He kept saying that he's you know, working out. Best mayor ever. Saving billions. Over and over. None of it's true.
Lawyer: Probably not likely.

With the exception of the two talking, everyone is looking down as sweat rolls down and steam swirls.

Suddenly, the barrel chested Portuguese guy (he's about 65)shifts. He looks agitated. He begins to speak, jabbing his finger at the rest of us. His voice is raised.

Barrel-Chested Portuguese Guy: Yeah. He workin' out 2 hours a day? You know what he doin'. Beatin' his wife. That's his GD exercise. THAT's how that bastard's workin' out. That...

He pauses...trying to find the words. Which he does, emitting what I can only imagine as the very worst Azorean epithet you can muster. Then he gets up and leaves in disgust, throwing the door open angrily.

After a brief glance, the rest of us go back to sweating. It was extraordinary, because everybody usually keeps to themselves in the steam, really. Respectful distances from each other kinda thing. But Ford had strangers talking. And this one guy, this guy was so worked up and what one would assume are his conservative, old-world values so affronted by what he's hearing about his Mayor, that he went of on an extemporaneous angry rant. That's how Ford is making non -Nashunals react now. The pissed off are REALLY pissed off. And after the disgraceful, confrontational display in Council today, you have to wonder what's coming.

Apologies for the post length, but thought it anecdotally interesting.
In the excerpts for the CNN interview for tonight's AC360 there's a point where Ford goes denial tsunami and says somewhere in there about not going to have people blackmailing him. But as far as I know, he's never said publicly about any blackmail or reported it to the police. Wish the reporter would have seized on that and asked who was blackmailing him and what was the response. Did it involve Lisi, Price or any steel pipes or dead men?

I would suggest, the individual who shot the video, who may be the one who got whacked, was the one attempting the blackmail???

Even Twohey mentioned the link between the video and the whacking!!!!
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